2022-01-11 TOWN OF BERLIN REGULAR BOARD OF FINANCE MEETING JANUARY 11, 2022 John “Doc” McIntosh Conference Room Remote Option 7:00 P.M. https://berlinct-gov.zoom.us/j/88403597861?pwd=WlRSMUJ6S1VUb1BsUThqUlNINWErZz09 Call-in Option: 1 929 205 6099 United States Toll Meeting ID: 884 0359 7861 Passcode: 068228 A. CALL TO ORDER Director Delaney called the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL ATTENDANCE: Members Present: Sal Bordonaro, Raul Fernandes, Tim Grady, Mark Holmes, George Millerd, Gerald Paradis Staff Present: Arosha Jayawickrema – Town Manager Matthew McNally – Chief of Police Chris Ciuci – Deputy Chief Kevin Delaney – Finance Director Doug Solek – Facilities Director D. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. E. APPROVAL OF PRIOR MINUTES December 14, 2021, Regular Meeting Mr. Grady moved to approve the December 14, 2021, Regular Meeting minutes. Seconded by Mr. Holmes. Those voting in favor: Mr. Bordonaro, Mr. Fernandes, Mr. Grady, Mr. Holmes, Mr. Paradis. Vote being: 5-0-1. (MOTION CARRIED) Mr. Millerd abstained, as he was not at the December 14, 2021 meeting. F. NEW BUSINESS 1. Discuss Police Department Strategy – Chief McNally Chief of Police McNally said the Police Department has 9 Dispatchers - 1 who is identified and paid as the Administrative Dispatcher. The Police Commission plans to create a Dispatch Supervisor position in charge of communications, reporting to the Support Services Manager and th add a 10 dispatcher position. The Police Department has 42 Police Officer positions, 38 are actively working (1 planning to start Academy, 2 currently in Academy and 1 out with an injury). The goal is to increase manpower and the Town of Berlin needs to look about one year out when hiring a Police Officer as it takes a few months for the hiring process, 6 months in the Academy and 13 weeks in a FTO Program to become a Police Officer. Also, they must pass all of the testing. Retirement, a climbing attrition rate, and a new policy accountability law are other factors to consider. Chief of Police McNally said the Police Commission is looking to add 2 new patrol division positions (bringing the department total to 44 sworn officers) in 2023 for optimum patrol coverage and to provide back-up coverage. Mr. Grady asked about new police cruiser assignments, the Police Commission wants patrol cars out for patrol and that is the plan going forward. Also, it is important to consider that getting new police patrol cars is taking longer these days, about 18 months from order date. 2. Move to approve the new Superintendent of Facilities position which will be shared between Departments 38 (Town) and 61 (Board of Education). Mr. Paradis moved to approve the new Superintendent of Facilities position which will be shared between Departments 38 (Town) and 61 (Board of Education). Seconded by Mr. Fernandes. Those voting in favor: Mr. Bordonaro, Mr. Fernandes, Mr. Grady, Mr. Holmes, Mr. Millerd, Mr. Paradis. Vote being: 6-0 (MOTION CARRIED) Mr. Holmes asked how this new position is going to work. Finance Director Delaney said the Town of Berlin needs someone else to support the facilities in town. Facilities Director Solek is responsible for everything including carpentry, hardware, access control, surveillance, audio visual, electrical, communications, HVAC, roofing, masonry, etc. Town Manager Jayawickrema said the work is unmanageable for one person and the Town of Berlin has 36 buildings to maintain. The Superintendent position will report to the Facilities Director. Director of Facilities Solek added that he is the first point of contact to get the project in the que and works with the lead Custodians of each school. The department assigns and manages the workorder. Other departments already have this type of organizational structure in place and this new position will be beneficial to everyone. Mr. Bordonaro asked to clarify the Custodial Operations role. Director of Facilities Solek said the Custodial Operation position manages all of the Custodians, the technology portion, school security and IT technicians. The Town of Berlin has 5 Custodians, plus 9 trade work positions for mechanical and technical work needed. Director of Facilities Solek manages the best use of their time and determines critical priorities. 3. Move to approve transfers of $26,120 from Electricity to Electricity – Lighting Control Upgrades, both in the Schools Department General Fund budget, to pay for debt service payments related to the BHS lighting upgrade project. Mr. Paradis moved to approve transfers of $26,120 from Electricity to Electricity – Lighting Control Upgrades, both in the Schools Department General Fund budget, to pay for debt service payments related to the BHS lighting upgrade project. Seconded by Mr. Holmes. Those voting in favor: Mr. Bordonaro, Mr. Fernandes, Mr. Grady, Mr. Holmes, Mr. Millerd, Mr. Paradis. Vote being: 6-0 (MOTION CARRIED) 4. Move to appropriate $539.00 from the Sale of Land, Labor, & Materials Revenue Account to the Contractual Services & Projects Account in the Capital Nonrecurring Fund. Mr. Paradis moved to appropriate $539.00 from the Sale of Land, Labor, & Materials Revenue Account to the Contractual Services & Projects Account in the Capital Nonrecurring Fund. Seconded by Mr. Millerd. Those voting in favor: Mr. Bordonaro, Mr. Fernandes, Mr. Grady, Mr. Holmes, Mr. Millerd, Mr. Paradis. Vote being: 6-0 (MOTION CARRIED) 5. Move to appropriate $6,029.30 from the Sale of Land, Labor, & Materials Revenue Account to the Contractual Services & Projects Account in the Capital Nonrecurring Fund. Mr. Paradis moved to appropriate $6,029.30 from the Sale of Land, Labor, & Materials Revenue Account to the Contractual Services & Projects Account in the Capital Nonrecurring Fund. Seconded by Mr. Bordonaro. Those voting in favor: Mr. Bordonaro, Mr. Fernandes, Mr. Grady, Mr. Holmes, Mr. Millerd, Mr. Paradis. Vote being: 6-0 (MOTION CARRIED) 1. Finance Director update. Finance Director Delaney said the Town of Berlin received a letter from the auditors with recommendations and an outline. A conference call was scheduled to go over the findings. Also, the audit RFP will close on January 20. The auditor, CohnReznick, was hired by OPM and the COVID reporting requirements portal is being updated for the auditor’s needs. No issues to report as of yet. The response from the Board of Education was provided to the Board of Finance. Revenue to budget is solid. There was $700k moved to the general fund after PKF reviewed and approved. Tax collections remain strong and many paid early in December. The storm related budget has $118k remaining. The pension fund has one inactive members that are vested, but not employed. The Town of Berlin is planning to do classroom storage cubbies at Willard and rooftop units at McGee Middle School. Rooftop is under FM 22. Cubby bids are coming in this week and work might be done during April break, waiting on parts and pieces for lighting work. Mr. Grady said the HVAC work was a good thing. Mr. Bordonaro said VNA revenue however is not so good. A group meeting with Town Council and the consultant can be scheduled to provide details about the report and to ask questions. Town Manager Jayawickrema said that the Town of Berlin VNA currently loses about $900k annually and plans to get that down between $700k and $500k, but still room for improvement. The VNA needs to establish end dates in service. Mr. Grady added the Town of Berlin VNA competes with private companies. Finance Director Delaney is adding the Director of the VNA to the next meeting per Mr. Bordonaro’s request. G. ADJOURNMENT Mr. Bordonaro moved to adjourn at 8:02 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Grady. Those voting in favor: Mr. Bordonaro, Mr. Fernandes, Mr. Grady, Mr. Holmes, Mr. Millerd, Mr. Paradis Vote being 6-0. MOTION CARRIED Submitted by, Alina Brown