1963/02/261. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning CommUtator], February 26, lO63. Members present: Robert =eanerup, Nunzio Rosso, Henry W[gterbottom, George G~rr~ty, Aldo C~st~gl~on~. ~lso, J~mes F. K[ss~ae, Town Engineer, ea~ ~rg~ret Gooby. 2. ~[s ~eat~ng w~s c~lled to t~a the place of the February 19 meet~gg which w~s c~ncell~d ~u~ to weather 3. ~'~. Leon~rd Abr~ho~s~n a ~pe~re~ to d~sc~ss the m~p given prel~n~ry ~Drov~i ~t the February q meets.nE, roDerty of ~eon~rd ~. Abr~h~mson, Berlin, Conh.~ d~ted J~nurry lO63, Scole l"=10O', A. ~,'. Boca. n, C.E.". ~s oroperty fronts on Reservoir Ro~d ~nd there w~s some question ~s to whet~er it ~ ~ re-s~bd[v[s~n or not. A publ%c he~r%n~ h~d been s~et ~ February 1c but cancelled ~ue to the f~ct that our re~ulnr meeting w~s c~ncelled. }'D. Abrahsmson is ~nx%ous to convey cna portal to s Mr. Hentz[e. Mr. K%ss~ne suggested that the 1~' strip should be note on the map 'to be conveyed to Hentz[e" (parcel "A"). It was the consensus of the meeting that Lec~use ne the 8clay that Mr. Abr~h~mson to sheod with the conveyance of the p8rcel to Mr. Hentzle 8nd stating et the time that the epprsved m~p [s c.n e~le. ~nether Public Hesr'.ng on this Re-sub- dtv[s~.on will bo set ear March 19. . Brook View Park - Mr. Del8 Johnson appeared and presentod the followSng map Sect%on ~ - brook g[aw kark Map show{ng proposed subdivision of property owned by Johnson Enterprises, High Road, berl[n, Conn., Jan 30, lO63,scsle 1"=~0', H. F. Kendrick, C.E." Section ~ contains ~ dead-end road, w[th cul-de-sac, entitled Rockledge Court. Nin~ bu~_ld[ng lots fronton this street. On ~dvise from the Town Sng[.neer that the map ts o.k. engineering-wise, Mr. Rosso, mpde s motion, seconded by Mz,. ~i, interbottom, that final approval be given, subject to receipt of 8 bond for the road. So Voted. ~. New Britain Gsa L%ght property - see Item R Pabrusry ~ M'nutes. Mr. K[sssne reported that after study it was found that this rasp ss presented ~eb. ~ ls not ~ re-subd~.v[s~on but should be entitled Sect'.on II Property Conveyed to ~e New Bt%rain Gsa L[ght Co. by St~les °c Re~nolds Br%ck Co., December 1, 1963, Scala 1"=~0', J. D. Wtll[~ms, C.E." - 6. H[gh Speed Msch[ne Products Co. - see Item 3, J~n. lq M[nutes - nothing new. 7. G~odrich property Worthinjton Ridge - see Item 6, FeE. ~ Minutes. Mr. Wm. =alocki w[shes to have the znne ch~nzed from res%dent[si to retail bus,ness. He plans t~ convert the ex,siting hpuse sod use it ear s real estate of~ce. As per the Feb. ~ Minutes we have been requested by the Zen%ne CommSss~on for our recom- mendation. It was the consensus of the meeting that we write to the Zoning Commies%on stating that our recommendation is that th~s parcel be left resident[s1 zon8 ~nd that this %s b~sec] an the fs~t that s change to retail business would be contrary to the Town Plan sad would not be tn the best interest of the Town. A motion to this effect was m~de by G. GsrrSty, ~nd seconded by N. Rosso, sod Voted. 8. On motion of George Gsrrity, secon~ed by H. W[nterbottom, the M[nutes of th~ Februnry 5 meeting wore approved ss wr[tten. So Voted. 9. Meadow Brook - see Item 3, Feb. 5. ~. Dobrowolski has not presented 8 linen map to be s{gned 8s yet. lO. Schultz property behind Ferndsle - see Item ~, Feb. ~. Mr. Rosso reported that Mr. D~wson, Town Counsel, is preparing sn answer to the letter received from Mr. Schultz ~nd re~d st the Feb. $ meeting. 11. Item 6 Web. ~ Minutes - G~odr~ch property - see item 7 these m%nutes. 12. New Britain Gsa Light property Chr%stian Lane - Item 8 Feb. ~ N%nutes - Public Hearing not necosssry see %tam ~ these m~nutes. 13. Correspondence: ~e followlng letters were received from the C.F.P.~Z.A. ~. Letter to all Plsnn[ng Commies{on members regarding B~_ll to cema before the Legislst~e regarding developers pay[ng s sum of money tn lieu of setting as[de ~ port~.on of $ subd[v[s%on to be used ss s park or play- ground. ~[s monoy to be used by the 'lawn on Town-owned p~rks. b. Letter deser[bing bill to com~ before Legislature r~gsrd[ng Planning Commlss~o~be[~g 811owed to charge .~25.00 fee for filing s subdivis[on ar ~i2.90 per lot wh{ch aver amount [s higher. Also fee for inspection purposes, th~s fee not to exceed .['~.00 or 2~{ of ro~d bond whichever h igher. ~e consensus was that we should support these bills kn~[ng that they sro not compulsory to be included in Subdiv[sion Regulations but optional. ~e should notify o,~ two representst{ves by letter stat%nE that we 8re in sgl'eement with the two B[lls sod that we will notify them when th~ Hearing on the kills is to be held. It w~s 81so suggested that ~s many of us ss possible try to attend the hesr lng. 14. GIschel-Grah~m property - see Minutes - 10/10/42; 10/2/62; 9/18/62; ~n6 7/10/62 Mr. Graham appeared ~nd presented the following site plan for his house - "Site Plan - Scale 1"=20' Residence for >~. ~ Mrs. Hugh Graham, Bsrlta~ Conn., 2/21/62, Davi~ C. B~rker Architect 1212 F~rmlngton Ave., W~st Hsrtfor~, Conn." Information taken from survey by Joseph D. Wlll!~ms, ~te~ July 1062. It w~s brought out that accor~lag to th~ sits plsn ~ st~e-ysr~ vsrtmnce from the ~Zontng Boar~ of Appeals would be ~ecessary. ~. Klssans stmte~ that tf Mr. Graham wants his case to be he~r~ at thsir next meeting that he woul~ have to submit his request before M~rch 4. It was suggested that ~. Glschel work with Mr. Kiss~ne In preparing his requests. One of the biggest problems still to be settl~ ts th~ ro~ to s~rvloe this property. ~s Z~ntng Regulations state that bu~l~tng lots should front on ~ Town-owne~ ro~. At present thf~. property does~comply with t~ts requirement. Messrs. Gfsohel and Grshsm are willing to set- ss[de the necessary $0' right-of-way for s road but they would prefer to only improve s minimum width, which Mr. Kisssne ststes would probably hsve to be two lO' lanes, or 20' wfdth. At present old woodlot roads go ~nto th~s srea but neither Mr. Gischel nor ~. Grsham own free, rage on Shuttle ~{eadow Ave. and to get to their property would ~sve to go over lsnd belonging to Wick end Holmqu[st. Mr. Graham stated that they hope that both Wick sod Holmqu~st w'll help w~th the improvement of the road. If t~ey ere sllowed to ~mprove only the center strip of the rosd sod only for distance to serv~cethe[r immediate needs, t~e question ~s who would be responsible to continue the r ~sd tr ~t~er property owners '.n the ares wish to improve their property. Ir the road {s only ~or pr~vste use by GIschel end Graham property owners before sod beyond their property l~.nes have the r~_~ht to pass sod repass over the rosd. They cannot be landlocked. If other people ~mprove their pro- perties in the ares then there would be ~ quest].on of town-protection for them re: keeping the rosd open for ffre trucks, ambulances, etc., g~rbsge collection, otc. NO 8echelon w~s m~Se pending outcome cf he~r~ng by Zoning Bo~r8 of Appeals. l~. ~. Rosso st~te~ that he h~ rece~v~ letter from the Town Couasel, Jsmez Dawson, reg~r~!ng ~ proposal to be ~ritten into the propose~ Town Charter re- gsr~ing the Pl~n~ng Commission. ~. Rosso in h~s ~usl role ~s Secretary of th~s Co,remission sod Chairman of the Charter Co~tssfon will review this proposal and report at our next meeting on his suggestions. 16. Meeting adjourned st 10 P.M. Respectfu]ly submitted, O ~ry~ ~