1970/12/28MINUTES BOARD OF SELECTMEN December 28, 1970 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by First Selectman Arthur B. Powers. All Selectmen were present. Also present for various portions of the meeting were: Members of the Town Hall Site Committee: Carl Johnson, Joseph Alix, Richard Covini, Albert Nieman, Edward Murray; Arnold Frost, Director of the Youth Council and Mrs. Blanche Mahan of the press. On motion of Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the minutes of the meeting of 14 December 1970 were approved. (No meeting was held on 21 December 1970). MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Johansen asked if there had been an answer to the letter to the Youth Council regarding the use of the old Kensington Fire House building as a possible Youth Center. Mr. Powers said there had been no reply as yet. Mr. Powers introduced the members of the Town Hall Site Committee and said that before signing the options for the Alice Kloskowski property, it had been agreed upon to ask the Committee to come in and report on all the sites they had looked at and why they had chosen that particular site. Mr. Alix said the Committee had kept in mind the charge given them by the Board of Selectmen when they were appointed, i.e., to seek enough land for future expansion. He continued, the Committee tried to look ahead 50 years to what Berlin might need and so a site of at least 50 acres was the minimum they considered from the beginm~g. Mr. Johnson, Vice Chairman of the Committee (Chairman Frank Motyka was ill and could not attend) then told of the Committee's search for the geographical center of the Town and the population center. The geograph- ical center proved to be somewhere between Kensington Road and Norton Road. "We chose a number of possible sites, the most desirable was the land owned by Joseph Cieniewicz, owner of the Lower Lane Dairy. Mr. Murray started negotiations but we found the price, $10,000 per acre, was too expensive". It was also noted that Mr. Cieniewicz did not seem to want to sell his land. The Committee continued looking at property and next leoked at land owned by Munson in the Norton Road-Kensington Road area, but Mr. Munson did not want to sell his land. Next they checked out property owned by Mr. Wilcox; however, down the street from this property was a gravel pit and the dis- tance from utilities was too far. Prices were not obtained on either the Munson or Wilcox properties. Mr. Johnson commented that it would be pretty hard to condemn land for a Town Hall because of the availability of land in Town. The things the Committee looked for when considering a piece of land were: availability, soil, topography, access and utilities. The site which the Committee felt was the best was the Cieniewicz property, but it was just too costly. Selectmen' s Meeting 28 December 1970 -page two- Mr. George Closson has offered 7 acres of land to the Town free of charge. The land is located on the hill (through the rock cut) but then the Town would have to buy the rest of the land and the cost would be probably in the neighborhood of $4,000 per acre. After walking through the property, Mr. Murray said he went to the State Planning Commission(they own 4 acres of land west of the seven acres.) The State, however, was not ready to commit these 4 acres. Also access would have to be through Middletown Road, Rte 72 and Rte 5, and this would cause many traffic problems. Commenting on the property ac~ss from Webster Square, the Committee felt this would be a good site but here again, the cost would be pro- hibitive and to use this land would possibly cost the town quite a bit in loss of revenue on taxable land. Finally the Committee looked over the property owned by Alice Kloskowski and this seemed to be the best site as far as fitting the qualifications which they had agreed upon and the cost was in reason. Mr. Johnson did say that the Committee had not been unanimous in its choice of this site. There is some rock on the front portion of the land but access would not be too difficult from either Kensington Road, Percival Avenue or even possibly Robbins Road in the future. Also the Y.M.C.A. is planning to build in that area and also, the Town owns the nearby railroad pond. Total purchase price for this property would be $128,500. Mr. Johansen said he was opposed to this site for a municipal complex because he felt access would be difficult since Kensington Road is a very narrow road. Also, there are no sidewalks in the area. He continued by saying that this is a residential area and with police cars going in and out it may prove hazardous. Mr. Johansen favored the Webster Square area, It was pointed out that Kensington Road has already been widened.down to the bridge. Also, Kensington Road will eventually be the major north-south thorofare and that widening the road would not be that costly. Mr. Johansen brought up the matter of redevelopment, saying he felt the ideal site would be where Deephouse Equipment is located. Mr. Powers said redevelopment would not be a good idea at this time. Other com- munities are running into difficulties with redevelopment and federal money is very tight. After lengthy discussion of the pros and cons] Mr. ~anzoni move4, seconded by Mr. Powers, to accept the Town Hall Site Committee report with thanks and approve the $1,000 option for the land belonging to Alice Kloskowski, west of Kensington Road and east of Percival Field, at a total cost of $128,500 payable as follows: (1) $32,125 at the time of closing; (2) Balance of purchase price in the form of a promisory note, providing for five equal installments of $19,275, plus interest at 5% per annum on the unpaid principal balance, said payments commending one year from the date of closing and annually thereafter. MOTION CARRIED. Selectmen's Meeting 28 December 1970 -page three- Mr. Johansen said he wished to go on record as approving the above motion on the basis that it would be a better long term investment for the Town rather than as a site for a municipal complex. At this point, the Selectmen adjourned into Executive Session to meet with Arnold Frost. Mr. Johansen had requested this meeting in that he felt that conditions which he witnessed at the Selden School Drop-in Center were out of control. Mr. Johansen told of going to the Center and finding only Mr. Frost and one policeman on duty. Youngsters were going in and out of the building carrying half filled sode bottles and there was a great deal of activity going on in the cars in the parking lot. Mr. Johansen called Father Lord and Mrs. De~la Keller of the Youth Council. Mrs. Keller went to Selden School in order to view conditions. Mr. Frost subsequently called Mr. Johansen and hung up on him. Mr. Powers said he wished Mr. Johansen had called him at the time. Mr. Frost said this was a Drop-in Center and the youngsters are allowed to come and go. This is not true of dances however, where they are not allowed to leave and then come back in. Also, Mr. Frost said he has great difficulty in getting adults to come and help supervise. Mr. Frost said he had a letter written announcing his resignation. Mr. Powers said he hoped Mr. Frost would reconsider resigning. After a lengthy discussion of the situation, Mr. Powers said he felt that the Selectmen should make a point of dropping in at the Center more often also, the policemen on duty should be told to keep closer watch, partic- ularly in the parking lot. He also stated that arrangements were being made for better lighting in the whole area. Also, members of the Youth Council ought to visit the Center more often. At the end of the Executive Session, Mr. Johansen asked that the record show that he recommended that Mr. Frost resign. Mr. Powers suggested, and Mr. Lanzoni agreed, that Mr. Frost, who has been doing an excellent job with the young people, be given another chance and if it appears that the problem is continuing, then positive action should and will be taken. The Executive Session then adjourned and the Selectmen resumed their scheduled meeting. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the following were appointed to fill three Democratic vacancies for Justices of the Peace: Thomas W. Ward, Jr., William McKeon, and Harry N. Jackaway. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Powers read a letter from Richard Zesk regarding the proposed park in the Harvest Hill, South Slope, Glenview Drive area. It appears that about 90% of the people residing in the area are opposed to the idea of a park. Mr. Johansen said a hearing should be held before anything is done. Mr. Powers said that the Park & Recreation Commission would hold a hearing if the idea of a park was acceptable to the majority of the people and if an appropriation was necessary. However, in view of the fact that there has been so many calls in opposition, he suggested that the whole matter be dropped. Selectmen's Meeting 28 December 1970 -page four- Mr. Powers read a letter from Mrs. Mary Clapp, Chairman of the Pollution Control Commission regarding a request from Eastern Parlor Frame Company to burn accumulated wood scraps. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the Selectmen voted to grant permission to the Eastern Parlor Frame Company to burn accumu- lated scrap wood in accordance with the terms stipulated by the Pollution Control Commission. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Powers read a letter from the Board of Finance recommending that a Town Meeting be held with regard to transfer of funds to a new account C-707, Sidewalks. This is for work done on Main Street in Kensington. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the Selectmen voted to call a Town Meeting on January llth, 1971 to transfer $4,500 from the General Fund to a new account, Item #C-707, Sidewalks. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the Selectmen voted to place on the call for the January llth Town Meeting a request to approve the acceptance of funds from the Stanley Foundation. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Powers said if the Board of Finance should act favorably on a request to grant funds for renovation of the Town Hall, then this should also be placed on the call for the January llth meeting. Mr. Powers read a letter ~om Robert McGlone, Recreation Director requesting permission to hire Lindsey Hansen as a laborer for the Park Department. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, secon4ed by Mr. Johansen, the Selectmen voted to hire Lindsey Hansen as a laborer for the Park Department at a salary of $120 per week beginning 12/21/70 until the opening of the Golf Course or 4/5/71 which ever comes first. MOTION CARRIED. Commenting on the motion, Mr. Johansen said he had previously submitted the name of John Horbal. Mr. Powers said he felt Mr. Horbal was not old enough for this particular position. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the Selectmen voted to table any action which might be taken against Mr. William McNamara, a Special Constable at the Dump. Mr. Johansen reserved the right to go on record, however, as stating that he felt Mr. McNamara should have his badge removed; but he would wait until Mr. Powers had talked with Barry Squillacote. MOTION CARRIED. The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m. Patricia A. Casella Secretary