1963/04/02 1o63 1. Regulsr Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, ~.pr~l 2 st 8:30 P.M. Members present: Robert Bennerup, Nunz[o Rosso, Aldo Cssttglion~, and Henry Winterbntto~n Also, Jsmes F. K[ss~ne, Jr., Town Engineer, R1 Curnow, Asst. Town Engineer and Margaret Gooby. 2. High Speed Msch[~e Products Co. - see March ~ Minutes - Item 3 }~. K~sssne preset:ted the follow,.nS rasp for final approval. "Berlin Industrial Perk - Associated Architects, ~von, Conn., RerlN~, Conn., Section I, dated 21 Fe~. 1063, Revised M~PcN 1}, 1963." Mr. C~st[glion~. ~de s mot[on, seconded by [{. Rosso, that f~n~l ~ppro?~l be given to the m~p es presented. So Voted. Map wes by members present. 3. Mr. Philip G. Luz~d ~ppe~red end presented the follow,ag mBp which is a re-sab- division. "Property o~ Philip G. Lund ~47 Spruce Brook Ro~d, Berlin, Conn., resubdLv~s[on w~s sche~.~led for April 16, lO63. 4. Meadow brnok - see ~{:~nutes M~rch 1©, Ite~ 2 - Mr. Dobrownlsk[ appeared ~nd presented the following map eom prel~m[n8ry sDprovsl. "Prelimlnsry Plan - Meadow Brook Estetes - Chamberlain H[ghwey, 5erl%n, Conn., Cwned and Developed by Brock- v~_ew Estates, o~ West M~[n Street, New br%t~[n, Conn., Dated 0cto~er 1{, 1962, J.D. Williams,Scale 1"=80' N~te - this rasp supersedes previous d~te preliminary map. Rev~.sed M~r~h 1963 to chsn~e Old Hatchery Nosd." See Minutes Oct. 2 Item ~. Kisssne stated that the cul-de-sBc, end the r~ght-c~-wsy to con~ect to abutting property ss requested ~n the October 2 M~nutos ~re ~ncl~:ded ~.n this m~p. The 81so sh~ws the chBnge [n curve in 01d Hickory Ro~d. A motion w~s mede by A. Csstlglioni, seconded by N. Rosso, to give preliminary approval. So Voted. ~. Meadow brook - Mr. Dobrowo!sk[ requested relaxed standards on 01d Hatchery Road stat{ag that wh[le they w[1]. h~ve to bear the cost o~ the road the State of Con~. sod sbuttlng property owners will benefit. ~e Com'n[ss%on denied request on motion of A. Castiglion%, seconded by H. Winterbottom. 6. Spruce brook Road - J~rvls LBne - Mr. Klss~ne presented s m~p of the Hemphill property stating that sa illegal smbd{.v[sion has been creeted by the fact that the property has been divided into three bu[ld~ng lots, one of the lots fBces on Jarvls Lene which is not 8 Town-accepted roBd. It was the consensus of the meetln5 that the Secret~ry write to Mr. Hemphill requesting that he contact the mown Engineer in this regard. 7. Mr. Klss~ne presented the follow{ng mBp, prepared by the Town Engineering Dept. w~'ch est~bl%shes street lines for Chr{st[sn L~ne. "Town of Berlin Street L{ne Map, dated M~rch lO63, Scales Hnr[z. 1"=~0', Vert. 1"=6'." It w~s noted thBt all property owners sod mortgage holders for property s~fected by this proposed mBp w{ll h~%,e to be notif[ed of a Public HeBring on thls map. ~e Engineering Dept. w~.ll toke care of th~s ~long with putting the proper legel not[ce %n the papers. 8. On mot[on of H. Winterbottom, seconded by A. C~st[gl[cn[, the M~.nutes of the MBrch lO Meet{nS were 8~proved 8s written. 9. Msrch 19, Item 3 - Brnokview Hills - noth%n~ new. 10. H~rch lC Minutes - Item 8 - GrshBm-G[schel Property - ~. Bennerup stated that ~. Grehsm hsd w[thdr~wn ts sppllsstion to the Zoning board of ~ppesls. 11. Meeth~g sd joined st 19:30 P.M. Respectfully submitted, 1. Public Hearing Berlin Town Ol~nn~ng Commission, Apr%12, 1963 at 8 P.M. Members present: Robert Ben~erup, Nunzi'~ Rosso, Henry Winterbottom, sod f~ldo Csst[gl[nn[. Also A1 Curnow, Asst. Town Eng!neer, and Margaret Gooby. 2. Mr. Rosso read the Call of the Meeting:- "Legal Not%ce - ~e legal voters of the Town of Berlin sro hereby warned and notif[ed that s Pub!%c Hearing w[.ll be held by the flsnn%ng Comm'ssion of the Town cf Berlin on ~esdey, Apr%1 2, 1'~63 at 8:00 P.M. E.F.T. st the Town Hall, o$3 ~[orth[ngton R~d~ze, Beri[n, Conn.; then ~ d there: To act upon the application of Leonard Abrshsmson to re-aukS%vide lots on the south side of Reservolr R~. formerly known ss "He,nod Acres" Section I. "M~ s~',~.w~n2 th~s pr~o~ed re-aubd~v~s[~n ~s on ~le wtth the Town Clerk, o~3 Worthington R~d~e, Berlin, Conn. "Dsted this 22nd. day of Ms~rch lC63. ~unz[o Rosso, Secretary , Town of Berlin Planning Commission." 3. ~e follow[ ~g mad was presented - see Item 3, Feb. 26 M~.nutes - "Property of Leonard A. Abrahams~,n, Ber!~n, Corm, dated January lO63, Scale 1"=100', A.W. Bacon, C.E." 4. Mr. Ed. Timko sppesred ss sn interested party. ~. Mr. Curnow reaorted that the Town Eng~neer%ng Dept. has me~ sured th~s property to make sure that both the Town end Mr. Timko have the exact d[mensic, ns cs!led for %n their respective deeds. 6. ~. T[~o was ~n agreement w~th the lot lines ss established. 7. No one appeared to speak against the proposal. ~. Mr. Rosso made s mot[on, seconded by ~. Csstiglioni, that this re-subdivislc~ be approved. Sc~ Voted. 9. Heisting sdjou/'ned at 8:lg P.M. Respectfully submitted, Nanz~:6/Rc}ssn, Secretary