1974/04/01 HXHUTES EXEC'UTIVE BOARD Aprt1 1, 1974 The meettng was opened at 7:30 p.m. by Hayor Arthur B. Powers. All members of the Board were present. Also present mas Joyce Holler, representing the Hartford Courant. On morton by Hr. Lanzont, seconded by Hr. Dtcktnson, tt was voted to accept the mtnutes of 3/25/74 wtth the following correction: page 2 .tn the Call to Town Heettng change 12' matns to read: 1~-# maths. HOTION CARRIED. Hayor Powers satd that he had met wlth Hr. Henry Loomts and Hrs. Betty " Payton, a member of Hr. Loomts' staff, with regard to the landscape study of Farmtngton Avenue tn connection wtth the Beautification Com- mtttee'.s long range plan for beauttflcatton of that area (see mtnutes of 3/25/74). Hr. Loomts and Hrs. Payton will meet wtth Hr. Johnson's Committee to see the sltdes done by Dr. Faverettt of UCONIt and hopefully present the Committee with a proposal. ** Hayor Powers read a letter from Corporation Counsel, Harry H. ~ackaway, tn whtch he advised that the Executive Board has the rtght to extend the contract w~th Albreada, tncludtng a 5~ ~ncrease over 'last year's contract; Hayor Powers satd he met wtth Hr. Albreada and he reiterated the need. to add $~ to the contract prtce. On morton by Hr. Lanzont, seconded by 'Hr. D~cktnson, tt was voted to ex-' tend the contract for rubbish collection wtth A1breada Refuse, Inc. wtth a 5~( Increase over the cost of last year's contract, (Last year's price was $80,901 and the new contract prtce would be $84,946, see mtnutes of 3/4/74) ~n v~ew of the compeny's excellent service to the Town and. that tt ts the consensus of the Board that tt would be tn the best Interests of the Town to do so HOTIOH CARRIED On motion by Hr. Lanzont, seconded by Hr, Dtcktnson tt was voted t° hire Spencer Kaelln as Assistant to the Zoning Inspector, on recommendation of Robert Probst, Chatrman of the Zontng Commission and Emtl G. Carlson, Butldtng Offtctal and Zontng Offtcer. The posttton pays $1500 a year. Hr. Kaelln was chosen after reviewing approximately 10 applications. Hr. I(aeltn wtll be on probation for a pertod of stx months. MOTION CARRIED. I~ayor Powers said he dtd not yet have the Restaurant Ordinance whtch has been proposed. The one worktng copy needs to be revtewed and several changes made. Hayor Powers read a letter from a young gtrl, Janette Chantews. kt, In ~hlch she requests the llayor's etd tn obtaining a horse at a "reasonable prtce'. .The Hayor satd he would ask the press to help the 11ttle gt~1 by prlnttng 'her letter and asking anyone wtshtng to sell a horse to ca1 etther ~anetta or thts office. EXECUTIVE BOARD 4/1/74 -2- asks that a softb'a11 The secretary read a letter from Mtss Sally Haber who or hard ball team be set up. On general consent tt was agreed to turn the letter over to Park and Recreation, asktng Mr, Roe to reply to the young lady and dtscuss the matter w~th hts Commission. ~ Mayor Powers announced that he would be gotng to a meettng at the' Oe- partment of Environmental Protectlon tomorrow (4/2/74) to meet wlth the Central Connecticut Refuse Authority and the Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority. Ftnances wtth respect to the pulverizer would be the toptc. Some of the questions to be answered are: how much state fundtng wtll we get; what wtll thetr recommendations be as to how much to bond, etc. Mayor Powers satd he recommends that we do our own bor- rowing. Mayor Powers stated that we wt11 need an additional $50,000 and we don't have to go through Town Meettng but.Itches.always been our pollcy to keep the,Board,of'Finance up'to'date and aware of our acttons and we wtll conttnue to do so. Ne want them fully Informed. Ne are now talktng about $2.5 mtlllon but thts ts due to the delay the state put on"' us wtth thetr moratorium. Mayor Powers satd he would have more to re- port after the meettng. Oeputy Mayor Dickinson asked tf we had heard anythtng about the stop stgn at Ltncoln and Mooreland, Mayor Powers satd Offtcer Valentine had been nottfted and we would check wtth htm to see tf there ts any progress. Mayor Powers satd he had wrJtten to Mayor Pac asktng to have the area across the street from the Oemlng Road cleaned up, Zn hts letter to .the Mayor, Mayor Powers states that he had wrttten to Mr. Squtllacote on 3/7/74 and the situation has deteriorated rather than Improved, Mayor Powers remtnded the Board that we must make appointments to the Historical 0tstrtct and to the Inland Netlands Commission. He asked,the Deputtes to please constder thts and brtng tn some names of members who would be acttve. Mayor Powers remtnded the Board that on'4/18/74 there wtll be a, Dutch-Treat Luncheon at the Wonder Bar. Guest Speaker to be Melvtn J. Schnetdermeyer, Plann,tng Consultant to the Central Connecticut Refuse Authort'ty who'w111 speak on the pulverizer, 1ts construction and operation.. Also the Executive Board'ts to meet'~wtth the Ftnance Board on the eventng of 4/18/74 at 8:00 p.m., The Preliminary Budget Heartng ts scheduled for, 4/21/74. There betng no further bustness the meettng adjourned at 8:25 p.m. . Respectfully submitted, .Patrtcta A. Casella Secretary