1963/01/151. Regular Meeting berlin Town Planning Cemm[.~s~on, January 15, lq63. Members present: Robert Ben~erup, Nunz'o Rosco, Henry Winterbottom, George Garr~ty, amc] Aldo Castlgl~mni. Also, James F. KIss~ne, Jr. Town Engineer, A1 Curnew, Asst. Town ~ng~neer~ mod Margaret Gooby. 2. Mr. Leon~r~ ~brahamsor. s~eared to question whether the parcel of lend he has purchased abutting a present subd~.v[s~.on which he owns could be considered a p~rt of the present subd[v[s'~en or whether it would have to be presented ss separate subdivision. The new p~rcel is on Reservoir l~osd. ~,[r. Kisssne w%ll review this further w%th Mr. ~brahamson and advise him on the correct procedure and will report to the Corem[salon. 3. Proposed Industrial Subdivision - Four Rod Road - Mr. Ken Ward, along wfth Messrs. Walter Greene and '~illiam Maine appeared and presented maps of th~s pro- posed subdivision. The [~roposed parcel is bounded west by Four Rod Road, east by the l~ew Haven Railroad Tracks, and south by lend of Cl~ver M. Fetter, north by Keller Pottery Co. The map showed a proposed factory site for High Speed Msch'~ne Products Co., plus area for future expansion, also a sroposed road to other available land. The total 9orange is 1~.6. The map was entitled "High Speed Machine Products Co., berlin, Conn., Scale 1"=~0' Walter F. Greene, Jr., A.I.A. Robert H. Honslds, Assoc. Architects, Avon, Conn., dated Jan, 1~, 1063, Maine ~ Tillapough, Land Flanners." A map showing s Pre- liminary DesI~n Drawings for the proposed factory was also presented. Mr. Ward stated that some seepage tests have bee~ taken. T~is ares ~.s not pre- sently served w~th publ~.c water. The maps were tort w~.th the Town En~neer to review and report. [[. Mr. KIsssne presented the following map stat%rig that the owner has cre~ted an illegal subd'_v~.s~on. "iroperty of Reginald C. Stevens and Kermit F. Stevens Chamberlain H~.shway, Berlin, Conn., ~ated July lO55, Scale 1"=100', J.D.Willi~ms, C.E." It was the consensus that the Town Eng%ueer would advise the owners that ;t w,-uld be to their benefit to sub~nlt s subd~'vtsIon plan. ~. Brooks~de Rills - s~e Minutes o~ 0etcher P, Item ~, ~nd Dec. 1q, Ttem ~2. Hr. Wfnterbottom d~squsllried himself from the discussion. The following map, which bad,been given forecast final approval on Dec. 1.~, was presented for signature. "brookside Hills, berlin, Conn., owned and developed by Brookside Hills Development Co., 69 Main Street, Kensington, Conn., dated September 2~, lO~62, J.D. Williams, Scale 1"=40' The ~lown Attorney has advised Mr. Rosso verbally that ~.t ts o.k. to sign th~.s mop as the forecast final approval constituted f%nal approval. Mop was s~gned by Commission members present. 6. On motion of Aldo Cast[gl[eof, seconded by H. Winterbottom, the Minutes of the December 18, 1062 Meeting were approved as written. ?. December 18 Minutes - Item 3 - nothing new. 8. On motion of George Garr~.ty, seconded by H. Wtnterbottom, Miss Gooby's ~or ~Ii0.38 was approved for payment. o. Mr. Bennerup reported on the C.F.Z.~.P. Meeting. 10. Elect~on of 0ef~cers tar lO63. By unanimous Vote Mr. Robert Bennerup was re-elected Chairman, ~nd Mr. Nunzto Rosso was re-elected Secretary. ll. Meeting adjourned at 10 Respectfully submltted, Nunzi~/~osso,/~ecretsry