1970/02/09LEGAL NOTICE The Legal Voters of the Town of Berlin, Connecticut, are hereby warned and notified that a Special Town Meeting will be held at the Berlin High School, Patterson Way, Berlin, Connecticut on February 9, 1970 at 8:00 P.M. prevailing time, then and there: 1. To consider and act upon the transfer from the General Fund, as recommended by the Board of Finance, the sum of $20,900. to new account #C-2502 - Renovation of the Harold Upson property. 2. To consider and act upon the transfer from the General Fund, as recommended by the Board of Finance, the sun of $25,000. to Capital Non-Recurring Fund. To consider and act upon the adoption of an Ordinance entitled, "Emergency Temporary No Parking Ordinance". To consider and act upon the transfer from budget item #2001 - Executive Officer Salary to new budget item #2050 - Executive Officer, Leave ~ Absence Salry, the sum of $3,674.97, as recommended by the Board of Finance. Dated at Berlin, Connecticut this 30th day of January, 1970. Arthur B. Powers Joseph P. Lanzoni Earl A. Johansen Board of Selectmen Attest Harold F. Bomba, Town Clerk Mr. Arthur B. Powers was elected Moderator. Mr. Harold F. Bomba was clerk of the meeting. Mr. Joseph P. Lanzoni presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: That a sum not in excess of $20,900, as recommended by the Board of ~ be and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to new account #C-2502 - Renovation of the Harold Upson property, said renovation to be under the supervision of the Public Building Commission, with recommendations of the Committee for the aging. The resolution was moved, seconded and unanimously adopted. RESOLVED: That a sum not in excess of $25,000, as recommended by the Board of ~be and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to Capital Non-Recurring Fund. *Mr. Johansen presented the following resolution: The above resolution was moved, seconded and uanimously adopted. Mr. Nicholas DiMaggio presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: That an Ordinance entitled "Emergency Temporary No Parking Ordinance" be accepted, adopted and legalized by printing. The resolution was moved, seconded and carried. EMERGENCY TEMPORARY NO PARKING ORDINANCE BE IT ORDAINED by the Town of Berlin, that the following Ordinance be accepted, adopted and legalized by printing: 6e~t£on 1: DETERMINATION OF EMERGENCY. Whenever, in the opinion of the Direc- tor of Public Works, or the Chief Executive Officer, that an emergency arises, or in their opinion is imminent, calling for the cessation or limitation of parking of cars and other vehicles on any of the streets of the Town of Berlin, street parking will terminate until such time as the Director of Public Works declares an emergency no longer exists. Section 2: NOTIFICATION. Immediately upon making such a determination that a no parking ban should be ordered, the Director of Public Works shall notify the news media, including radio, television, and newspapers, as to when such parking ban shall go into effect. 8 VOL. 5 Section 3: ENFORCEMENT AND PENALTIES. Any vehicle left parked upon the street after such parking ban becomes effective which may be considered a detriment to snow plowing, snow removal or sanding operations will be ticketed and then towed away at the owner's expense. The assessment to the owner of such vehicle will include a fine of Five Dollars(S5.00) for violation of this ordinance, as well as the charges for towing and storage. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police, upon being notified of the emergency requiring temporary no parking, to enforce this ordinance. Section 4: EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect fifteen (15) days after publication in accordance with the provisions of Section 7-157 of the Connecticut General Statutes, Revision of 1958, as amended. Adopted at Town Meeting February 9, 1970. M~. Robert Peters presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: That a sum not in excess of $3,674.97, as recommended by the Board of ~ be and the same is hereby transferred from budget item #2001, Executive Officer Salary to new budget item #2050, Executive Officer, Leave of Absence Salary. Upon motion made by Mr. Earl Johansen the above resolution was voted on by secret ballot. The motion was seconded and passed. The vote was as follows: Yes No 55 85 By a vote of 85 to 55 the above resolution was defeated. The meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. espectfully submitted, Town Clerk LEGAL NOTICE The Legal Voters of the Town of Berlin are hereby warned and notified that a Special Town Meeting will be held on Monday, March 2, 1970, prevailing time, at the Berlin High School, Patterson Way, then and there: 1. To consider and act upon the transfer from the General Fund, as recommended by the Board of Finance, the sum of $2,464.16, to account #4002, Park Land Site Improvement Interest. 2. To consider and act upon the transfer from the General Fund, as recommended by the Board of Finance, the sum of $2,093.40 to account #4115, Capital Improvement Bond Interest. 3. To consider and act upon the transfer from the General Fund, as recommended by the Board of Finance, the sum of $33,579.64 to account #5002, McGee Junior High School Interest. Dated at Berlin, Connecticut this 24th day of February, 1970. Arthur B. Powers Joseph P. La~zoni Earl A. Johansen Board of Selectmen Attest Harold F. Bomba, Town Clerk Mr. Arthur B. Powers was elected moderator. Mr. Harold F. ~omba, clerk. Mrs. Blanche J. Delaney presented the following resolution: RESOLVED: That a~um not in excess of $2,464.16, as recommended by the Board of ~ be and the same is hereby transferred from the General Fund to account #4002, Park Land Site Improvement Interest. The resolution was moved, seconded and unanimously adopted. MINUTES BOARD OF SELECTMEN February 9, 1970 The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by First Selectman Arthur Bo Powers. All Selectmen were present. Upon a motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the minutes were approved as read. All in favor. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the Selectmen voted unanimously to sign a Resolution for Selectmen and Assistant Treasurer, approving the bid by Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith, Incorporated for the bond sale of $3,375,000 at a net interest cost of 6.134413% (rate 6.15%, premium $4,785.97). Mr. Powers and Mr. Leslie Bentley attended bid opening at Connecticut Bank & Trust Company at 1:30 p.m. on February 9, 1970.MOTION CARRIED. On motion of Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the Selectmen unanimously voted to sign a Resolution for Selectmen, resolving that bonds shall be dated as of February 1, 1970 and certified by the Connecticut Bank & Trust Company. MOTION CARRIED. On motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the appointment of Mr. Leslie Bentley as Assistant Treasurer by the Board of Select- men was ratified. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Powers advised the Selectmen that Mr. Eugene A. Puhopek, District Director of the Department of Community Affairs, District II, had signed, executed and approved the CDAP program for the town, entitling Berlin to the amount of $86,066.00 under the Assistance Agreement. On motion of Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, it was voted to ask the Board of Finance for an appropriation of $6,500, as recommended by Town Counsel Harry Jackaway, to settle a personal injury case with Mrs. Myrtis D. Munson. Mrs. Munson fell in front of premises owned by Fred Ferrero on Main Street on town owned property. MOTION CARRIED. After discussion, it was moved by Mr. Lanzoni and seconded by Mr. Johansen to ask the Youth Council and representatives from the Park and Recreation Commission to attend the next meeting of the Selectmen to discuss problems at the Selden School and the overall program which is being ~onducted by the Youth Council. Mr. John Lukens, Chairman of the Youth Council also has requested a meeting. MOTION CARRIED There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. Respectfullyisubmitted, Arthur B. Powers First Selectman