2020-06-18 Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes June 18, 2020 I Call to Order The Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission met remotely on June 18,2020. The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. Ms. Giusti polled the commission: Commissioner Jon Michael O'Brien: present Commissioner Curtis Holtman: present Commissioner Tim Zigmont: present Commissioner Brian Rogan: present Commissioner Steve Wollman: present Chairwoman Joan Veley: present Alternate Commissioner Steve Biella, Jr. Joined the meeting for II Executive Session Acting Town Planner/Zoning Enforcement Officer Maureen Giusti Corporation Counsel Jennifer Coppola Excused: Commissioner Diane Jorsey II EXECUTIVE SESSION Commissioner Wollman recused himself from the Executive Session Items 1 and 2. Commissioner Zigmont moved to go into Executive Session, inviting Acting Town Planner/Zoning Enforcement Officer and Corporation Counsel Jennifer Coppola. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Holtman. Ms. Giusti conducted a poll of the commissioners: Commissioner Jon Michael O'Brien: aye Commissioner Curtis Holtman: aye Commissioner Tim Zigmont: aye Commissioner Brian Rogan: aye Commissioner Steve Wollman: aye Chairwoman Joan Veley: aye Alternate Commissioner Steve Biella,Jr. aye Chairwoman Veley read the following items 1 and 2 into the record. The time was 7:11 p.m. 1. Discuss the status of the pending litigation of Rio Vista Associates, LLC v. Berlin Planning& Zonin�Commission and Town of Berlin, and possible action relating to same. Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes—June 18, 2020 2. Consider whether to convene in executive session to discuss the status of the pending litigation of Rio Vista Associates LLC v. Berlin Plannin� & Zonin� Commission and Town of Berlin. After discussion, Commissioner Zigmont moved to come out of Executive Session. Commissioner Biella seconded the motion. Ms. Giusti polled the commission and the motion carried unanimously. The time was 7:38 p.m. Commissioner Wollman was re-seated. III Commission Business a. Fa�ade Application of Michael and Rosemarv Cassetta Dairy Queen 806 Farmin�ton Avenue (pending revisions no discussion anticipatedl There was no discussion. IV New Business a. Fill Permit Application of The Mattabassett District to fill +/- cubic vards of fill over a three-veaz period at Lot 2 Block 75H The Mattabassett District Mr. Arthur Simonian, P.E. Executive Director, The Mattabassett District, stated the permit has been renewed for a number of years. The landfill was purchased in the 1980's with the Department of Environmental Protection and Inland Wetlands and Watercourses approvals. The ash is tested quarterly by the Department of Environmental Protection. Work will begin this summer for the remaining 3600 cubic yards of the current permit. "The estimated remaining life of the site is 120 years. A final grading plan will be submitted. He described the truck route which takes 30 to 45 minutes The excavation occurs once a year and takes about 3 to 4 weeks. The request for the renewal of the permit is submitted every three years. In response to Commissioner Zigmont's asking if runoff water is tested, Mr. Simonian stated monitoring wells are in place and are tested quarterly by the DEEP. Metal levels are below limits. He offered to submit that testing information. Ms. Giusti stated the Inland Wetlands and WaterCourses permit is in place. She stated Town Engineer Ahern has stated an as-built survey should be submitted each year to quantify the fill volume. Mr. Simonian stated his agreement to submit the as-built survey as stated by the Town Engineer. Commissioner Wollman moved to approve the application, subject to: a. Submittal of as-built survey to be each year to quantify the annual ftll volume b. Adherence to staff comments 2 Berlin Pla�v�ing mrc�loni�ag Co�r7�niSSlOi9 A�leeti��g Minu�es—Jur7e 1 S, 2020 The motion �vas seconded by Commissioner Biella, Jr. Ms. Giusti polled the commission: C01111111SSIOIICT.TOI1 M1C�11eI O'Brien: aye Commissioner Curtis Holtman: aye Commissioner Tim Zigmont: �y� Commissioner Brian Rogan: ay� Commissioner Steve Wollman: aye Chairwoman Joan Veley: aye Alternate Commissioner Steve Biella, Jr. aye The motion can•ied unanimously. V Public Hearing a. Pioposed amendments to the Berlin Zonin� Regulations re�ardin� outdoor stora�e in industrial zones Ms. Giusti stated Attorney Coppola�vill re join the commissioners. She stated the language has not yet been finalized. Commissioner Zigmont moved to table this agenda item. Commissioner Iloltman seconded the motion�vhich carried unanimously. Attorney Coppola stated further review is needed and a�vork session�vith the commission may be needed. VI Old I3usiness a. Proposed amendments to the Berlin Zonin� Reeulations re�ardin� outdoor storaee in industrial rones There was no discussion or action. VII Adjournment Commissioner ligmont moved to adjourn the meeting. Commissioner 13iella, Jr. seconded the motion �vhicl� clrried unanimously. The timc �vas 8:06 p.m. jpectfully submitted, ���I�-t�J YV L�{�(�l�'� ' : ,� nces M. Semnoski � , . Recordin� Secretary _ V�,x � ��� �� J i.. . �. � '�__ > t �#`� 3 ``4 ��... -_ ,•�F-:..�,,.,,re... �,� ,_ v ��� t"�'s. � -��F.