2022-05-16 TOWN OF BERLIN COMMISSION FOR THE AGING Minutes of Monday, May 16, 2022 * In Person Meeting * 5:00 P.M. *Meeting held in person & open to the Public, on Zoom or by phone. Note new time of meeting. Members in Attendance: Barbara Gombotz, Chairwoman Frank J. Slogeris Lois Ustanowski Kay Murray Ann Gamelin Staff in Attendance: Tina Doyle, Senior Center Director Juliet Benjamin, Secretary 1. Call to Order: Chairman Gombotz called the meeting to order at 5:05 P.M. 2. Roll Call: Present: Barbara Gombotz Chairman, Frank Slogeris, Lois Ustanowski, Kay Murray, Ann Gamelin. 3. Approval of Minutes – March 21, 2022 Meeting: Commissioner Slogeris made a motion to accept the Minutes of Monday March 21, 2022, as written. Commissioner Murray seconded the motion & the Minutes were approved. 4. Audience of Citizens: 5. Senior Center Directors Report – Tina Doyle: Director Doyle wanted to remind the commissioners of the Spring Social on May 26 from 3:30 to 5:30 pm. Pizza, Salad & Dessert will be served. The entertainment will be singer Noah Lis. He was a finalist on the Voice. Director Doyle noted that she has been very happy with the participation in programs recently. Even with the uptick in Covid people have been coming and wearing their masks. There will be a Setback Banquet next week and there were many good programs for Older Americans Month in May. Joel Silvestri will be bringing back line dancing, which was very popular before Covid. There is a Walking Club on Thursday mornings and they have made trips to walk in Walnut Hill, Pistol Creek, Hungerford & Timberlin Park. 2 Commission for the Aging - 5/16/2022 Chairman Gombotz discussed the requirement of CW for people to sign up for lunch at the Senior Center a week in advance. She questioned that if people sign up and don’t show up what happens to the meal that has been set aside for them. Director Doyle said that they usually offer it to someone else that is at the center. Chairman Gombotz thought that signing up a week ahead of time is difficult if you don’t know what your schedule is going to be. Director Doyle will look into it. 6. Town Housing Report – Ann Gamelin: Commissioner Gamelin said that the Advisory Committee will be giving an informational report to the Town Council at the Council’s meeting tomorrow. She believes that Joseph Bajorski, Chairman of the Housing Authority will attend. She said that the Advisory Committee has been discussing new housing projects within the Town. They are concerned that the new developments would not offer a sense of community that a senior only development would. 7. Senior Center/Community Center Report – B. Gombotz: Chairman Gombotz noted that the Advisory Committee for the new Senior Center/Community Center has visited facilities at eight different sites in Connecticut. The YMCA does not offer any programs for seniors, so it would be the responsibility of the Town of Berlin to provide for those programs. 8. Former Knights of Columbus/Percival Ave. Bldg – B. Gombotz Chairman Gombotz has spoken with Joe Bajorski, Chairman of the Berlin Housing Authority and he is waiting for guidance from Jim Mahoney, Economic Development, regarding the Brownfields Grant & testing paperwork. Mr. Bajorski had stated that the construction funds for the new senior housing project are in place. 9. Old Business: Due to redistricting, the Senior Center is no longer a poling place for elections. Chairman Gombotz noted how unhappy she was at having to go to Griswold School to vote. Her experience was that she parked in a handicap space and found the doors to the school were locked. She was told that she would have to go to a different door to vote at the end of the building. After moving her car to the other end of the building she found that there were no parking spaces because school was in session and staff parks in that area. She called the Registrar of Voters and was told that she could go back after school hours. This was not convenient so she didn’t end up voting. Chairman Gombotz was very concerned and wondered how many other seniors were not able to vote due to the parking situation. 3 Commission for the Aging - 5/16/2022 Chairman Gombotz understands that the Registrar of Voters is th planning to have an information session at the Peck Library on June 9 to discuss the new redistricting of voting places. Chairman Gombotz and Director Doyle would very much like the Registrars to also have a meeting at the Senior Center to make the seniors aware of the changes. Voting will only take place at Hubbard, Willard & Griswold schools now. 10. New Business: Chairman Gombotz stated that she has a copy of the ADA Guide for Small Businesses. She had an experience at a medical office (not in Berlin), where the handicap regulations regarding walkways were incorrect. She was concerned whether the handicap regulations are being enforced for all small businesses in Berlin. 11. Motion to Adjourn: Commissioner Slogeris made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 6:20 pm. Commissioner Ustanowski seconded the motion & it was unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary