1962/02/061. 9egular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission February 6, 1962 at 8 P.M. Members present: Nunzio 2osso, Aldo Castiglioni, Henry Winterbottom, and George Garrity. Also, James F. Kissane, Jr., Town Engineer, and Margaret Gooby. 2. Mr. Rosso was appointed Acting Chairman in the absence of ~. Bennerup. 3. Fir. Garrity was appointed Acting Secretary. 4.Mr. W. Rudnick appeared in regard to property he has purchased on Norton Road for a building lot. This parcel of land has been deeded to him by his mother and was part of a larger piece. The property as deeded would leave a str~p of land 42' wide between his lot and the west boundary of his mother's land. This 42' strip is not enough for a right-of-way for access to the rear land. It has been agreed between Mrs. Rudnick and the abutting property owners that they would each deed 25' for use for a right-of-way which would serve as access to the rear land owned by both parties. Mrs. Rudnick has also agreed to deed to Wm. Rudn4ck the 18' strip remaining between his property line and the right-of-way. The Commission was agreeable to the suggestion presented, but before giving approval it was their opinion that the two letters presented should be reviewed by the Town Counsel and if necessary put in the right legal form. Mr. Kissane will contact the Town Counsel. The letters presented read as follows:- Letter from Mr. & Mrs. LaFlamme "To Whom It May Concern "We hereby agree to give 25' of land for the right-of-way from Norton Woad north bounded by Mrs. Elizabeth Rudnick east, and Fern & Horace Wilcox south. "signed Mildred LaFlamme, Alphonse LaFlamme." Letter from Mrs. Elizabeth ~udnick "To Whom It May Concern "I, Elizabeth Rudnick, hereby agree to give 25' of land on west side of my property and bordering the property of Mildred and Alphonse LaFlamme from Norton Noad to property southerly owned by Fern & Horace Wilcox for use of a right- of-way. "I also agree to transfer 18' strip of land between the right-of-way and the property of Wm. Rudnick to Wm. Ridnick. "signed - Elizabeth Rudnick "witness - William ~udnick" 5. On motion of G. Garrity, seconded by A. Castiglioni, the ~iinutes of the Public Hearing of January 16 were accepted as written/ 6. On motion of G. Garrity~ seconded by A. Castiglioni, the 5[inures of the Regular Meeting of January 16 were accepted as written. ?. Stankiewicz Property - see Item 10 Jan. 16 Minutes - the following map was presented for final approval "Survey Map Showing Property of Katherine Stankiewicz Berlin, Conn., Igor Veschesloff, 1"=40' dated Nov. 1960, Revised 1/13/61~ 3/2/61; 3/30/61; 5/10/61; 12/6/61" This is the map we have repeatedly asked Mr. McMahon for. Mr. Kissane reported that it is o.k. engineering-wise. H. Winterbottom made a motion~ seconded by G. Garrity~ %hat final approval be given. So Voted. Map was signed by Commission members present. 8.Closson & Closson - Auto Wash - see Item 12, Jan. 16 Minutes - Mr. Kissane pre- sented the final map revised to show "Section 3" as was requested. *'Webster Square Section 3, Plot P~an~ Proposed Building - George Closson, Woodlawn Road, Berlin Conn.~ 1/2/62 scale 1"=40' 3.D. WilliaJns, C.E." On motion of G. Garrity, seconded by A. Castiglioni~ final approval was Voted. Map was signed by Commission members present. 9. Subdivision Regulations - Jim Kissane reported that these are now in the hands of the printer and should be ready by the 1st. of March. H. Winterbottom made a motion~ seconded by A. Castiglioni, %hat these Subdivision Regulations be adopted as of this date, February 6, 1962, To be effective March 1~ 1962. So Voted. A legal notice to this effect will appear in the newspaper A copy of these Subdivision Regulations will be given To The Town Clerk, and it was agreed that a certificate of receipt by the Town Clerk should appear at the end of these Minu~es. 10. Mr. Daniel Mahoney appeared and presented a sketch of property on Spruce Brook l~oad to be subdivided. This subdivision will contain 4 lots of a size to be decided upon. "Property of Daniel Mahoney, Spruce Brook Road, Berlin,Conn., August 9, 1961, Barry V. SquillacoTe, Scale 1 =40'. Sketch of proposed subdivision on Spruce Brook Road." Mr. Oarrity made a motion, seconded by H. WinTerboTtom, That preliminary approval be giuen subject To the approval of the Health Director. So Voted. 11. On motion of G. Garrity~ seconded by A. Castiglioni, Miss Gooby's bill for $49.29 was approved for payment from the Expense Account. 12. Meeting adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, George'Garrity, ActiMg Secretary Certification is hereby made that a Copy of the Subdivision ~egulations adopted February 6, 1962 to be effective March 1, 1962 were placed on file in the office of the Town Clerk on Febr_~uar~7~ 1962. BERLIN BOARD OF FINANCE MINUTES February 5, 1962 On Monday, February 5, 1962 it was voted to approve for payment a bill in the anount of $96.00 presented by Mrs. Graeme Bunce for clerical services for this Board for the month of January 1962. Members voting were Chairman P. D. Doran and Messrs. T. W. Ward, Jr., S. S. Sargis and S. J. Pietras. Respectfully submitted, ark Pro'Tam Berlin Board of Finance Minutes of Meetings February 6, 1962 A meeting of the Berlin Board of Finance was called to ~der at 7:30 P. M. on Tuesday, February 6, 1962 at the Town Hall. Members Present: were Chairman P. D. Doran and Messrs. W. S. Brown, T. W. Ward, Jr., S. S. Sargis a~d S. J. Pietras. The Minutes of January 30~ 1962 were approved (Mr. Ward opposing) and the Minute~ of February 5, 1962 were approved. Communications Received: 1. A letter dated January 30, 1962 from Mr. Harry N. Jackaway advising that at a meeting of the Berlin Redevelopment Commission on January 29, 1962 it was unanimously resolved to engage the firm of Raymond and May Associ- ates to prepare for the CoMmission an application for a grant from the Federal Government. The fees involved are $1,400. Mr. Jackaway requested a hearing before this Board to explain in detail the procedures and re- quirements involved and to request an appropriation of $1,400. ~ 2, A letter dated February 6, 1962 from First Selectman Arthur Powers formall~ advising Chairman Doran that he, or a designee from the Board of Finance, ~ is, according to the ~dinance passed by the town meeting, an ex-officio member o~ thePublic Building Oommission. As an ex-officio member, the r~ Ghairm~n may payticipate in discussions and debates but will not have the tc An organizational meeting of this Oommission will be held on ~londay, Febru- ary 12, 1962 at 7 P- M. in the Selectmen's Office. The Chairman was in- vited to attend. 3e A letter dated February 6, 1962 from Town Auditor Albert J. Dudzik, Jr. advising that in accc~dance with this Board's request his firm has made a quick analysis of the estimated revenue and appropriation requests that are being studied for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1963. The summary given in Mr. Dudzik's letter is a tentative expression of the preliminary budget appropriations and revenues, and is subject to final determination of appropriations and a more detailed review of estimated revenue. A letter dated February 6, 1962 from First Selectman Arthur Powers advis- ing that in order for the State of Conn. to recognize the South Kensington Fire Dept. as a fire-fighting body representing the Town of Berlin, the department must have an appropriation in accordance with State ~tatutes. Mr. Powers requested that this ~oard appropriate at least a minimum of $1.O0 as a budget for the S. K. V. F. D. so that they may become eligible for exemptions from State taxes and other exemptions granted to town agen- cies. Bills: It was voted to approve for payment from #6, Board of Finance, a bill in --the amount of $3.00 presented by Adkins Printing Co. for stationery supplie Transfers: None Old Business: In reference to New Business ~1 in the Minutes of Jan. 30, 1962, Mr. Ward reported he had talked with Registrar of Voters Mrs. Rita Powers and had learned that the proposed fire-proof file cabinet will not tie in with the Addressograph equipment in the Town Hall because the Secretary of State at present does not approve of this system being used by registrars of voters. In reference to New Business ~2 in the Minutes of Jan. 30, 1962, Chairman Doran reported he had discussed this Board's plan to have a survey made of Berlin's school plants with Chairman Thomas Cosgrove of the Boa rd of Educa- tion. Mr. Cosgrove in turn discussed the matter with School Superintenden~ George Bountress and both advised Chairman Doran they will fully cooperate with any firm this B~rd may engage. .ght vot~. Se (Minutes of February 6, 1962 con't.) 3. In reference to communication #4 above, it is hereby no~ed that this Board on February 6, 1962 wrote to Town Counsel James F. Dawson inquiring if the town would be liable for damages or injuries caused by the equipment of the aforementioned fire department and if so~ ~hether said department should be covered by the blanket town insurance which would mean ~hat this Board would have to allow funds in the budget for what presumably would be an additional premium. Mr. Dawson was ihrther asked if the foregoing insurance and lia- bil ity situation would be affected if this Board were to ~rovide a token operating budget for this fire department. New Business: 1. In reference to communication #l~ Chairman Doran will contact ~. Jackaway to ascertain whether the fee of $1400. is requested from the ~resent ten- month fiscal budget or from the 1962-63 fiscal budget. 2. Town Clerk Budget HearinM Town Clerk Narold Bomba appeared to answer any questions this Board might have concerning his budge~ request. 3. Public Health Nursin~ Service Budget Hearin~ Chairman of the Finance Committee of the B. P. H. N. S.~ Mr. Rober~ Randall~~ and committee member Mr. Nicholas Baracco appeared for the Berlin Public Nealth Nursing Service budget hearing. In response to inquiry, Messrs. Ran- dall and Baracco advised that they are quite satisfied with the independent nursing service which has demonstrated tha~ it was not necessary to purchase our nursing service from New Britain. 4. EngineerinM Department Budget Hearing ' Town Engineer James F. Kissane was present to answer any questions this Board might have concerning his budget request. The next meeting of this Board is scheduled for February 13, 1962 at which time budget he arings will be held for Kensington Fire Dept., Berlin Fire Dept., Land Acquisition Committee and East Berlin Library. The meeting adjourned at 10:$0 P. M. Respectfully smbmitted~ Olerk Pro Tem Berlin Board of Finance February 13, 1962 MinuSes A committee meeting of the Board of Finance was held at 7:30 P. M. on Tuesday, February 13, 1962 at the Town Hall. The following members constituted the com- mittee: Acting-Chairman Thomas W. Ward, Jr. and ~. Wolcott S. Brown who met to hear the following people---Berlin Fire Dept. Chief Robert Simons, Health Direc- tor Dr. Ludmil Chotkowski, Messrs. A. Bengston, A. Benson and C. Benson of Land Acquisition Committee and East Berlin Library officials ~. Oscar Benson and Mesdames Fieber, Demore and Boone. The committee adjourned at 9:35 P. M. Respectfully submitted, Clerk P~ Tern