1973/02/05MINUTES BOARD OF SELECTMEN February S, 1973 The meeting was opened at 7:30 p.m. by First Selectman Arthur B. Powers. All Selectmen were present. Also present were: owski from WNTY. Miss Deena Clavette of the press and Mr. Stan Wolon- On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to accept the minutes of 1/29/73 with the following clarification of a statement by Mr. Rio which appears on page three: The Statement, as it appears, is as follows: "Mr. Rio said that the Selectmen have an obligation to get involved, that they can resolve the problem". Mr. Rio says he did not intend that the statement to sound so positive, that his intention was that: "The Selectmen have an obligation to get involved, if they can help resolve the problem". MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzont, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to accept the minutes of 1/31/73 as read. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to add to the call to the Town Meeting, to be held at Berlin High School on Monday, 12 February 1973, the following item recommended by the Board of Finance: To appropriate a sum not in excess of $35,000.00 for the addition to the South Kensington Fire Department building, through bonds or notes. MOTION CARRIED.+~ Mr. Powers read a letter from Mr. Anthony Gandolfo, Chafrman of the Public Building Commission, in which he advises that Clifford Hamilton has not attended a meeting of the Commission since last spring. Mr. Powers said that a local ordinance states that any Commissioner missing three or more meetings without cause can be removed by the Selectmen. Mr. Powers said he did not wish to exercise this power bee would write to Mr. Hamilton to see what the problem was., and if he intends to be an active member. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to accept,with regret, the resignation of Frank Krupa from the Industrial Development Commission. Mr. Krupa wrote to the Board of Selectmen saying he was re- tiring and moving out of state. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Charles Davis, Youth Counselor-Coordinator gave his monthly report for the months of December and January. Mr. Powers announced that on 26 February lg73 there would be a meeting of all Board and Commissioner Chairmen, along with the Board of Selectmen, at the Berlin High School Library at 8:00 p.m. Mr. Powers said that at this time, all chairmen would be asked to give a written report as to the activities and plans for the future of their particular Board of Commission. This will be for the information of the Board of Selectmen, as well as the other Boards and Commissions. Mr. Powers, continued,saylng!~at by having these meetings quarterly, or more if deemed necessary, we can have better Selectmen's Meeting -2- 2/5/73 0 communication and have a better understand of what is going on in the Town. Mr. Powers also reported he was planning to hold a meeting with the resi- dents of Murray Heights to discuss the new proposed industrial road to Rowland and Eastern Brick properties. Mr. Powers said we did tell the people at the last meeting that we would give them an opportunity to view the final plans before going ahead with construction. This meeting will be held in the Town Hall auditorium on ?uesday, 20 February lg73 at 8:00 The estimated cost for this construction is $125,000 including acquisition of land. , Mr. Powers reported that he had received a letter from Mayor Pac of New Britain with respect to the possible purchase by Berlin of Harts Ponds. Mayor Pac advises that any negotiations would have to be made by the New Britain Water Department and he would have them contact us for a meeting. New Britain no longer needs the ponds for their water supply and we would purchase them strictly for recreational purposes. Mr. Rio asked some questions about the proposed split of the Park and Recreation Department. Mr. Rio suggested that the Board of Selectmen meet with the Board of Finance &e well as the Park and Recreation Com- mission and the School Board to discuss the entire matter. Mr. Powers said he was in agreement that a meeting of this type might be helpful. Mr. Rio said he was concerned as to whether the Town would really save any money on this, judging from figures I've seen, it would seem that it would be very costly. Mr. Powers said we would saee some money on the duplication that now exists and manpower hours as well. Mr. Powers said that the school grounds are not being properly maintained now and it is a shame. He stated further that he thought we would see improvements in the maintenance, which, granted, might cost us more. Mr. Rio pointed out that it would be hard for the Board of Education to give us exact figures because the custodians now handle outdoor work. Mr. Powers said that power seems to be drifting away from the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Rio agreed, as did Mr. Lanzoni. Mr. Powers said that next year, all bud- gets will come directly to the Selectmen and they will conduct hearings before sending them on to the Board of Finance, and any changes made by the Selectmen should be respected by the Board of Finance. The Selectmen all agreed on the fact that they should be involved in any final decision to form a new public grounds department. Mr. Rio reiterated his suggestion for an informal meeting of the Boards and Commissions involved so that we will know the procedure that will be followed and how the cost will be evaluated. Mr. Powers said he would contact Mr. Ward about such a meeting. Mr. Rio asked if there had been any reply from the Park and Recreation Commission on the proposed bike paths. Mr. Powers said no there had been none but he would speak to Bill Roe about it first thing tomorrow. Mr. Rio said he had read that somet#ing of this nature was being done in New- ington, he said he would try to find out the names of the people involved. Mr. Rio said that last July, Cliff Landry had met with the Selectmen with respect to the Emergency Employment Act and he indicated that there were six positions available to us. Mr. Rio wanted to know if these six jobs had been filled. Mr. Powers said to his knowledge there were no new people hired under EEA. But in an attempt to clarify this matter, he would con tact Mr. Landry. - Selectmen's Heettng -3- 2/5/73 Mr. Rto asked tf the Selectmen were gofng to review the budget again. Mr. Powers said that all the ftgures were In (except salaries which can not be determined due to the Pace Group study) and the budget would be typed up and submitted to the Board of Finance. The meettng adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Patrlcia A. Casella Secretary