1971/03/22MINUTES BOARD OF SELECTMEN March 22, 1971 7 The regular portion of the meeting was opened by First Selectman Arthur B. Powers at 7:30 p.m. All Selectmen were present. Also present were: Donald Ward, representing the Board of Finance~ Robert Peters, Chairman of the Police Commission; Lt. Robert Skinner, Acting Chief of the Berlin Police Department; John Pepe and William Voorhees of the Mattabassett Rifle and Pistol Club; and Mrs. Blanche Mahan of the press. Mr. ~ohansen asked if Mr. Powers had checked into the situation with Dainty Rubbish. Mr. Powers said their contract calls for a starting time of 5:00 a.m. Mr. Powers said he had cautioned Mr. Atwood about not starting too early in the morning and also asked that the men be as quiet as possible. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the minutes of the meeting of 15 March 1971 were approved. MOTION CARRIED. At this point, Mr. Peters addressed the Selectmen saying that he and Lt. Skinner and the two members representing the Mattabassett Rifle and Pistol Club had come before the Board in the hopes of formulating plans to begin construction of a pistol range. The Mattabassett Gun Club will construct the range at not cost to the town with the stip- ulation that they will be allowed to use the facilities indefinitely. Their present membership is 22 and maximum membership is 35. Mr. Voorhees presented copies of the Club's rules and regulations which he said conform to the standards of the State Police, Blue Trails, The National Rifle Association, etc. Mr. Powers said the Selectmen are primarily interested in the public safety and said it was important that the range itself conform to State Police Standards. Mr. Powers said that the idea of a pistol range is acceptable to the Board. A lengthy discussion followed with regard to hours, lighting facilities, in the event that there was shooting after dark, possible matches with other groups and the fact that Berlin Police should have first priority over use of the range. Mr. Johansen asked about shooting on Sunday and at this point the Club assured the Selectmen that if this was a condition set forth in the agreement, they would honor it. Mr. Powers said the Club's rules and regulations would be discussed at the next Selectmen's meeting to see whether anything in them would be detrimental to public safety. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, it was voted to allow the Mattabassett Rifle and Pistol Club to use the range under controlled conditions as approved by the Board of Selectmen and with the stipulation that the Berlin Police Department have priority in the use .of the range. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Voorhees said his club wanted a statement in writing from the Board stating they would have use of the range indefinitely. Selectmen's Meeting 22 March 1971 -page two- Mr. Powers said there was a vacancy on the Park and Recreation Commission due to the fact that Mr. Bentley had not been reappointed. Mr. Powers said the Democratic Town Committee had endorsed George Lubin. Mr. Jo- hansen presented the name of Bert Robinson, who is also a Democrat. Mr. Powers said he had discussed the matter with Mr. Robinson. Mr. Johansen said he would still like to present his name in nomination. There was a roll call vote as follows: George Lubin: Mr. Powers and Mr. Lanzoni voting yes Bert Robinson: Mr. Johansen voting yes. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Powers, Mr. George Lubin of Garden Drive was appointed to the Park and Recreation Commission for a three year term to expire 12/31/73. Mr. Johansen opposed. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, it was voted to appoint Steven Serkey of East Berlin, as endorsed by the Democratic Town Committee, to a five year term on the Industrial Development Commission. Term to ex- pire on 12/31/75. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Ward asked whether members of the Park and Recreation Commission are entitled to play golf, free of charge, at Timberlin. Mr. Powers said as far as he knew there were not, and in his opinion, should not be allowed to play free. Mr. Powers then called to verify this matter and reported back that Dr. Kiniry said no members of the Commission could play free golf. Mr. Powers read a letter from George Skene, Jr. of the Four Fire De- partments requesting a key to the high test gas pump at the Town Garage. Mr, Powers said he had discussed the matter with Mr. Haber and the Fire Marshalls. After discussion the Selectmen agreed that it was not a good idea to give out keys. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, it was voted to continue the present policy of not giving out keys to the gas pump at the Town Garage. MOTION CARRIED. Regarding the matter of the roller for the Highway Department, Mr. Johansen said he had been advised that a 3-5 ton roller should be sufficient for shoulder and patch work. Mr. Ward agreed on this point. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the Selectmen voted to purchase the used roller, which we have been renting, from Crest Tractor, as recommended by Morgan Seelye. MOTION CARRIED. At this point the Selectmen adjourned the regular meeting in order to hold a special meeting W~h ~te}~members of the Youth Council. Mr. Powers suggested the meeting be held in Executive Session. Mr. Johansen said he did not think it was necessary to call an Executive Session Meeting. Selectmen' s Meeting 3/22/71 -page three- Immediately after their regular business meeting, the Board of Selectmen met with the following members of the Youth Council: Father Lord, Mr. Valentine, Mrs. Klotz, Mr. Anderson, Mrs. Keller, Mr. Frost. Also present were Mr. Donald Ward of the Board of Finance, Mr. Covini and Mrs. Mahan, both of the press, and Mrs. Arnold Frost and Mrs. Arthur B. Powers, observers. Mr. Powers said the purpose of this meeting was to discuss some of the recent problems and also to discuss the present programs and plans for future programs. Mr. Powers said that the Youth Council had also requested a meeting with the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Powers told how the idea of a Youth Council began back in 1965. At that time, the Selectmen formed the Youth Council, a Selectmen's Com- mittee, separate from the Park and Recreation Commission, advisory in nature, providing special programs for youth and coordinating with other groups in Town. Mr. Powers said at times there have been rather weak committees and on some occasions there have been strong committees. However, he pointed out, the Youth Council is not as autonomous as the Park and Recreation Committee, i.e., they are not functioning under an Ordinance. Any major policies set up, other than normal activities, or any major problems must be brought to the Selectmen. Mr. Powers commended the Council on the McGee Drop-In Center. Father Lord said he felt things were going well and more activities are being planned such as posting of jobs and counciling. A question was asked about the fire regulations and how many people were allowed in the building (Selden School) and Mr. Powers said he would con- tact Mr. Haber, Fire Marshall for full information. The discussion then turned'to the recent incident at Selden School where a band member was arrested in the parking lot for possession of marijuana. Some of the youngsters took up a collection to bail out the band member and he then returned to the Selden School and continued playing in the band until the dance was over. Mr. Powers said he felt that allowing the band member to return and con- tinue was in bad taste. We should never condone the use of marijuana which is an illegal drug. Mr. Powers said it would have been better to close the dance if necessary. Mr. Powers was then questioned about having observed a girl who was sus- pected of being under the influence of alcohol. Mr. Frost asked Mr. Powers if he would close down a whole dance simply because of one or two young- sters under the influence of alQohol. Mr. Powers said no. Mr. Frost said the usual procedure is to contact the parents and have them pick up their child. Father Lord said this is the same practice he uses at the St. Paul's dances. Mr. Powers said there is a difference between one or two youngsters under the influence of alcohol and a paid band member being arrested for possession of an illegal drug. Selectmen's Meeting 3/22/71 -page four- Mr. Powers said he talked several times to the girl in question as did Mrs. Powers and Mrs. Keller and he did not believe her to be drunk. Father Lord asked Mr. Powers what he would do if the girl had been drinking. Mr. Powers said he wo~ld have gotten her out of there right away but he did check on her and was completely satisfied. She had nothing on her breath. Discussion returned to the band member. Mr. Powers asked was there a collection taken to bail him out and Father Lord and Arnold Frost said they did not know for sure. Mr. Johansen asked why he was allowed to return to Selden. It was learned that the Band Leader was told of the incident and he said he would try to continue playing without him. Father Lord said the result was very bad sounding music. Mr. Johansen said there is a bad enough drug problem in this Town and here we condone it. Where do we draw the line? There was considerable discussion about another incident. Mr. Frost said there had been a fight over a girl (he did not know the exact date) and he closed down the dance at about 9:30 or 10:00. Mr. Frgst said he was dragged down to Police Headquarters and harassed. Mr. Valentine said he was asked to come to the station in the hopes that he might be of some help, that no one was harassing him. Mr. Frost said a girl claimed she had been raped in a car. Several people began talking at once and it was difficult to keep order. Mr. Powers asked for order so that things could be talked over in the hopes of resolving these problems. Mr. Frost began saying something about political harassment. Mr. Johansen asked him what he meant. Mr. F~st said I call it harassment when a school official going to a cocktail lounge ..... is getting paid off .... the problem exists in his own home.- ..... Mr. Johansen interrupted asking what he meant and to repeat it ...... Mr. Frost said that's right in his own home. Mr. FrOst then started to say something about there once being a leader in Western Europe who was also a housepainter .... At this point Mr. Powers again called for order and asked everyone to try and control their emotions and not make any rash statements. Father Lord said the Council had spent much time on this and the problems that have arisen because of this incident. He said let's get it out on the table. If you (meaning the Selectmen) are dissatisfied with our Council or Arnold just say so openly. The discussion returned to the incident on 12/18/71. Father Lord said it's Earl's word against Arnold and the policeman. Mr. Johansen said it is Arnold who is spreading all this about him and he pointed to an article in the Berlin High School newspaper. The events of that evening were recounted. Mr. Frost said Mr. Johansen was upset over his daughter and Mr. Johansen said he was upset over Arnold Frost. Mr. Powers asked that everyone put aside personal feelings and think of the young people and what can be done for them in terms of the future. Mr. Powers said we should establish some guidelines. Selectmen's Meeting 3/22/71 -page five- Mrs. Klotz asked why Mr. Johansen called a member of the Board instead of calling Father Lord. Mr. Johansen said he did call Father Lord. Mrs. Klotz thought Mr. Johansen had called a member of the Board of Education.. Mr, Powers said he wished he had been called. Mrs. Klotz said the drinking problem is all over. She said there are rules regarding no drinking at Selden, Father Lord and Mr. Frost went over the rules and regulations which are printed on the backs of the identification cards. Mr. Johansen complained about the youngsters going in and out of the Center carrying half-filled soda bottles. Mr. Powers said this is a very bad practice. Father Lord said Mr. Johansen may have a legitimate gripe in this area. Mr. Frost said this problem will be eliminated since it has been decided to use paper cups. Mr. Powers asked what is done when there is a problem. Mr. Anderson said we call the parents. Mr. Valentine asked who called the parents and Mr. Anderson said the Supervisor, Mr. Valentine was questioned about why incidents were not reported back to the police. Mr. Valentine said there are no standing orders to do so. There was a lengthy discussion on where young people acquire the alcohol. Mr. Valentine said: 1) if it is found in a motor vehicle, a written notice is given and a youth can lose his license; 2) the problem is vast and the police force is undermanned. Most of the offenses occur in the outskirts yet there must be enough men to patrol the center of town as well as concentrating on the outskirts; 3) by law an officer does not have the right to search an individual as he enters the Center; 4) the young people have a good underground and they never reveal their source; 5) some package stores do sell to minors but it is a long process to cat=h them in the act and it takes manpower; 6) the kids get the alcohol out of town or in many cases right from their own homes. Mr, Ward said he had learned a great deal about the needs of the Police Department tonight and wished the rest of the Board of Finance could have heard Mr. Valentine's comments. Mrs. Klotz said the young people decided on the rules themselves also that they needed a Director and a police officer. She felt the Council should talk to the youngsters themselves. Mr. Powers asked when the young people would be meeting next. Father Lord said that Mr. Frost met with the young people. Mr. Powers said he thought it best if the whole Council met with the young people. Mr. Johansen said he didn't feel Mr. Frost was fit to meet with the young people. Mr. Powers said these should be a joint meeting to dis- cuss the problems which were brought up tonight. Selectmen; s Meeting 3/22/71 -page six- It was decided that the Commission would meet first with the officers and then have them bring back a report to their Committee. Mr. Powers said he was going on vacation until the 13th of April and so a meeting would be held again before the end of April. This will give the Board time to go over what was brought out tonight. Mr. Johansen said he would ask Mr. Frost to retract the things he said about him tonight but he did't think he was man enough to. He continued by saying that he felt that Mr. Frost should be removed as Director, the way he talked here tonight he is not fit to be Director and he is not fit to teach the children of this Town. Before adjournment, Mr. Johansen once again urged the Board of Selectmen to remove Arnold Frost as Director of the Youth Council. The man, he said, has a terrible mouth and should be removed before something more serious happens. The meeting adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Patricia A. Casella Secretary