2020-12-10 2020.12J0 Pa��ks cr Rer��erilion Cnnmiission TOWN OF I3ERUN Parks and Recreation Cmnmission 230 Kensineton Road • 6erlin, CT 06037 Thursdar, Uecember lU,2U2U 6:00 p.m. VIRTUAL ATTF,NDANCF,: Cummissioncrn Prescnt: llonna [3ovcc - Chainroman, 7�ony Butrimas. Don Uclluquilz, Stcvc Hinchlifle(joined 6:02 p.m.), Andre�e Legnani. Dinesh Patcl. ,loc Pulcini (urrived 6:03 p.mJ St�ff Presenh Jcn Ochoa, Director oCCommuni�v. Recreation nnd Park Services Stece Wood, Superintendent of Growids Chair��oman Bovec called lhe meetin� to order a� 6:01 p.m. l. Audience of Citizens Nonc. 2. Appro��al of Minutes Noveinber 12,2030 Cominissionec 13utrimns movcd to appro��c the Nocember 12. 2020 mccting minutes. Secmtdcd by Commissioncr Lcgnani. Those voting in I�n�or Commissioner Rovca Commissioner 6utrimas, Commissio�cr Dellayuila, Commissioner I.egnani, Commissioner Patcl Vote beine 5-0. (MOTION CARRIfID) 3. Cunsen[ A�cnda None. (Commissioner liinchliffe arrived at this point.) a. Parks & Grounds n. MonthlyReport—(secattached). • Portions of Gnrrirv and Pulcini soccer lields u'crc rcsodded in an eflorl to eliminate as much lip as possible Addilion�ll}'. silt�us added to nddress ��'atcr accumulu[ion. • Trecs fcll at I lubbard and I3aret[n Picld, �caiting lur thc fcncing company to tis bolh locations. . Wenl out to bid tor design sen�ices' nt Percival soccer field. Will mect�cith the desi�n coulractor and reporl back. In an efl�ort to save funds, the Tow� pinns tu 2020-17_70 Pm�ks & Recrea[ion Conmais.cion utilize Ihe Highw�ay dcpartment staff a�d equipment tu haul the fill material off-site, as well as utilize Facilitics to pei�form electrical work for lighting. • Work on ihe light polc at Scalisc is scheduled Cor week ol Decembcr 14, 2020. (Commissioncr Pulcini arrived at this poinL) b. Sage 1 Update—A fe��� punch-list irems rcmain open. Mounds and bascs ai�: i�stalled,the shed is duc to arrivc Ueccmber IS-16. 2020. c. Pield Closure Dates 2021 —Pields lypically close the 2"� week in No��ember. Director Ochon �nd Superintendcnt Wood dismissed the likelihood of closin_ the majority of fidds a�vcek enrlier mo��ing forward. �Chis chnnge will allo�a Grounds to work on the ficlds carlicr and mnke the fields more ��lu}•able duriite their seasons. (Superintcndcnl Wood plans to leave a field zaailable lur the pouth /I ligh School groups forthe first week oTNovembcr if neccsszrtiJ. "I�his change will he cominunicaled lo the users at the Pebrunry 2021 Commission mecting. Dircctor Ochoa �cill work on a list of lalking poinls for thnt meMing.including an oudinc of nll ��ork tha[ �cas perlormed x� each ficld. �. Pnrks nnd Recrcation a. Monthly Report—(See attach�dJ • A I Iolida�� Iiouse Decorstion Conrest �eas established and has gotten a lot of positire leedbeck. Olher nearby [owns huvc hosted similar programs, �vittt 18 and 23 pnrticipants Bcrlids pnrticipntion this first}�ear is 53 homes. b. Cummunit}�/Senior Center Update—Several public outreach open lorums �cere scheduled in December 2030/lanunr�� 2021 h� arehitect firm QA&M, but die Central Connecticut Heplth Dis�rict�d��ised enncellation oi thosc nsctings. The lirm is working nn putting its presenlalion in ��ideo Ibrm to be shnred on the To�vn"s websiie and socizl media. The Commissioners obserred that communication �cith the public is very iinport2nc Director Ochoa adde� that QA&M �vill be meeting wiih �he Public l3uildin� Commission. which will decide ��fiether to proceed �tiith virtual torums. Chaincotnan Bovee suggcated that a cominuniention plan he buili �chile waiiting for in-person meetings. 6. Adjournment Commissiuner I Iinchliffe moced to adjourn al 639 p.m. Scconded by Commissiuner Dellaquiln. Votc being 7-0. (MOTION CAItIiIRD) Submitted by, Dana f3orges _ . . .. _. '-':' �cC 18 ��ill� 34 �� i ,,-, i'S��u_<,.,� I ar._�...�p. ?'.I. 2020-1 Z-JO Parks & Recrea(iun Commissiaa Parks and Recreation monthly report for December 1. Winter dance znd Yainti��g ��'/Pegg7 classes are on hold. We will not be oflering dog obedience classes this �+'in[er. We are wuiting until after Jnnuar}' 19 tu aee iC�ce are able to hold ���omen's volleyball nnd men's basketball. 2. ARer a conecrsntion widi Chm'lie f3rown, Dircctor of I Icalth. wc dccided ihc Communitv Center �could be dosed through Jnmiary 31. We will still hold dic I�st hso yogn clnsses nnA Painting�c/Negg}� classes. �ro�ilh slricl guidelines in pluce. The only event we�tiill be hos[ing at the Centcr is a blooA diice on January 5. Wc �vill m-cvaluatc thiogs to scc when it will bc safe for us to re-open for groups and o�Ter progr�ms. 3. Wc offcred n Holidnc House Decorating Contcst. Wc hacc 52 housa rcoistcrcd. I �cill bc judging with hvo other smff. on Thursday, December 10. The Tinscl Run star[ed virtually on Deeember� and �eill go until December 2G. Pcople can register at an}� timc. up to December 36. to par�icipate. 4. As you know. �re mnde the diRlmdt decision io canccl the qouth baskctball programs this ���nter. The Directive from Govemor Lamont pausing sports until Januury 19 and still no approcal fmm the Bonrd of F�lucxtion to use the schuols made it impossible lo tq� and get the scason going. 5. Over Ihe nesl fe�c �ceeks. I �cill be contnctin,siimmer stu�7: H�ho �corked the last hvo summers, lo sec�vho �eill be retuming. 1 anticipate, around thc cnd of the moNh, 1 will begin ad��ertisine lor open positions. While �ce s-till do not kno�c�chat h�pe ol pro�rams we will be able lo run. 1 �tiant to �et ehead of things in xnticipatiun we will open at least une, iC not both pools und h���c somc lorm of uur Summcr Fun program. Dcbbie 2020-12-10 Par'ks& F'errealimx Comnriss'ia�� Parks and Grounds November report Dail� o Groom end line lields o Mow and �eced-�vhack town proper[ics o Groom and line ballfields o leaves Wcekl�° o Garbage o Naint athlctic lincs o Assisted ���ith moving food for the food panLy Misccllancous o Update o Scalise Light o Put up Christmas lights o Sen�ice equipment o Remoeed 211 dead Ilo�ccrs around to�vn o Resod front of�he mound add�d RO tons of infield m2terinl �� Garrity and Pulcini Inficld o llr�ined and w�shed and relill��ci bolh pools o I31ew ou� irri_ation lincs through lo�vn Storm Damaac o Tree croshed lence at the tbllowing loeation o Barrclte Fidd o Hubbard School Plzyground