2020-08-20 2020-OS-20 Golf Commission Meeting TOWN OF BERLIN Timberlin Golf Commission 230 Kensington Road • Berlin, CT 06037 Zoom Meeting Thursda��, August 20, 2020 6:00 p.m. Topic: Golf Commission Time: Aug 20, 2020 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting https://us02���eb.zoom.us/j/85230707204?p�cd=a2RLZk�qL 1 ROWGN 1 VEJXSXpaNUY2dz09 Meeting ID: 852 3070 7204 Passcode: 2904�1 A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman DeFazio called the meeting to order at 6:02 p.m. Commissioners Present: Jeff Arute, Nancy Berger, Peter DeFazio, Gale Lemieux, Richard Nappi, Jim Norton, Seb Senia Commissioners Absent: Jim Bugella Staff Present: Jonathan Zuk— Director of Golf Marc Ba}�ram—Golf Professional B. AUDIENCE OF CITIZENS None. C. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—Meeting-July 16, 2020 Commissioner Norton moved to appro��e the Jul�� 16, 20?0 meeting minutes. Seconded by Cammissioner Arute. Those voting in favor: Commissioner Arute, Commissioner Berger, Commissioner DeFazio, Commissioner Lemieux, Commissioner Norton, Commissioner Senia Vote being: 6-0-1. (MOTION CARRIED). Commissioner Nappi abstained, as he was not at the 7/16/20 meetina. 1. Minutes-Notes to be added None. 1 2020-08-20 Golf Commission Meeting Commissioner DeFazio moved to add item D2 Statement of Need / Cost Reduction Option Status Update to the meeting agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Norton. Those voting in favor: Commissioner Arute, Commissioner Berger, Commissioner DeFazio, Commissioner Lemieux, Commissioner Nappi, Commissioner Norton, Commissioner Senia Vote being: 7-0. (MOTION CARRIED) D. OLD BUSINESS 1. Project Status: • 100 & 200 ti�ardage markers —All markers have been received, but the anchors are backordered, due on AuQust 21, 2020. Installation should only take a day or twro. Reflectors from same vendor are being considered. (Added during meeting:) 2. Statement of Need /Cost Reduction Option Status Update— Cost reduction options and a Statement of Need were presented to Town Council. Councilor Rosso suggested that a committee be formed in September to review the options. The Commissioners suggest that representatives from Finance and the Golf Commission be a part of the committee. E. NEW BUSINESS 1. Donation request-Connecticut Children's Medical Center- Commissioner Norton moved to approve the Connecticut Children's Medical Center request for donation. Seconded by Commissioner Lemieux. The Commission noted that there is no known association to Berlin. Those voting against: Commissioner ArLite, Commissioner Berger, Commissioner DeFazio, Commissioner Lemieux, Commissioner Nappi, Commissioner Norton, Commissioner Senia Vote being: 0-7. (MOTION DEFEATED) 2. Tee Time Policy — Commissioner Senia commented that the existing policy does not restrict the number of tee times that an individual can reserve and the group discussed whether or not that should be changed. Golf Professional Bayram noted that if an individual books one or more tee times and any of the tee times are unused, it is treated as a"no-show" that is recorded on the reservinb party's account. (After two no-shows, the golfer is suspended.) Golf Pro Bayram added that the bookings that are ty�pically made in groups are filled with foursomes. He feels that restrictina the golfers' ability� to book 2 2020-08-20 Golf Commission Meeting several tee times at once might drive away business and would certainly create more work /phone congestion for the pro shop. The group discussed the possibilities of securing bookings with credit cards for online bookin�s and offering residents the aadvantaQe of booking 6 days in advance (with non- residents able to book 5 dati�s in advance). � 3. Medical Exception-Single Rider Cart— Director Zuk noted that a golfer is requesting a ���aiver of the sinale-cart rider surcharge. The golfer presented a doctor's note that he had undergone an organ transplant and his immunity could be cotnpromised if 11e were forced to ride in a cart �vith another person. The Commission acknow�ledges the concern, and this ty�pe of situation is exactly why Timberlin offers the option for single-rider cart rental. The Commissioners agree that the nominal fee should not be w�aived in any situation, and also that cart attendants/pro shop staff should not be put in a position to consider the validity of doctors notes and/or medical situations (which is likely a HIPAA violation). Any golfer is offered the option of single-rider cart rental, and will need to pay the appropriate rate. Commissioner DeFazio mo��ed to add item E4 Marino Season Pass Refund Discussion to the meeting agenda. Seconded by Commissioner Nappi. Those voting in favor: Commissioner Arute, Commissioner Berger, Commissioner DeFazio, Con�missioner Lemieu�, Commissioner Nappi, Commissioner Norton, Commissioner Senia Vote being: 7-0. (MOTION CARRIED) (added during meeting:) 4. Tom and Andrea Marino Season Pass Refund — Both Director Zuk and Chairman DeFazio have spoken ���ith Mr. Marino, who has played several rounds of golf this year. Mr. Marino stated that he looked at the club schedules and complained that the weekends are full of club bookings. Chairman DeFazio agreed that there is league play on the weekends, but stated that Timberlin does indeed have tee time availability. The Commissioners stated that golfers can call or drive to Timberlin to secure a tee time. Golfers may not get their first time choice, but tee times absolutely are available. The Commissioners also clarified that purchase of a season pass does not guarantee tee times or offer preferred tee times, and discussed the possibility� of adding that lanauage to the season pass application. Commissioner Norton moved to approve Tom and Andrea Marino's request for a refund of the remaindei•of their season passes (less the cost of rounds played) in the form of a Timberlin gift certificate that can be used for greens fees only (no CIP, cart rental or merchandise), subject to approval of the Finance Department and Town Council. � � 2020-08-20 Golf Commission Meeting Seconded by Commissioner Senia. Those voting in favor: Co�nmissioner Arute, Commissioner Berger, Commissioner DeFazio, Commissioner Lemieux, Commissioner Nappi, Commissioner Senia Those voting against: Commissioner Norton. Vote being: 6-1. (MOTION CARRIED) 5. Restaurant Contract-Update— Director Zuk reported that the proposed contract (potentially 3-year term ��-ith increase in rent and utilities) will be presented to Town Council on September 15, 2020 for consideration. The Commissioners agreed that the restaurant staff has done a great job durinb the pandemic and appreciates their dedication and professionalism. 6. CCSU Engineering Program-Bridge— Director Zuk reported that the bridge is in place, and despite the rails being quite tall is a well built structure. He stated that both sides ���ill be paved to enter and ehit, and he w�ll look into adding non-skid material to the surface. 7. Account Balances: • Tee sign account-$11,064.63—The 50`" Anniversary Committee is still unable to set a date for the celebration given the onboina pandemic and lack of a ���idespread vaccine /hercl iminunity. Director Zuk is still trying to contact the laser light contractor to discuss the possibility of a refund. Those tee sign sponsors who paid for the 50'" Anniversary season w�ill enjoy an extra year of publicity through the 2021 golf season. If the celebration is not able to be held in 2021, the Committee / Commission will discuss the sponsorships further at that point in time. • CIP Budget balance-$44,3=11.91- Director Zuk outlined a few projects he has planned, including: 1) removal of remaining pine on #12 tee; 2) redesign blinker on 13`"hole, reducing its size (will bring drawings to the Commission for review— ��-ork can't be done until rnid-October; 3) reposition bunker on right side of#12 — tree roots are invading the bunker; 4) removal of large trees on 15, 17, 14t� fairway and l Ot� green. The Commission asked if some filnds could be directed to the ends of cart paths which are rough. Director Zuk will look into laying grindings from the former tennis courts to allow for smoother transitions. Director Zuk also noted that bridge� rehab v�°ork is not moving forward at this point in time. 8. Reports: • P&L-2020 Seasonal Report— The Commission noted that the cost of fertilizer �vas up $29,000 and Director Zuk replied that Timberlin purchased supplies ahead of time to take advantaQe of higher rebates. The Commission also noted that wages ���ere up $20,000 and asked when the union contract e�pires, stating its terms should be discussed in the Commission meeting(s). Director Zuk believes the union contract has another 1.5 years on its term. • Directors Report— o Aeration on Monday, 8/24/2020 and Tuesday, 8/25/2020. 4 2020-08-20 Golf Commission Meeting o Much of the storm damage has been cleaned up, need further help with large debris. (The Commission commended staff with the very timely cleanup.) o The Town purchased generators for Timberlin's pump house so that the course may continue to be watered in the event of a power outage. o Corporation Counsel ad��ises that signs be posted ad��ising golfers to stop play and seek shelter immediately upon the sound of the lightning detection system. o Will �vork on opening the lower level restroams (which will require additional staff to perform routine cleanings). o Will look into the possibility of adding on/off val��es and elbows to water fountains so that golfers may fill their bottles while on the course. • Donation & Tent Fee/Wa�•ier report— • P&L FY-20 —Timberliun is up 2117 rolmds / $30,000+ over the 2019 season to date. • Golf Pro report— see attached. o Golf Pro Bayram noted that business is booming right now. He acknowledged that his staff has done a great job adapting to the changin;� environment and met the challenges. The Commissioners noted that the staff look great and very professional in the uniform shirts that Mr. Bay�ram purchased. o The Commissioners congratulated Mr. Bay�ram on being awarded the Connecticut PGA Teacher of the Year. o Since itlstituting the single-rider fee, Timberlin has done a better job of not running out of carts. He added that about 4-5 carts are out of servic�e right no�v. Director Zuk will ask EZ-Go if the course may get alternate carts to tise ��hile these are out of commission or a lease credit of some sort. 8. Adjournment Commissioner Norton moved to adjourn at 7:40 p.m Seconded by Commissioner Senia. Those votin� in favor: Commissioner Arute, Commissioner Berger, Commissioner DeFazio, Commissioner Lemieux, Commissioner Nappi, Commissioner Norton, Commissioner Senia Vote being: 7-0. (MOTION CARRIED) Submitted by, Dana Borges 5 2020-08-20 Golf Commission Meeting Golf Pro Report � IMBERLIN To: Golf Commission From: Marc S. Bayram, PGA Au ust 2020 30-Dav Recap of Onerations and Benchmarks � Detailed revenue comparison between 2019-2020 is attached. We are up over 2019 YTD and that is without hostin�� an outing. Otir first outing is sc�heduled for August 21�t ➢ PGA Jr. League has ended for the Summer. We are in the process of putting together the Fall program. We had 36 total participants ages 7-17 o��er the summer. := In July� we hosted the Timberlin Pro-Am which was rescheduled from May. We had 33 teams and the course ��-as in fabulous condition. The maintenance staff did a tremendous job showinb the Professionals and their guests a great golf coLirse. ➢ Our weekly jtmior clinics have been averaging 14 participants. I have noticed a large increase in participation in every program which is amazinQ. A lot of this is credited to the programs we host, but also the parents being willing to have their children try a recreational activity like golf, in a safe environment. Once they are introduced to the game it is our job as Golf Professionals to keep them interested. I give a lot of credit to my staff of George Claffey� and Brandon Funari for executing successful programs. ➢ The Women & Wine golf clinics continues to be popular on Mondays from 6pm-7pm. We have averaged ll participants each w�eek. ➢ We hosted the Ryan Lee Junior Open for the 9`" straight year. This event attracts some of the best junior golfers in the state of CT. With the help of the Lee family the event was a great success with 98 participants. ➢ I w�as named 2020 CTPGA Teacher of the Year. Thank y�ou to everyone �vho wrote the committee on my behalf! Successes and Challen�es i- There have been some gro�ving pains s���itching to an additional single rider cart fee. However, most customers fillly Linderstand it and the staff has a nice svstem to enforce it. We have had little to no issue with cart inventory day to day now. > Our lightninb system is up and running and software has been added to the office computer to better track w-hen all clear w�ill happen. ➢ We have received a fe�v complaints regarding our water fountains. Many wot�ld like to see ���ater coolers like other courses have. Customer Satisfaction � We ha��e been getting ��ery� positi��e revie�cs on Golf Advisor. Staffin� Report � Heading to���ards the end of the slimmer���e will be losing many of our Golf Shop staff members who are going back to colle�e. Lookin6 Ahead/Goals � Advertise Fall Junior Programs as well as other instructional programs offered. 6 2020-08-20 Gol f Co�rarnission Meeting ➢ Monitor staff and adjust their daily routines as deemed necessary. > Continue to keep the tee sheet organized dailv ���ith the number of lea�ues. or�anizations, outings, and regular play traftic we get each day. � ➢ Continue to closely track Golf Now and how to best utilize it. ➢ Speak with entire staff(cart attendants, rangers, starters, golf shop) for their feedback on things we can do to improve our operations efficiencies. ➢ Create fall outing schedule for Remzi. ➢ Continue updating the website and blast email marketing. ➢ Collect league 2°a half payments. ➢ Continue posting on social media. ➢ Host junior clinics. > Successfully hold our largest outing of the year, 240-player Ryan Lee Memorial August 7rt, It will be tee times this year instead of a shotgun. > Send out Aeration email. .. � ,.� .. �� � � _ % �. � ' �t�� 7