2022-02-17 TOWN OF BERLIN Timberlin Golf Commission 240 Kensington Road • Berlin, CT 06037 Thursday, February 17, 2022 6:00 p.m. Location for in person: Town Hall, Engineering Conference Room, #118 or via Zoom Zoom Information: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83983255703?pwd=cUQxV0crZW9ZalY0d0tTZyt3akk0dz09 Meeting ID: 839 8325 5703 Passcode: 039474 Via Phone: 929-205-6099 Commissioners Present: Nancy Berger, Jim Bugella, Peter DeFazio, Jim Green, Gale Lemieux, Jim Norton, Seb Senia Commissioners Absent: Joe Pulcini Staff Present: Mark Kacyznski - Mayor Arosha Jayawickrema – Town Manager Jerry Salvio - Acting Director of Golf Marc Bayram - Golf Professional A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman DeFazio called the meeting to order at 6:03 p.m. B. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS Richard Nappi, 197 Edgewood Rd., Berlin – Mr. Nappi said the committee should have equal say in what goes on with the golf course. The commission should have one vote, the golf pro one vote and whomever is doing the maintenance part should have a vote so there is a check and balance system. One person is making all of the decisions such as cutting trees down and it is not working. The people on the commission know what needs to be done on the course and should have more of a say. Mr. Nappi added he is supporting the management company. There has always been an issue with not enough manpower, but this company would man the course without any excuses. C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: January 20, 2022 Meeting Commissioner Norton moved to approve the January 20, 2022 Special Meeting Minutes. Seconded by Commissioner Lemieux. Those voting in favor: Commissioner Berger, Commissioner Bugella, Chairman DeFazio, Commissioner Green, Commissioner Lemieux, Commissioner Norton, Commissioner Senia Vote being: 7-0. MOTION CARRIED. 1 D. ELECTION OF OFFICERS – COMMITTEE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR Commissioner Lemieux motioned to add election of officers to the agenda. The committee members voted unanimously (7-0) to add election of officers to the agenda. Commissioner Lemieux nominated Peter DeFazio as Chair. The nomination was seconded by Commissioner Norton. The committee members voted unanimously (7-0) to elect Peter DeFazio as Chair. Commissioner Lemieux nominated Jim Norton as Vice Chair. The nomination was seconded by Chairman DeFazio. The Committee members voted unanimously (7-0) to elect Jim Norton as Vice Chair. E. OLD BUSINESS 1. Review questions from Commission regarding Brightview Maintenance Proposal with Town Manager Arosha Jayawickrema. Town Manager Jayawickrema asked for the group’s feedback. Commissioner Senia said he liked Brightview’s presentation and their answers regarding who is going to pay for gas, maintenance, carts, etc. Their responses were thorough and precise. Brightview would also have enough staff available to cover the course, especially on weekends. Commissioner Senia said it would be a win-win for the Town of Berlin and save about $500k over 3 years, per Commissioner Norton’s analysis report. Commissioner Senia votes moving forward with Brightview. Commissioner Berger said she was on the fence about having someone come in to fix the course, but thinks Brightview would take something that is very good and make it better. It would be all of those little things such as added staff. Commissioner Berger asked who absorbs the cost if something is out of contract. Town Manager Jayawickrema said those costs are covered by the revenues brought in and paid by the golf course. Commissioner Berger said she would go ahead with Brightview. Commissioner Bugella said he is also in for Brightview and would like to see Acting Director of Golf Salvio be more transparent in sharing information. Commissioner Lemieux said she is still on the fence and knows that Longshore Golf Course was in such bad shape that anyone could of improved it. Timberlin Golf Course budgets for contingencies, but there is still a risk for unforeseen things. Commissioner Lemieux thinks we have a really good course and may have a different opinion after gathering more information from the meeting. Commissioner Green said he agrees that Brightview has the manpower and he goes with Brightview. Commissioner Norton said that he spoke with the General Manager at Lake Isle 2 Country Club and he was very positive about Brightview. Mr. Gilmartin from Brightview is very responsive and if something goes wrong, Brightview takes care of it. They fix the divots and the greens. Commissioner Norton discussed his analysis document further and said from a taxpayer point of view, we need to look at it over a 3-year period, with a 3 to 5 percent increase and that equals $500k in savings. Then we can keep the rates at what they are, or decide to reinvest. Timberlin Golf Course brings in $1.3M, we must look at it as a business. This idea has been talked about for years and we should go for it. Acting Director of Golf Salvio said we should do what is in the best interest for the Town of Berlin and the golf course. Commissioner Norton added we have been doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. Chairman DeFazio said it is extremely sad it had to come to this. Because when the Golf Commission was formed, they stuck in the ordinance, which never existed and it is why this is all happening. Timberlin Golf Course has to make the money to cover the expenses. Expenses are going up and the only way to cover that is to raise rates. The Golf Commission has the task to do the best that we can to make the golf course break even. No other organization in town breaks even in a recreational point of view. Timberlin Golf Course is going to price itself out of the market on this path and be too expensive to play. The Town of Berlin needs to consider the Brightview proposal very deeply because it is a fixed cost which means knowing what is being charged each year. Golf Pro Bayram said the current golf maintenance crew does a fine job, but may be a bit shorthanded. Brightview would also do a good job and if it saves the Town of Berlin money, it should be considered. The Town of Berlin will have a golf course in great condition no matter what. Town Manager Jayawickrema said he reached out to Green Hill Golf Course in Worcester, MA. In 2005, they started off with a disaster course that had no grass. The maintenance bid went to the lowest bidder which was Brightview and the change was night and day after Brightview came in. Green Hill had some staffing challenges in the beginning, but worked things out after the first year or two. If you go with Brightview, it is assuming that you build contingencies. A question to Green Hill was what happens if they ever have to pay more than what is in the contract and ask for something extra. One big difference here is that Timberlin Golf has a massive contingency risk with equipment, because our equipment is old. If there is anything over $20k, Brightview would ask the town to pay. Green Hill said they never had any issues because they had built it into their contract to say Brightview buys the equipment and maintains it. At the end of the term, the Town of Berlin would get the equipment. If we get out of the contract early, then we would pay the remaining amount. It removes the risk for the Town of Berlin. Also, any trees falling they will clear and trim anything at a certain level. Town Manager Jayawickrema thanked Acting Director Salvio for taking on the temporary role. Green Hill has a combined position for the Golf Pro and the Director that is a salaried employee with benefits. Town Manager Jayawickrema thinks any cash at Timberlin Golf Course should be managed by a town employee and a control process is needed. One option is to get a job description posted, interview and hire someone. Golf Pro Bayram’s contract runs until December and if he is interested and applies, it could start earlier. Having one position would 3 take away the tension that exists. The timing if we go with Brightview means this needs to go as a recommendation to the Town Council and they need time to think it through. Legal would also review and that takes time. This needs to be negotiated with the union, it is taking a union job from someone and that is not going to happen in a week for example. These are very dedicated, loyal, hardworking staff and Town Manager Jayawickrema made a commitment that none of them would lose their job. Brightview said they would hire all of them, but we can’t make them take a job they don’t want to take. There is an opening in Public Grounds that one person can rd hold. The Town of Berlin should consider going with a 3 party and take time to think about doing it. What happens with seed and fertilizer orders for next year that are already purchased. All of those things need to be factored in. Take the time to think it through and put the structure in place. Town Manager Jayawickrema said we are looking at an opportunity to generate close to $200k in margin and that would be put back into the golf course. Timberlin Golf Course would not have to borrow and ask tax payers to fund it. The golf course has specific needs and that takes a tremendous amount of investment, the clubhouse and bridges for example. The Town Council and taxpayer would be happy to know that you are not going to put that into the mill rate. It is probably going to be difficult to do this year, March 1 is not going to happen. Chairman DeFazio said he hopes everyone can see the passion the Golf Commission has for Timberlin Golf Course. The commission wants what is best for the course and the town. Commissioner Norton said we are very fortunate to have what we have. Acting Director of Golf Salvio has done a great job, but Timberlin Golf Course does need more staff. Mayor Kaczynski said the Golf Commission has been around for 5 years and looking at the rolling average of maybe 3 years, it does seem that Timberlin Golf Course is going in the right direction town wise and not sure what the urgency is. If we were to do this, it certainly could not get accomplished quickly and Mayor Kaczynski does not see a rush. The Town of Berlin is headed in the right direction and the Golf Commission has done a great job. Chairman DeFazio said Timberlin Golf Course is doing an awful lot with very little. A lot of this isn’t about the money, it is about getting things done that are lacking. Mayor Kaczynski added that Brightview said Timberlin Golf Course is in great shape from tee to green. Chairman DeFazio said it is the little things that can improve. Mayor Kaczynski said with his experience in government contracting, it is best to tread cautiously before the Town of Berlin contracts out anything. Even if the Town of Berlin decides to go with Brightview, we are already into the season and there are union issues to deal with and other things. The Town of Berlin can’t get it done quickly and Mayor Kaczynski would suggest talking about it with Town Council and get through this season and see what happens. The ordinance language could be changed and Mayor Kaczynski believes there was never any final decision as it is a relatively new commission, 5 years is nothing compared to other commissions. It is still kind of a working test period. Chairman DeFazio asked if the Golf Commission can tweak the ordinance? Mayor Kaczynski agreed and said we did talk about using the 3-year average. The money right now is pretty good and the course is more than breaking even. If we break even, everyone is happy with that. Mayor Kaczynski said the problem is he doesn’t see how we can get this done for this season and suggested taking time to bring it to Town Council and look at it. Mayor Kaczynski said he is also on the fence. It looks great on paper. 4 Chairman DeFazio would like to sit down with someone from the union and work together on things people can do that Timberlin Golf does not have the time to do. Mayor Kaczynski said he doesn’t see why we can’t do that. Commissioner Lemieux said the memo of understanding with the Town of Berlin and the union from April 2018 to Nov 2018 allowed volunteers to trim sod around trees and help with divots and plant maintenance. Those are all volunteer opportunities, but Timberlin Golf Course did not do a good job of promoting and making it happen, but we did sit down with them. Mayor Kaczynski agreed there is precedence for that. Commissioner Lemieux added that timing doesn’t work now for making a decision on Brightview, but it is important to set certain goal dates in mind to avoid going a whole year and talking about it again next January. Set metrics now to say by August 1, this is what we will have accomplished. If there is a decision to make a change, we have a goal deadline. The Golf Commission will take this year to do that with some concrete goals and timeframe. Commissioner Norton agreed with having oversight and metrics and starting a conversation with the union on things they could do better. Mayor Kaczynski said it is a good place to start and doesn’t see a big sense of urgency. Town Manager Jayawickrema said we need a roadmap and a strategy. The Town of Berlin can’t do everything today, but here is what we want done in the next 5 years. Then we can have these conversations and plan on how to get these things done. There should be a Statement of Needs document, but Town Manager Jayawickrema said he did not see one. Commissioner Lemieux and Chairman DeFazio said the Golf Commission does have a Statement of Needs. Commissioner Norton added that a long-term version of what we are trying to do is needed and to look at this in a logical way. Our Statement of Needs should be a 3, 5, 10 or maybe 25 year plan of what we want. Commissioner Senia agrees, but we need more staff. Acting Director of Golf Salvio is doing his job based on minimum staff and that is one of the big issues, not enough people working to get everything we want done. Commissioner Senia asked if we decide 6 months down the road, do we have to start this whole process over again and go out to bid? Mayor Kaczynski said no matter what, we couldn’t commit to a contract now, but we know what we are looking at. Commissioner Lemieux said setting goal dates will help and the Town Council needs to hear all of that and look at the contract. The Golf Commission will look into putting it on the Town Council agenda to figure out where to go. Also, adding more staff would add to expenses and we would have to match it with the rates. We could do something different though. Town Manager Jayawickrema said this is the conversation to approach the union with. The Town of Berlin does not need 3 more FTE blue collar positions, rather seasonal hires and volunteers. Chairman DeFazio added there is so much to do there, but they don’t have time. Town Manager Jayawickrema said volunteers could fix the divots and those are the conversations we need to have. F. NEW BUSINESS th 1. Discussion of proposed Timberlin 50 Anniversary clock. – Commissioner Lemieux said donors were contacted and no one asked for their funds back, or said they could not be used for a clock, but we are still short. Commissioner Lemieux went to Town Council and explained the situation. Can CIP money be used for that deficit? Originally we 5 thought no, but Acting Director of Golf Salvio said he would approve that request. There is currently about $28k in CIP money now and the Golf Commission needs $5k for the clock. Acting Director of Golf Salvio would like to use $5k for stump grinding and that leaves a $8k buffer which is good. The Golf Commission discussed the clock location and proposed two possible locations. One is near the senior men’s club wall, as you are walking to the first tee. Acting Director Salvio said the issue there is no power source. The other location is as you enter tee #10 to the right side by the big rock, because the power source is closer. Chairman DeFazio asked Acting Director of Golf to work with the seniors regarding that first spot and get a price estimate to find out if it is an option. Commissioner Lemieux discussed the upcoming Town Council dates in March and April and said the Golf Committee needs to request a special meeting. Commissioner Senia said Tee 18 poses an issue for golfers that are new to Timberlin Golf Course as they tend to drive their cart behind the green and get stuck on the curb. Is there something that Acting Director of Golf Salvio can do for that issue? Acting Director of Golf Salvio said he had put some rocks down. Also, Commissioner Senia asked if the Golf Commission needs to get on the agenda for an ordinance meeting? Commissioner Lemieux doesn’t think they schedule regular ordinance meetings and the Golf Commission should present to Town Council first and get feedback. Commissioner Bugella added that based on our charter, he would like to see Acting Director of Golf Salvio be more transparent in telling the Golf Commission what our game plan is, so we can discuss it and see if there is a conflict on how we are spending that CIP money, instead of just doing it. 2. CIP usage 2022. – Chairman DeFazio would also like Acting Director of Golf Salvio to be a little more transparent with everybody on what the CIP plan is. Acting Director of Golf Salvio spoke with Finance Director Delaney on the CIP policy and will come up with a definition. Chairman DeFazio said that would help with determining why mulch is different than a tree for example. Acting Director of Golf Salvio said something like that has to do with long term vs. short term. 3. Review and finalize proposed policies: a. Cart Damage Policy b. Timberlin Golf Course Code of Conduct Policy c. Timberlin Golf Course Season Pass Credit and Refund Policy – Commissioner Lemieux said this policy was passed by Town Council in July of 2020, but would suggest bringing all three policies to Town Council again and explain that the Golf Commission did this one already, but just so they are all together. Chairman DeFazio said to put that on same agenda as the status update to Town Council. 6 Commissioner Norton would change cart damage and add that one to the cart management policy. Acting Director of Golf Salvio said it should read as credit cards not credit care. Commissioner Lemieux added that the substance is good in the policies, just some typos. Commissioner Lemieux will send the policies to Acting Director of Golf Salvio with the add-on that they were passed by Town Council in July of 2020. Commissioner Norton moved to approve the proposed policies. Seconded by Commissioner Green. Those voting in favor: Commissioner Berger, Commissioner Bugella, Chairman DeFazio, Commissioner Green, Commissioner Norton, Commissioner Lemieux, Commissioner Senia Vote being: 7-0. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Timberlin Profit and Loss January FY22 5. Account Balances:  Tee sign account ($9,439.63)  CIP Budget balance ($28,825.83) – Chairman DeFazio said the Golf Commission needs clarification on CIP guidelines and does not know what is capital vs. not capital. What can CIP money be used for? Also, the Golf Commission would like to work in conjunction with maintenance on how that money is spent and meet in the middle on things that need to get done. The Golf Commission doesn’t really know what we can spend that money, it is still not clear. Town Manager Jayawickrema assumes that we do not have a CIP policy, but thinks CIP would benefit from more than one capital improvement. Equipment is an investment that would classify as 10 years or more. Tree cutting is generally an operational expense and comes from the regular operating budget, but we should come up with a CIP policy and process on how this could be used. Chairman DeFazio asked if a tree is rotted in Sage Park, who pays for that tree to come down. Town Manager Jayawickrema said that would be paid for by the Public Grounds town budget. Chairman DeFazio added that the pavilion area is not considered a golf course, that is public grounds. Commissioner Norton asked about the clock. That is a capital improvement. Mayor Kaczynski said the Town Council needs to hear some of this and think about it and have some goals as we go through the season. The Golf Commission will find a place on the Town Council agenda and provide an update. Mayor Kaczynski said it is moving forward in a good direction, but let’s get it out to the Town Council and continue to discuss. 6. Reports:  Directors Report, see attached. 7 Chairman DeFazio asked Acting Director of Golf Salvio if he presented the questions to FAIRWAYiQ on what do other courses do that lease? Acting Director of Golf Salvio said no, but he reached out to them. Maybe worth asking if they dealt with that and if E-Z-Go would void the warranty for any electrical issues that might occur with the cart. E-Z-Go shuts the cart down and for medical reasons that could pose a risk and safety issue. Acting Director of Golf Salvio said when Timberlin Golf Course designed the bridges, access for equipment and an ambulance to cross was required.  Golf Pro Report, see attached. Commissioner Lemieux asked if we could clarify adding tax and gratuity in the outing document. Golf Pro Bayram said it will be done verbally, but will talk with Remzi. Commissioner Lemieux suggested writing it on there so both parties know and agree. Commissioner Senia said night golf is not good for the course because divots are all over the place and it doesn’t do a lot for the golf course. Somebody could get hurt too. Golf Pro Bayram said revenue for night golf was an additional $4k-$5k, but the golf course takes a beating and the weekend players see a lot of trash the next day. Commissioner Senia said maybe this should be the last year that we do it. Golf Pro Bayram is not opposed to that suggestion and said that it probably shouldn’t happen anymore. G. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Senia moved to adjourn at 8:00 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Green. Those voting in favor: Commissioner Berger, Commissioner Bugella, Chairman DeFazio, Commissioner Green, Commissioner Norton, Commissioner Lemieux, Commissioner Senia Vote being: 7-0. MOTION CARRIED. Submitted by, Alina Brown 8 Director of Golf Report Golf Commission Meeting February 17, 2022 Director administrative tasks:  Attended Council Meeting February 1, 2022 and received approval for 2022 Rate Schedule.  Completed winter service of golf carts.  Began developing RFP for golf cart lease.  Spoke with EZ-GO service manager regarding installation of FAIRWAYiQ GPS.  Work with Facilities to complete work at Clubhouse.  Meet with Dierdre/Tind-All Creative Marketing and Marc regarding 2022 marking plan. Golf Course maintenance:  Completed tree removal on Holes #4, #7, #10 #11 and #12/13 with Distinctive Tree.  Removed stumps and rocks from Hole #4.  Added mulch and constructed stone wall right side Hole #4.  Continue winter service of golf course equipment.  Schedule stump grinding by Distinctive Tree (weather permitting).  Top dress cart path right side Hole #4 with millings (weather permitting).  Small tree removal, where applicable.  Snow removal when needed. Faithfully submitted, Jerry Salvio Acting Director of Golf 30-Day Recap of Operations and Benchmarks ➢ The Golf Course was closed during the month of January. ➢ Rates for the 2022 season have been updated on the Timberlin website. 9 ➢ I have been in contact with the company who produces our scorecards and went over potential advertisers with them. They reached out to local businesses to sell advertising on the scorecards, which offsets the cost. Using Burco Co. for our scorecards allows us to receive 20,000 quality scorecards at no cost to the town, and as an added benefit, allows local businesses in town to advertise at their hometown golf course. The cost savings to the town of Berlin is over $3,000 per season, this practice was implemented in 2011. ➢ Registered team Timberlin for PGA Jr League. In 2021 we had 6 teams because of the popularity. We hosted our league in-house because of the size. We have the 2nd largest program in the state of CT next to Lyman Orchards. PGA Jr League is a “little league” style national golf program for ages 17 and under that allows juniors to represent our club and play matches. ➢ My free instruction plan for Timberlin in 2022 is to host 1 or 2 free lesson days as I have in the past, but also to provide our marketing manager with free instructional videos that she can use through blast emails and social media. I do this on a weekly basis typically. ➢ I have been working with outings and leagues on getting commitments and dates set for events. Contracts have been sent to outing and league coordinators with the new changes. A recommendation was made by a commissioner following the contract approval to clear up some of Remzi’s pricing and also that multiple forms of payment will be needed. Currently I send out invoices following the event specifying the forms of payment and the outings have 1 week to submit payment. This is also in the contract. ➢ I spoke with our GolfNow sales rep Lindsey. Our contract that was signed in 2020 auto- renews each February so we are tied into the same contract for this year. Before my conversation with her on 2/9/22. I met with her via Zoom in the fall 2021 and since then her and Jerry have been communicating about our partnership with GolfNow. ➢ The town has been working on cleaning up the Ladies Lounge where they found mold. The lockers are coming out and replacement is being looked in to. ➢ Updated the outing food menus to match Remzi’s new fees. ➢ Spring instruction information for Juniors and Adults will be marketed through blast email, website, and social media. I reached out to a member of Parks & Rec and they no longer distribute a brochure. She suggested that I post on the various Berlin Facebook pages including the Town of Berlin’s. 10 ➢ Certifications earned this winter include U.S. Kids Certified Coach Level 2 and ADM (American Development Model) Certified. ➢ I sent a blast email regarding the approved rates for 2022. Successes and Challenges ➢ Trying to keep golfers engaged during the Winter months is always a challenge. I try to post and share things via social media to maintain interest during the off-season. ➢ It is always a challenge putting together the schedules for organizations at Timberlin. Balancing outings, leagues, and association schedules can be difficult, but the associations are flexible and cooperative. Customer Satisfaction ➢ Our rating is extremely high overall compared to other area golf courses on Golf Advisor. Golf Advisor is a website dedicated to providing customers a rating for each golf course in the areas of course layout, value, course conditions, staff friendliness, pace of play, and amenities. Staffing Report ➢ We will have little staff turnover in the areas of Golf Shop, Cart Attendants, and Starters. This is a major positive in these specific areas as positive relationships have been built. Looking Ahead/Goals ➢ Firm up staffing commitments and begin scheduling process. ➢ Proof scorecards for 2022. ➢ Work with Remzi on setting dates for our special events and mixed league. ➢ Contact Girls High School Golf Coach to get their schedules for the Spring. ➢ Start getting displays ready for Golf Shop merchandise arrival in March. ➢ Start working on our rates sign. ➢ Update the Point of Sale Software and website so they reflect the new fees. ➢ Set up driving range. ➢ Continue posting on social media. ➢ Order office supplies for the start of the season. ➢ Update the website with any new content and the calendar. ➢ Continue to work with Golf Commission on new, innovative ways to increase play and revenues. Also come up with cost reduction options. 11