1969/12/29Selectmen - Minutes November 24, 1969 First Selectman Arthur B. Powers called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. All Selectmen were present as well as Mr. Covini and Mrs. Mahan of the press. Mr. Robert Peters, Chairman of the Police Commission and Mr. N. DiMaggio, Commissioner were also present. Mr. Powers mentioned that he had written to the Worthington and Kensington Fire Districts asking them to appoint a study committee for the dissolution of these two districts. A reply from the Worthington District Chairman~ Jack Ross, stated that his district would set up a study committee in January and establish a dissolution date of 1-1-73. The minutes of the meeting of November 10 were read and approved on a motion by Mr. Lanzoni which was seconded by Mr. Johansen. Motion Carried. MAr. Johansen mentioned that the Board of Finance turned down the bid for the new offices. He stated he had talked with Emil Carlson and suggested another plan. Mr. Powers stated that if Robert McGlone's desk was removed that the Conference Room could house two person i.e. Mrs. Skinner and Mr. Bentley. Mr. Johansen suggested that perhaps the nurses could be housed in the old Percival School building. Mr. Powers said he would prefer to keep all existing offices in the Town Hall. Mr. Johansen asked if Horbal Brothers had sent in bids for snow removal and Mr. Powers stated that they were interested but that Mr. Curnow had not advised him of what action had taken place. Mr. Peters mentioned that about two months ago the Police Commission wrote to the Selectmen inquiring as to the possibilities for purchasing the old Kensington Post Office. Mr. Powers replied that it was privately owned and the purchase price was about $70,000. Mr. Peters stated that the present Kensington Fire Department building might be a good site for a new Police Headquarters. Mr. Peters asked if the voting machines could be removed from the Police Dept. as they are taking up vitally needed space. Mr. Powers replied that he would look into this matter and report back to Mr. Peters. Mr. Peters mentioned speeding and drugs as two of the major problems facing the town today. Mr. Peters asked if Mr. Powers wanted to be called for emergencies and extensive fires and he replied that he did. Mr. BiMaggio mentioned the difficulty in obtaining a doctor to come to the scene of accidents. Page Selectmen - Minutes November 24, 1969 Mx. Powers read a letter from Angelo Barcella, Chief Canine Control Officer with respect to changing titles of Deputy Dog Warden, Assistant Deputy Dog Warden to Chief, Assistant Chief and Deputy Canine Control Officers in conjunction with the recommendation of Louis Golet, Assistant State Canine Control Officer. Mr. Powers read a second letter from Angelo Barcella requesting that William Sataline Sr. be appointed a Deputy Canine Control Officer. Mr. Lanzoni moved that the above recommendation be accepted and Mr. Johansen seconded the motion. Motion Carried. Mr. Powers read the bids for purchase of salt as follows: 1. Diamond Crystal Salt Co. $14.50 per ton 2. Chemical Corp. 13.20 per ton 3. International Salt Co. 14.23 per ton On the recommendation of Morgan Seelye, Mr. Lanzoni moved to accept the low bidder, Chemical Corp. of Springfield, Mass., and Mr. Johansen seconded the motlon. Motion Carried. Mrs. Rudnick requested ratification of the New Britain National Bank, New Britain Trust Co., Meriden Permanent Building & Loan, and Conn. Bank and Trust as official depositories for the treasurer, and the Selectmen ratified the appointments of the banks. Mr. Powers read a letter from Chairman of the Board of Finance, Thomas W. Ward, concerning a request from Mr. W. Wallace for a working sum of $500. for the Berlin Historical Society. It was agreed that the Selectmen would support a working budget for the Society in that its formation was approved by a town meeting. Mr. Donald Ward and MX. Charles Gregorian came into the meeting at this time. ~lr. Johansen requested Mr.Powers to write a letter to the State requesting that the area about 151 Southington Road be investigated for tr~removal. Mr. Powers requested that the Selectmen think over a replacement for the Chairman of the Senior Citizens Committee. Mr. ~anzoni mentioned a tarpaulin for the new Snorkel so t hat it could be protected from the elements while stored at the town garage. ~r. Johansen questioned jury procedures and MX. Powers told him to contact Mrs. Rene Hall for further details. Mr. Lanzoni moved that the meeting adjourn and Mr. Johansen seconded the motion. Time: 9:15 p.m. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bo gergeron Selectmen - Minutes Page 2 November 24, 1969 Mr. Peters informed the Selectmen that he would like training for controlling speeding through the use of radar. Mr. Powers said he was in full agreement, and that the State Police had offered to teach our officers how to use radar. Mr. Peters mentioned that complaints bad been received in connection with the noise coming from the Knights of Columbus ttall and stated that an ordinance be put into effect pertaining to the number of policemen at any given function. On the request of Mx. Powers, Mr. Peters said he would offer suggestions for the ordinance. Mr. Peters mentioned the parking problem while St.Paul's Church is in session on Sunday mornings. Mr. Powers suggested that Mr. Peters call his pastor and arrange a meeting to discuss this problem with all of the clergy since they meet once a month. Mr. Peters asked what the percentage of retirement for any member of the Police Department as of January 1. Mr. Powers replied that for every year of active service since the plan was instituted a person would get 1% per year. For every year prior to the plan being put in force they would receive ½ of l~ per year. Mr. Powers stated that he would check into this for Mr. Peters for specific information. Mr. DiMaggio stated that he would like to invite Mr. Powers to attend each and every Police Commission meeting if possible. Mx. Powers proposed that the Board of Selectmen appoint a Drug Action Committee. Mr. Lanzoni made a motion to this effect and Mr. Johansen seconded the motion. Motion Carried. The following represent suggestions for the makeup of the Drug Action Committee: A member from the Junior Women's Club, Police Commission, Civic Organizations, possibly a member of the Police Dept., a member of the clergy, a member of the Board of Education, a teacher or guidance director, possibly a responsible student, a physician and a nurse. Mr. Johansen mentioned that he would like to see fewer cruisers on the parkway and fewer crusiers at an accident. Mr. DiMaggio said that ail cruisers are instructed to come to the scene of an accident but then are discharged if not needed. Mr. Peters informed Mr. Johansen that the State Police do not patrol the parkway and that one cruiser is assigned to East Berlin and the Berlin Turnpike. MX. Peters also felt that it would be a good idea to have a post office box so the public could write in regarding any crimes. Mx. Powers read a letter from Clarence Dansro, Assistant Canine Control Officer involving a dog damage claim. Mr. Dansro recommended that the town pay Mr. Gagne, 309 Christian Lane for the two blue rabbits which were killed by a dog. Mr. Lanzoni made a motion to approve payment of this $6.00 claim and Mr. Johansen seconded the motion. Motion Carried.