2021-02-16 TOWN OF BERLIN BERLIN-PECK MEMORIAL LIBRARY BOARD WEDNESDAY FEBUARY 16, 2021 6:30 PM Meeting number (access code): 132 319 9484 Meeting password: rmSFivAq633 (76734827 from phones and video systems) https://townofberlin.my.webex.com/townofberlin.my/j.php?MTID=md09bac466e8a1c9c5efd0b70f6091dc4 Join by phone +1-646-992-2010 United States Toll (New York City) Join by video system, application or Skype for business Dial 132 319 9484@webex.com You can also dial 132 319 9484 and enter your meeting number. Join by video system, application or Skype for business _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ATTENDANCE: Members Present Chairman Donna Moore, Vice Chairman Robert Lewis, Chris Fasciano, Elaine Borselle Sharon Powell, Gail Marino, Karen Pagliaro Staff Present Director Helen Malinka Members Absent Carol Welz, Lillian Ulan Call to the Order Chairman Moore called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M. Audience of Citizens None Sharon Powell made a motion to nominate Donna Moore as Chairman, seconded by Karen Pagliaro, passed unanimously. Sharon Powell made a motion to nominate Robert Lewis as Vice Chairman, seconded by Karen Pagliaro, passed unanimously. The board welcomes Gail Marino. Review of the Minutes Vice Chairman Lewis moved to approve the minutes for January 13, 2021, seconded by Elaine Borselle, passed unanimously with the correction of Carol Welz being present. LIBRARIAN’S REPORT: Director Malinka reported that she would be retiring this Spring/Summer 2021. She is working on a job description for Human Resources. If the position is not filled right away Carrie Tyszka will fill in temporarily. In Connecticut 64% of the libraries are open. Newington library is still closed. There was a complaint to the Mayor that the Berlin Library is closed on Saturdays. Director Malinka reported that it is hard to schedule Saturdays and the library is open five days a week as of right now. Friends of the Berlin Peck Library met last week and reported that the book sale will be open one day a week on Wednesdays starting March 3, 2021 from 9:30 am to 12:00 noon and donations will also be accepted. CHAIRMAN'S REPORT: None SUB-COMMITTEE REPORTS: - Governance Committee – Chris Fasciano reported that the committee met last week to work on the emergency manual. - Outreach Committee - None - Finance & Foundation Committee – Gail Marino and Elaine Borselle will be on this committee. Director Malinka would like this committee to work on getting funds from foundations. This process would start from scratch. Seed Library - Chris Fasciano did a virtual program sponsored by the Garden Club on tomatoes. There will also be an ad in the paper about the Seed Library. NEW BUSINESS: - New Committee Names * “Policy and Personal Committee” will replace the Governance Committee. * “Outreach and Advocacy Committee” will replace Outreach Committee. * “Finance & Foundation Committee” will stay the same. - Emergency manual – Director Malinka is working on this and will present it to the board. The Social Worker and the Memory Café programs have dissolved due to Covid-19. The grant money from the Memory Café is going towards the Memory Kits. Next Meeting: March 16, 2021 ADJOURNMENT: Karen Pagliaro made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:20 pm, seconded by Gail Marino, unanimously approved. Marlo Matassa The Recording Secretary