1972/05/01MINUTES BOARD OF SELECTMEN May l, 1972 The meeting was opened at 7:30 p.m. by First Selectman Arthur B. Powers. All Selectmen were present. Also present were Mrs. Blanche Mahan and Miss Deena Clavette, both of the press, Mr. Nell Offen and Mr. Michael Symolon both representing WNTY of Southington. Mr. Edward Haber, Chief Mechanic attended the first part of the meeting at the request of the Selectmen in order to discuss the complaint which Mr. Rio had received with respect to whether Berlin Auto Center was re- ceiving more than its share of body repair jobs, and if there is any bidding procedures being followed in such cases. Mr. Haber first asked who had made the complaint. Mr. Rio said he preferred not to divulge that information, other than to say that it was the owner of another body shop in town. Mr. Haber explained that on insurance cases the insurance adjuster sets the price the insurance company will pay and therefore whomever does the repair work must do it at that price. Mr. Haber said not all the work has gone to Berlin Auto Center, some has gone to Ken- sington Auto, Kenwood, Carson Auto, etc. He continued, most of my work is insurance work. He explained that Mr. Schroder of Berlin Auto Center has done wrecker service for the town free and always gets the damaged vehicles repaired and back on the road as soon as possible. Mr. Haber said that he is sure that other body shops do good work, but because of the fact that Mr. Schroder is willing to come out on a Saturday er Sunday to do wrecker jobs along with the fact that he does handle the repair work faster a good deal of the work is sent to him. Mr. Rio said that since he gets the ma- jority of the body work that may be the reason that he does the free wrecker service. He asked Mr. Haber if he couldn't get equally good work from the other shops in town. Mr. Haber said yes he had already stated that fact. Mr. Rio said the others are taxpayers in town and then asked if the town could possible save money by going out competitively bidding such work. Mr. Powers then explained the procedure in insurance cases. Such cases are n~egotiated with the insurance adjuster. After some discussion Mr. Rio said he now understood, but still wondered about the wisdom of al- ways bringing the work to Berlin Auto Center. Mr. Rio asked what proportion of the work goes to Berlin Auto Center. Mr. Haber said that wo~ld be hard to say, but finally said better than 50% but certainly not 90%. Mr. Haber said if it would ease everybody's mind he would call the Selectmen's Office each time there is an accident, go through proper channels, wait for ap- proval from the Board of Selectmen, etc., but felt this would be most time consuming. Mr. Powers said perhaps if Mr. Haber tried to spread the garage work out a bit to those shops that do good work, it may be helpful. Mr. Powers said that certainly no one here was questioning Mr. Habers honesty or integrity. If you can just farm out some of the work, it would resolve the problem. Mr. Rio said he felt we should give preference to someone who lives in town. Mr. Powers said the important thing is can the shop do the work well and in a hurry. Mr. Haber said he still would like to know the name of the person who complained and he would then go and talk with him. Mr. Rio still said he preferred not to divulge the name. Selectmen's Heeting -2- §/1/72 C) On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to accept the minutes of the April 24th meeting with the following corrections: page 3, parargraph nine be deleted and replaced with the following: 'Mr. Rio said in the future, when a Department Head or person in authority recommends awarding a bid to other than the low bidder, that the person recommending the award give a detailed explanation as to the reasons for his recommendation." ; page 4, paragraph 5, add the following after the last sentence: "We have a letter from the City of New Britain which is on record as stating that they will correct the situation". MOTION CARRIED. As regards the motorcycle club (see previous minutes), Mr. Powers reported that Mr. Carlson had written to Mr. Bianea, the owner, who in turn contacted the rental agent. The club members have now been told to vacate the premises. We will give them a couple of days to do so. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to add to the 'call to Town Meeting, to be held on 5/16/72, the following: To elect five members of the Board of Public Health Nursing Service. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Powers reported that he had attended a breakfast meeting of the Council of Governments. Mel Schneidermeyer will be obtaining copies of codes-of ethics from various towns and they will be discussed at a future meeting. Mr. Powers asked Mr. Rio if he would like to attend the meeting when this discussion comes up. Mr. Rio said he would. The secretary reported that in answer to Mr. Rio's question as to whether the Selden Drop:-in remains open when there are other school functions being held, Father Lord had reported that while the young people do not like the idea of closing the Drop=in for this reason (they claim that, for example, if there is a basketball game not all young people are interested in this and would prefer to go to the Center) it has been their policy to close the Center and , in fact, closed down three times in the month of April when there were functions going on at the high school. At this point the recently appointed members of the Design Review Board joined the Selectmen. They are as follows: Mrs. R. MacFarlane, Dr. P. Blakesly, Mrs. L. DiGiorgi, Mr. J. Stiano and Mrs. J. Barbera. The Board and the Selectmen discussed the reasons for forming this committee (see previous minutes), the need for such a committee, the problems they may encounter, the coorelation between their Board and other town agencies such as Planning and Zoning, etc. Mr. Powers read from a proposed Design Review section which had been sent to him by Mr. S. Papa of the Design Re- view Board in New Britain. Mr. Rio mentioned that he had spoken with Jim Vinson of the Department of Community Affairs {see previous minutes} and told of his willingness to attend a meeting here in Berlin. The committee said they would like to have Mr. Vinson speak to them some evening to see what his department has to offer. Mr. Powers suggested that the Board also seek out Mr. Clifford Landry who has been the Town's liaison with the DCA, that he may be able to do some of the necessary leg work. After much dis- cussion, the five members left to meet in another room to elect officers and select their meeting nights. Selectmen's Heeting -3- 5/1/72 On motion by Hr. Lanzont, seconded by Hr. Rio, tt was voted to sign a statement from the State Department of Transportation to indicate our concurrence of local road mileage. The mtleage is as follows, and has been checked out by the Town Engineer: Improved Roads 78.57 miles, Unimproved roads 1.49 miles. HOTION CARRIED. On morton by Hr. Lanzoni, seconded by Hr. Rio, it was voted to send a letter to the Hartford Nattonal Bank and Trust Co, stating that upon recommendation of the Town Treasurer and Director of Finance, they were to be named paying agent for a bond for sewers which have been completed or are currently under construction, and on which money has been temporarily borrowed in anticipation of bonding. HOT[ON CARRIED. Hr. Powers read a letter from Rfchard Anderson, representing the Berlin Youth Council, regarding a breakdown.of estimated costs to repair the men's lavatory at the Selden School. There is $400 in the Selden School account and the estimated work that needs to be done will come to con- siderably more than that figure. Mr. Powers said the work will be put out to bid and if authorized to do so, he would check to see how much money is in the Olive Selden Fund. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Hr. Rio, it was~voted to give Hr. Powers said authorization. HOTION CARRI£O. Hr. Rio said he was dist=ebed over the method by which young people were chosen to work during the summer. He said he was referring to the list of names that the Board of Selectmen approved on the recommendation of the Park and Recreation Commission. Hr. Rio said after the names were publicized in the newspaper he received complains regarding the selection process. This bothered him for two reasons, he continued, one, ! was told that need was considered as a criteria. After talking to several of the complainers, it raised a questton in my mind. Asked who complained, Hr. Rio said he would prefer not to give their names. Hr. Rio said he was concerned about how the selections were made. He said he called Hr. HcGlone and he, Hr. HcGlone, said that 34 of the 39 people were those from last year and had done a good job. He, again Hr. HcGlone, said he had nothing to do wlth it, it was political, that Hr. Powers and Or. Kinlry decided who would have the jobs. Hr. Powers began to say that he and Dr. Kiniry had ~ooked over the application, then Mr. Rio said he would like to finish what he was saying. Hr. Rio said he then asked Hr. McGlone if need was considered. Hr. HcGlone told him there was no place on the application forms to give financial formation, also people had not been interviewed. It seems impossible to me as to how need could be considered. People have told me things, people have said Took this is the way things are done. I voted with the understandin that need had been a consideration. I would like to make it clear how things have been done. If things are to the deteiment of the town, I will be against it. If this is the system, I think it stinks. Based on what Mr. HcGlone said and the fact that there was no place on the forms for financial information. I was told need was considered. Selectmen' s Meeting -4- 5/1172 Mr. Powers safd need was considered. If a youngster is going to college this is the primary need. Mr. Powers said the recommendations came from the Recreation Director. Mr. Powers said all the youngsters are going to college, and those who were on before who have left college are no longer eligible. You are making a mistake to think that we did not go over this very carefully. Mr. Rio said I looked it over carefully too and I still think it stinks. At least six or seven names here are those youngsters who are the sons or daughters of members of the Democratic Town Committee. Mr. Powers said Fran you're making a political thing out of this. Mr. Rio said I didn't bring up politics, you did. Mr. Powers said, just what would you do? We only had fifteen jobs and some 300 applications. Mr. Rio said I would try to be objective. I want to go on record as being opposed to the list of names that was~~ approved. Mr. Powers said a~l these kids are qualified, well qualified, they are going to college, a few of the kids are listed here and I don't even know them but their applications were so terrific that they were hired. What do you expect us to do when they are well qualified. Just because their father or mother is on the Town Committee, do we refuse them a jobl Mr. Rio said the youngsters who were hired should be embarrassed knowing that's how they got their jobs. Mr. Powers said no youngster will be embarrassed because each one is going to college, and that is the primary need, and all are qualified. Mr. Rio said how can they have respect for the system when they get their jobs because of their families. Much lengthy discussion followed. Mr. Rio said he had received a complaint about the mess at Central Sign Company. Mr. Powers said he agreed that it was a mess down there and he would see to it that Mr. Carlson looked into the matter. The meeting adjourned at 8:55 p.m. Secretary