1974/06/10MINUTES EXECUTZVE BOARD June 10, 1974 On this date the Executive Board met with the New Britain Water Board at their Administration Building, 1000 Shuttle Meadow Avenue, New Britain, at 8:00 p.m. Those present from Berlin were: Mayor Arthur B. Powers, Deputy Mayors Joseph P. Lanzonl, and Loren Otckinson, Chief Robert Skinner, Berlin Police Oepartment and Lawrence graham, Superintendent of Parks and Recreation. Mayor Powers addressed the New Britain Water Board, chaired by Alfred P. Cassella, by saying that our reason for being present tonight was to once again ask the Water Board of New Britain to reconsider our request to use Harts Pond for recreational purposes, that is, fishing from shore. Mayor Powers said, ! have long been an advocate of multiple use of water. We have so little water available, that we must use it in as many ways possible, so long as we do not endanger that water by polluting it. Other Water Boards in other cities and towns are allowing fishing and some even allow boating in reservoirs as long as they are kept free from vandalism and littering. We are not asking to allow fishing from boats of any kind, only from shore. Harts Pond is such a natural beauty and it is adjacent to our golf course and picnic area. There should be no difficulty in patrolling the area as fishing would be allowed from the south and west sides only and possibly a portion of the north. None will be allowed from the east. Mr. Graham, our Superintendent of Parks and Recreation has indicated that he has, a large enough staff to patrol the area and some of this patrolling would actually be from a rowboat with his men keeping a watchful eye for anyone breaking any of the rules which we would strictly enforce. Patrol ~ould also ~e done from shore. Our park crew would see that there was no litter in the area. The Mayor said that Chief Skinner has also expressed a willingness to cooperate to the fullest in patrolling the area. Harts Pond's water goes into Wassel Res- ervoir where it sits. The possibility of fishing from shore polluting the water is mtntmal and more likely none at a11, according to Dr. Chotkowski, our Health Director. This is a secondary compensating reservoir so this should be no problem.. The Mayor continued, again ! appeal to you to allow fishing from shore and we will keep the strictest control, through con- stant patrolling and the enforcement of strict rules and regulations. If you wmld agree, we would gladly open it on a probationary period. If you felt everything was not up to snuff, yOU could always withdraw permission. This pond could be enjoyed by old and young alike, and it would be open to both Berlin and New Britain residents. The group then got into a discussion of a car which had been found in the pond. Chief Skinner gave his report on what happened and Mr. McManus and Mr. 01son from New Britain told a slightly different variation of just exactly what happened. Mayor Powers said that all this could be resolved. We are trying to point out to you that we. don't want the Lower Harts Pond, although we wish we had both, however, since this problem with the car happened at the Lower pond, it has nothing to do with our. wanting the use of the Upper pond. Executive Board Minutes -2- 6/10/74 After lengthy discussion, Mr. Gagliardi, a member of the New Britain Water Board, said that he would like to see the area before making a decision. Other members of that Board agreed this would be the best course to follow. Chairman Cassella said that even if the Board were to agree at this point Berlin must remember that there would be further contingencies to be looked into, for example, financial liability, drownings, etc. Mayor Powers said he was sure we could work out these things with Corporation Counsel. it was agreed that a visit would be made to the area and then the Water Board would discuss the matter at a subsequent meeting and make their decision. Chairman Cassella did say that the reports received from their staff is that the cooperation they get from Berlin is nil. Chief Skinner replied to this by saying t.hat if they contact him di- rectly they will receive full cooperation. It was agreed that the Executive Board, Chief Skinner and Mr. Graham would meet with the New Britain Water Board on Thursday, 27 ~une lg74 at 10:30 a.m. at Ttmberltn. Mayor Powers assured the Board that they would have the full cooperation of Town Officials, and thanked the Board for its kind consideration and cooperation. adjourned (that is the portion at which the Executive Board The meeting was present) at g:O0 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Pa, tricia A.' C'asel-l'a Secretary