1972/04/03MINUTES BOARD OF SELECTMEN April 3, 1972 The meeting was opened at 7:30 p.m. by First Selectman Arthur B. Powers. All Selectmen were present. Also present were: Mr. Ronald Lindgren (part of meeting), Mr. Dick Benson, an observer and Miss Deena Clavette of the press. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to accept the minutes of 27 March 1972 with the following additions: page one paragraph 8, add the words "per acre" after:between $3,000 and $4,000; and add to the minutes the following: Mr. Rio wishes to have the record show that the reason he seconded the motion contained on page one, para- graph 7 was to bring the motion bo the floor. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Lindgmen of the Fire Board presented bids which were opened for a proposed addition to the South Kensington Fire Department and also showed the Selectmen blueprints of the preposed addition. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to award the contract for construction of an addition to the South Kensington Fire Department to the low bidder, King Builders at a bid price of $1570.00. (Only one other bidder, Dornfried Builders, Inc bid at $1675.00). MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Powers displayed a Quit Claim Deed which had been obtained on the portion of land which Mr. Henry E. Sage donated to the Town of Berlin along with a Promissory Note for the parcel of land adjacent to the donated land which the Town,s purchased from Mr. Sage. The first pay- ment due on January 3, 1972 is for $3,290.93 with fourteen additional payments of $3,500.98 due each January 3 thereafter. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to accept the Quit Claim Deed and to sign the Promissory Note. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, the Selectmen signed an option in the amount of $200.00 payable to Joseph Cieniewicz for a parcel of land which the Town may purchase in connection with the re- construction of the Lower Lane Bridge. The option is good for four months and the purchase price of the land, should the Town decide to purchase, is $2,298.00. Seller will have the right of way to reach his adjoining property and also have lifetime use for the purpose of grazing his cattle. Should the land be purchased, the option cost of $200 will be applied to the purchase price. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to hold a Town Meeting on l0 April 1972 at the McGee School, for the following: 1. To provide by resolution for the appointment of three representatives to the Central Connecticut Regional Authority. 2. To consider and act upon the transfer from the General Fund, as rec- ommended by the Board of Finance, the sum:~of $4,300 to new item lC2013 Call In System and Video Tape Recorder. Selectmen's Meeting 4/3/72 -2- Mr. Powers reported that on Tuesday (3/28/72) he had a meeting with a representative of the State Labor Board, Mr. R~mbard O'Connor, Mr. Peter Horn, Mr. DiMaggio and representatives of the International Brotherhood of Police Officers regarding the possibility of the local policemen having an election in order to join a new union{IBPO). Mr. Horn, representative of their present un4on, is opposed to any new election for change of union representation due to the fact that he maintains that their contract is still in force, i.e. their present contract, while under discussion is still valid. There will be a hearing on April 26th at the State Labor Department. Mr. Powers said that 19 members of the police force signed the petition for a new election. A letter will be written to Professor Wellington asking that the fact-finding be held in abeyance until the decision of the State Labor Board. Mr. Powers said he would keep the Selectmen informed of preg~s. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to award the contract for construction of the Highway Storage Building to the low bidder, Concetto Pizzo, at a bid price of $21,500. Other bidders were: J. Gionfriddo, Inc., $21,700; Bessoni Construction, $22,500; Kramer Building Company, $23,250. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Powers read a letter from the Board of Finance in which they advise that they will meet with Mrs. Leicach, Chairman of the ~ub-committee of the Drug Action Committee to discuss in detail the Committee's rec- ommendation that a Youth Counselor-Coordinator be hired. Mr. Powers said that he wished to go on record as stating he was opposed to the Board of Finance's approval of $1500 for a Zoning Inspector. Mr. Powers said he-fel~t Mr. Carlson and his assistant could handle this job. Mr. Rio sa(d it has been brought to his attention that there are a number of vacant buildings and houses which are a safe(y hazard to childrn. One such house is on Spruce Brook Road. AnO~her such vacant house which was discussed was the Bushnell House. Mr. Powers said Mr. Carlson has been sending letters to the owners and he would mention the one on Spruce Brook Road to him. Mr. Rio distributed copies of a proposed ordinance enacting a Code of Ethics and creating a Board of Ethics (see copy attached). Mr. Rio said he is going to propose that the Town act on this ordinance since he feels that many people need their confidence restored in their public officials everywhere, not just in Berlin. He said other towns have adopted similar ordinances. Mr. Rio said the intent of this ordinance is to establish guidelines for standa.rds of behavior. Mr. Rio says that this is one of reasons he got involved in politics, through ignorance, he continued, sometimes people don't know mhat's right and wrong and this ordinance would state the standards of behavior. Mr. Rio said he hoped there was favorable reaction to this ordinance and it could be placed on the call to the next Town Meeting. Mr. Powers said he was not opposed to a good Code of Ethics Ordinance but said he thought first of all he would like to study it thoroughly and it should be submitted to Town Counsel for his perusal. Mr. Powers added that the Charter Commission should be asked to include it in the Selectmen's Meettng 4/3/72 -3- Charter. Mr. Powers said he feared the "nit-pickers" a~d '°muck- rakers" and added that it could be a shambles. Mr. Powers said that since the Charter Commission came into being, we have avoided creating any new ordinances. Mr. Rio said that in the absence of any compelling reason that we should adopt this ordinance as soon as possible. People do, he added, question the integrity of their public officials. Mr. Powers said he would ask Mr. Jackaway to review the ordinance. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m t espTM ly~u~i tted' Secretary