2021-03-16 TOWN OF BERLIN BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOARD WEDNESDAY MARCH 16,2021 6:30 PM https•//townofberlin my webex com/townofberlin my/i php�MTID=mc06a5f342d38828b6ca922a30af7eaea Join by meeting number Meeting number(access code): 132 320 2260 Join by phone Meeting password: VaVEQBhi724 (82837244 from phones and video systems) +1-646-992-2010 United States Toll(New York City) ATTENDANCE: Members Present Chairman Donna Moore,Vice Chairman Robert Lewis, Chris Fasciano,Elaine Borselle Sharon Powell,Gail Marino, Lillian Ulan,Carol Welz Staff Present Director Helen Malinka Members Absent Karen Pagliaro Call to the Order Chairman Moore called the meeting to order at 6:37 P.M. Audience of Citizens james Bengiovanni Review of the Minutes Gail Marino moved to approve the minutes for February 16 2021,seconded by Elaine Borselle,passed unanimously. LIBRARIAN'S REPORT: Director Malinka reported that many seniors are having problems with tax aid for the preparation of taxes this year.The library is unable to provide this service due to Covid-19.The library is doing the best they can to help seniors with scheduling vaccines as well.The library has started doing passports and notary services again. Director Malinka reported that as of today, 74%of CT librai-ies are now open.April 1, 2021 will be Helens last day. She asked that the board help with the library as needed during her absence.Carrie will be the liaison until a director is hired. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: Chairman Moore thanked dii-ector Malinka for her years of se►vice. Chairman Moo1-e reminded the board members to let others know if they are unable to make the meetings.This needs to be done to insure a quorum is made. SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS: -Policti� and Personnel Committee - Director Malinka has a meetinU���ith Denise Parsons. Human Resources regarding the ne�v director position. She�vould like to be part of the process if she can. -Finance& Foundation Cammittee -None - Outreach and Advocacy Committee—None - Seed Library —Chris Fasciano reported that seeds came in from UConn and Baker Creek. Patrons are asking about seeds and coming in for seeds. AD�OURNMENT: Carol Welz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 pm,seconded by Lillian Ulan,tmanimously approved. Marlo Matassa : :� 4 � . �� 5', TIZe Recording Secretary _ :� ` .�