1972/02/07MINUTES BOARD OF SELECTMEN February 7, 1972 The meeting was opened at 7:35 p.m. by First Selectman Arthur B. Powers. All Selectmen were present. Also present were: Miss Deena Clavette and Mrs. Joyce Moller both of the press. Members of the Drug Action Committee and a number of towns- people were also present. A list of those present is attached. Mr. Powers started out by saying that we are here tonight in order to reactivate the Drug Action Committee. He emphasized the excellent job done by the committee but added that membership has dropped off and also that a need for more community awareness to the drug and alcohol problem in Berlin exists. Mr. Powers praised the committee for its work in self- education and proposing programs such as open forums and rap sessions as well as the Drug Education Policy which was adopted by the Board of Education last summer. Although that program has not been implemented plans-are underway to begin implementation according to members of the Board of Education. Mr. Powers said the focus should be on prevention rather than rehabilitation. He added that it is much better to stop young people from starting on drugs before we reach the stage where re- habilitative facilities are needed. There was a lengthy discussion regarding recent incidents in which youths were taken to the hospital or arrested while under the influence of liquor or drugs. The discussion ran into the subject of whether there should be more publicity in the newspapers. Mr. Powers stressed the need for better communication with Town Agencies and the public. He continued that the need for community awareness and involvement is great. Mr. Powers appointed Mr. Richard Skinner as temporary chairman. Mrs. Barton, speaking for the Board of Education, said that money'has been allocated in me~t year's budget for 2 directors at the High School and one at McGee, plus several teachers at the various schools. Mr. Powers said he felt a coordinator mi:iht be a possible solution. At this point, Mrs. Carol Kowalczyk, former Chairman of the Drug Action Commiteee, gave the background of the committee, told of the programs they organized and of the conferences they attended in an attempt to self- educate themselves. L (~ Mr. Powers stressed to the newly activated committee that the Board of )Selectmen will offer all the help they can but the committee must do the _ .... ~' job itself. The committee, under the chairmanship of temporary chairman Richard Skinner, then decided that their first meeting will be held at the Berlin High School library on Tuesday, February 15th at 8:00 p.m. Selectmen' s Meettng 2/7/72 -2- At this point (9:00 p.m.) the Selectmen adjourned their meeting with the Drug Action Committee and opened the regular Selectmen's meeting. Present were : Joyce Moller, Deena Clavette of the press; Joan Cardello, Gary Laskowski and William Scalise, observers. Mr. Rio asked that on page one, paragraph lO, the sentence that reads: The owners stated that they would be happy to negotiate with the Town., be changed to read: "The owners stated that they would be happy to re- ceive a proposal from the Town" On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, the minutes of the meeting of 2/7/72 be approved as corrected. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Powers said he spoke with Robert Taylor of the Environmental Protection Agency and was informed that under the direction of Mr. Robert Moore of that agency, an order is being prepared against Manafort Brothers. They have been to the site and are in general agreement with us and also agree that this is going to be a difficult situation to resolve. On motion by Mr. Lanzont, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to sign Sewer 8ond Anticipation Notes with the Hartford National Bank & Trust Company in the amount of $750,000.00. (Bids from the other banks are listed below.) The interest rate from Hartford National is 2.00% with no premium. MOTION CARRIED. Hartford National Bank & Trust Connecticut Bank & Trust New Britain NmEmmmmmm~ Bank & Trust (bidding on $200,000 only) 2.00% no premium 2.63% $7.00 premium 2.35% no premium On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to appoint Mr. John Manno of 47 Wilcox Street, New Britain, a special constable at the Christian Lane and Deming Road dump sites at the request of Barry Squilla- cote, Director of Public Works, New Britain. Mr. Manno will replace William McNamara. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to appoint the following to the Drug Action Committee: Mrs. Ina Wooley, Mr. Herbert Carl- son, Mr. William Scalise, Mr. Peter Rich, Mrs. Carol Merritt, Mrs. Maryann Rusczyk, Mrs. Penelope Pease. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to appoint Mr. Aldo Castiglioni to a 5 year term on the Planning Commission as an alternate. Term effective January l, 1972 and expiring on December 31, lg76. MOTION CARRIED. Selectmen's Meeting 2/7/72 -3- On motion by Mr. Lanzonl, seconded by "Mr. Rio, it was voted to reaffirm the reappointments of Mr. Leoaard Abrahamson and Mr. Patrick Kinney to the Building Code Board of Appeals. Their terms expire on January 31, 1974. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to reappoint the following to the Public Building Commission for five year terms. Terms to begin March 1st 1972 and expiring February 28, 1977: Richard McKeon, Jerome Skolnick, Ralph King. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Powers read a letter from Burton Johnson, President of Precision Graphics in which he states he feels that companies should be reimbursed when volunteer firemen leave their place of employment to go on a fire call. Mr. Johnson had written this letter to the Fire Board. On motion by Mr. Lanzont, seconded by Mr. Rio, it was voted to have Mr. Powers write to the Fire Board advising them that the Selectmen had re- ceived a copy of Mr. Johnson's letter and that the Selectmen recommend that no changes be made in the present system. To start making reim- bursements would destroy the whole concept of volunteer firemen. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Powers read a proposed news release prepared by Emil Carls~regarding rules and regulations with regard to pigeons. There have been numerous complaints about the "nuisance of pigeons" and Mr. Carlson cites the statutes regarding the necessity of keeping pigeons penned. Mr. Rio suggested that Rubbish Collection Bids be revised or an addendum be placed on the specifications with respect to separation of paper and rubbish. He said that he has noticed that other communities have done this and it would appear that the cost to the towns is less expensive. Mr. Powers said he would contact Morgan Seelye to see if an alternative can be added to the legal notice and/or the specifications. Mr. Rio said that there was a Christmas tree, still lighted, at Ferndale Plaza. Mr. Powers said Mr. Carlson has already been asked to look into the matter. There was a discussion on the subject of the vacancy for the position of Restaurant Inspector. Mr. Powers said Dr. Chotkowski, as Health Director, has said he would like someone well qualified. The Selectmen can make a recommendation to Dr. Chotkowski. Many people have shown interest'in the position. Mr. Powers read a communication from Emil Carlson, Building Official, in which he advises that the State of Connecticut Basic Building Code re- quests that each town prescribe by ordinance penalties to implement sub- ject sections. A copy of the penalties included in Mr. Carlson's pro- posal is available in the Selectmen 's Office. Mr. Rio brought in a complaint from Mr. Culver of Beckley Road.stemming from when Mattabassett put the pipe in front of his house. Drainage was impaired in from of his home and the position of the fence. Traffic is going around it. Mr. Powers said he would check into this situation to see if anything can be done. Selectmen 's Meeting 2/7/72 Mr. Rio asked if Mr. Scheyd had appraised the land in East Berlin. Mr. Powers said that Mr. Scheyd was in the middle of preparing the Grand List but would undoubtedly have something for the Selectmen at their next meet- ing. The meeting adjourned at lO:15 p.m. ~spectfully submitted, Patricia A. Casella Secretary