1974/03/14 MINUTES EXECUTIVE BOARD March 14, 1974 The meeting, held at the McGee School, was opened at 7:30 p.m. by Mayor Arthur B. Powers. DePuty Mayors Lanzoni and Dickinson were present. On motion by Mr. Lanzont, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to sign a Tax Abatement Form, recommended by Tax Collector Francis J. Motyka, in the amount of MS.00 to Mia K. McMahon due to a Motor Vehicle Error. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to sign a Tax Abatement Form, recommended by Tax Collector Francis J. Motyka, in the amount of $4.50 to Joan A. Bennar as a result of a Motor Vehicle Error. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to sign a Tax Abatement Form, in the amount of $49.50, as recommended by Tax Collector Francis J. Motyka, to Roswell Moore, Jr., as a Veteran's Refund, Under Section 12-128 of the Connecticut General Statutes. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers announced that at tonight's Town Meeting, the replacement for Robert Dacey on the Mattabassett District will be Stephen Serkey. is a Democratic vacancy. This On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to authorize Mayor Powers to sign an "Early Notice of Intent" to apply for Federal and State Assistance in connection with the intention to create a Bicentennial Park. This must be sent on to the State of Connecticut Federal Clearing House in Hartford. This will enable us to seek federal and state funding for the purchase of land for the park under an open space grant. Mr. Bengston, Chairman of the Conservation Commission is handling this matter. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers read a letter from Mrs. Blanche Mahan, Chairman'of the Committe for the Aging, in which she advises that the Committee will need an addi- tional appropriation of $1,500 to continue its transportation program until the end of the fiscal year. A similar letter was sent to the Board of Finance. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded' by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to write to the Board of Finance, in Support of the Committee for the Aging's re- quest for an additional $1500 to continue that Committee's transportation program which costs approximately $500 per month. MOTION CARRIED. Mayor Powers read a letter from Bruce Trevethan, Secretary of the East Berlin Fire Department in which he advises that the members of the EBFD wants to inform the Executive Board of the damage that is being done to the building in Clark's Grove. The youngsters are starting fires and littering the area. Mayor Powers said he would speak to Mr. Russell and if the building is not needed by the Park and Recreation Commission, it will be torn down. If the building is used then steps must be taken to prevent vandalsim at the building. Executive Board Heettng -2- 3/14/74 At this potnt, Hr. Morgan Seelye, Otrector of Publlc I~orks, Joined the Executive Board, He advtsed that he had processed over 30 applications for the position of Oeputy Director of Publtc ~/orks. He engaged a panel of three: Mr. R. Mullen, Director of Publtc 14orks tn Enfield; Hr. R. Sullivan, Town Engineer in Gutlford and Hr. J. Adams, Oirector of Public 14orks in Southtngton. They narrowed the fteld to three candidates whose scores were as follows: Robert Cole of Canton-gl; ~lalter Bauer of An- sonia-75 and Joseph Pasklewicz of Berlin-85. On the overall poll among the members of the panel thts ts the way they ranked them after considering "gut" investigation: Cole, PaskteWtcz and Bauer. Mr. Seelye stated that he was recommending ~4r. Pasktewtcz for the Job on the basis that he came w~thin the top three; he ts a local man; his Camily ts here and it is not likely that he would leave tn a year or so; and whtle he has no formal ed- ucation (Hr. Cole has a degree tn civt1 engineering), it won't make to much difference since I~r, Seelye and Mr. Shannon have degrees; he has worked for the Town and knows the routtne and tt ts good for employees to know that they can move up in thetr Jobs if they ¢tt the qualifications. On motion by Mr. Lanzont, seconded by Mr. Dickinson, it was voted to hire Joseph Pasktewicz as Oeputy 01rector of Publlc ~lorks to ftll the vacancy created by the resignation of Alfred J. Curnow on 12/15/73. I~r. Paskiewtcz will also assume the title of Sanitarian. Position to start on 3/18/74 at a salary to be determine after consulting the Pace Study. NOTION CARRI£D, Mr. Dickinson, satd he had received complaints from residents fn the area of Mooreland School regarding traffic coming south iron Ltncoln Street, They feel a stop sign ts needed on Lincoln Street at Moore~and Road. Mayor Powers said this would have to be taken up with the Board of Poltce Com- missioners. The meeting adjourned at 7:55 p,m. tn order that the Executive Board mtght participate in the Town Meeting. Respectfully submitted, Patrtcta A. Casella Secretary