1969/09/16 MINUTES BOARD OF SELECTMEN December 8, 1969 The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by First Selectman Arthur B. Powers. All Selectmen were present. Also present was Mrs. Blanche Mahan of the press. After the minutes had been circulated and read one correction was noted: the minutes should have read..."Mr. Lanzoni and Mr. Johansen also wish to be notified of serious accidents and fires". On a motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, it was voted to accept the minutes of November 24th as corrected. There was no meeting on December 1st. On a motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the Selectmen voted to accept the low bids on 60-day notes totalling $6,845,000 - (notice of sale and resolution approved by Selectmen are attached). The Selectmen signed the resolution and series of bond anticipation notes for the Junior High School, improvement bond anticipation notes for the Golf Course and open space, improvement bond anticipation notes (for road construction), sewer bond anticipation notes, other improvement bond anticipation notes, and improvement bond anticipation notes (for water and sewer facilities to the Junior High School on Norton Road). On motion of Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, it was voted to hold a Town Meeting on Monday evening, December 15th at 8:00 p.m. at the High School to accept several portions of roads as recommended by the Planning Commission. Mr. Powers advised the Selectmen that he had talked to Mr. Ronald Lynch of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and he advised that the cost of the police survey will be $5,338.00 unless Mr. MacLaren Director of the I.A.C.P. changes the figures. The state will pay 60% of the cost, providing the Board of Finance and the townspeople approve the other 40%. The survey will state the problems in the police depart- ment and make specific recommendations to solve them. It would begin within two months and be completed in three to four months thereafter. Mr. Powers said that he had not yet received the CDAP contract, but that once it is received, he will call a meeting of the CDAP Committee. Mr. Powers reported that he had discussed the matter of moving the voting machines to the basement of the Kensington Grammer School with Mr. Rogean, Superintendent of Schools. Mr. Bomba will meet with the Super- intendent to discuss the feasibility of the move. Mr. Peters of the Police Commission has been notified of this action. Mr. Powers advised that Mr. William Sataline, Sr. has declined to be a Deputy Canine Control Officer Selectmen's Minutes December 8, 1969 -page two- Mr. Johansen asked if Mr. Ellsworth had replied to Mr. Powers' letter asking that a committee be set up by the Kensington Fire District to work out arrangements with the Water & Sewer Commission for dissolution Mr. Powers stated that he had not, but that he would write another letter to him. Mr. Johansen asked if the Horbal Brothers had been hired for snow plowing. Mr. Powers stated that he did not know, but that he would discuss it with Mr. Seelye immediately. The following individuals were recommended for appointment to the Drug Action Committee by Mr. Powers: Service Clubs Junior Women's Club Police Department Teachers Physician Public Health Nurses Human Relations Council Junior Chamber of Commerce Druggist Others: Police Commission ) Board of Education ) Clergy ) Milton Abrams Carol Kowalczyk Lt. Robert Skinner Stanley Sangeloty Dr. Robert Sultar Cathy Fosgrau & Jean Conway Ann Nason Frank Dobek, Jr. Silvio Colangelo Natalie Gagliardi not as yet named On a motion by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen, the recom- mendation was accepted. Members from the Clergy, Police Commission and Board of Education will be named at a later date. A meeting will be held in the near future to organize the group. Mr. Powers read an invitation to the Board of Selectmen and their wives to attend the Town Hall christmas Party to be held at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Thursday, December 18, 1969. Time approximate: 6:30 p.m. for coctails, dinner at 7:30 and dancing from 9:00 to i:00. Passess for the home High School basketball games were sent to the Selectmen by Principal Robert Long. The Selectmen discussed the use of the Kensington Fire Department as a Police Department. Mr. Anthony Rosso has advised Mr. Johansen that the Kensington Fire Department would be willing to rent it to the town. Mr. Powers said he would discuss the matter with Mr. Peters. Mr. John Carlone, of Ferndale Plaza has asked if the state would install signs directing shoppers to the Ferndale Shopping Center. Meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Arthur B. Powers First Selectman