2021-08-19 2021-08-19 Cemetery Committee Meeting Cemetery Committee Regular Meeting Doc McIntosh’s Room/Zoom Thursday, August 19, 2021 6:00 PM Members Present: Charles Colaresi – Chairman, Dick Benson, Riza Brown, Edward Hornkohl, Jr., Stephen Pastuszak Staff present: Town Clerk Kate Wall 1. Call to Order Chairman Colaresi called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 2. Audience of Citizens Mr. Austin Vale de Serra appeared to discuss his proposed Eagle Scout project at Ledge Cemetery. He suggests removal of the existing pillars (preserving the bricks from the demolished pillars for the Town wherever possible) and build new pillars in a different location. Mr. Vale de Serra will work to secure a price reduction / donation of new bricks and mortar, utilize a team of fellow scouts for labor and the expertise of his mason grandfather to rebuild the pillars. He will also research the cost to powder-coat the rusted gates and replace the brackets. Town Grounds will dig foundation holes for the new gates and Mr. Vale de Serra estimates two days to build the new pillars. He will return to the September 2021 meeting with updates. 3. Read the Minutes of July 15, 2021 – Need to Approve Mr. Benson moved to approve the July 15, 2021 meeting minutes. Seconded by Mr. Pastuszak. Vote being: 5-0. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Old Business A. Austin Vale De Serra – Eagle Scout (see Audience of Citizens above) B. Public Grounds Report C. Fencing at Christian Lane – Old chain link fence has been dismantled and weeds have been removed. Chairman Colaresi will reach out to Superintendent Wood to find out the status of installation of the new fence. 1 2021-08-19 Cemetery Committee Meeting D. Masonry Work Chairman Colaresi commented that he will reach out to the Worthington Fire District to inquire about cleaning up its overgrown property adjacent to Dennison Cemetery. The group also discussed utilizing an epoxy product to repair a broken headstone as an experiment before attempting on multiple other headstones. 5. New Business A. Budget Review – goals for 2021/2022 include fence installation at Christian Lane, possibly also Beckley / Ledge (timing dependent upon completion of the pillar relocation / rebuild). 6. Adjournment Ms. Brown moved to adjourn at 6:30 p.m. Seconded by Mr. Pastuszak. Vote being: 5-0. MOTION CARRIED. Submitted by, Dana Borges 2