2020-03-11 special INLAND WETLANDS AND WATER COURSES COMMISSION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES OF MARCH 11. �020 CALL TO ORDER: The Inland Wetl�ncls and Water Co�irses Meeting ���as called to order b�• Chairman William Jackson at 7:00 p.m. on Marcll 11, 2020 in Room 120 of the To�ti�n Hall. ATTENDANCE: Chairman William Jac�son, Commissioners: Peter Nieman, Da��id Ro�an. Michael Cassetta. Gar�• Pa��ano, Ricl: ��'hite, and John Zarotneti°. Commissioner Zarotne}� made a motion to open the Piiblic Hearing. seconded b�� Commissioner Ro�ran. The motion ��as Linanimousl} appro��ed. PtiBLIC HEARING: Application 19-1 l�VF - Proposal b}� BT'2008. LLC to coustrtict 1-esidenti�l and retail impro��emeilts ��ithin bot11 ���etland and flood hazard re��ulated area on Lot #12, 13A and l 3C. Blocl� 83 Berlin Ttirnpi�e. Attorne�� Peter Alter. Alter �. Pearson. LLC in Glastonbur��, Jessica Bates- BL Companies. Raina Volo��sl:i —Ti��he & Bond, and De��eloper Peter D'Addio ��ere present fc�r tlle Applica�lt. Attorne�-Alter and Team submitted (Tuesdati� atternoon to Room 120) revised prints and a letter from BL Companies, a�1 in-depth report from Leonard Jac�son. and a report from Raina Volo�-ski fo�• the Comtnissioners to re�ie���. Additionall��. Attorne� Alter s�ibmitted. for this record. the ��'etlands Mintites of the Au��t�st 1. ?018 Public Heaein�� (re�rardin�� BT �008. LLC —�pplication 18-lOw'). Attorne�� Alter again e�plained that a 600 sq. tt. area ���otild need to be impacted to temporaril�� p3SS t�ll'011�fl t0 t11� �l'et13I1C�S lt t�lZ f����1C3Ilt 1S t'tCllll['�C� t0 I111t1��1t� lil lti�tic111C�S c�t'ec1 �. T}le appLicant is proposin�� to place ?�.000 cubic ��ards of fill a►ld to impact 6.9�� sqtiare-feet of area in the Flood���a�� �nd 18,?9? squat•e feet of arra��ithii� the Flooclplain. Attorne�� Alter added that Leoiiard Jackson's tindin�rs are bein�� stibmitted toni��llt (for the i•ecords). His report indicates tl�at the tloodplain for the 100-��eat• flood (also l�no��n as the "1% chance flood'� and the "b�se flood'�) e�tended to Ele�ation �1 in tllis c�se. Re��ardin�� tlle flood zone. tlle ap�licant is requestin�� a ��ariance, and ���ould not ha��e to ►��al:� a passa�re ������ tllrou��h t}le ���etlancls if granted. Additionallyr. the do;� park is eliminated. Attorne� Alter requested the Raina Volo��sl:i- Wetlands Consultant discuss here recent ��isit to the site. Ms. Volo�sl�i referenced her submitted memo (for the records) and told the Commissioners that she ��isited the site a��ain to confirm the ��etland limits �nd record the ecolo��ical communities and fi�nctions of Wetland ? depicted on tlle plans. Tlle site ��as iil��estigated for additional soil data in areas specitied by� the Wetlands Commission to reconcile differences in the ��etland line resultin� from pi•e��iotis delineations. and to pro��ide clata for tlle p►-oposed flood stora��e coinpensator�� miti�ration area and ��estern portiorl of Wetland 2. The inforination sho���s the a►•eas ��est of�'etland 1. not•tl�east of�'etland 3. and proposed compensator� mitigation areas a►-e neitller State or Federallti� regulated ���etla�lds due to the lack of hydric soils and h�-drologic indicators. Tilere ���s a Inland Wetlands �nd Water Courses Commission Mintites—March 11, 2020 Page 2 of 4 presence of��e��etation at�ll three test pit locations. Wetlands 2 is a part of a�vildlife corridor ��ithin a well-de��eloped landscape. Development�vithin the upl�nd island w�ill distlirb the wildlife habitat and corridor by remo��ing several acres of mattit•e upland forest �vithin a developed wetland, pro��ide opportunit}' for invasive species to colonize the disturbed area, and remove potential habitat for a listed species of State concern. Ch�irman Jackson commented abolit rem�rks frotn Attorney�Alter �nd Ms. Volovski, that the Wetlands Commission does not ha��e the authorit�� to establish �vetland bolindaries b�it accepts applications/plans on goocl f�ith that the professionals have submitted certifiable information. Chairn7an Jac�son additionall�� added that he had ��isited the site and ���ould sug��est that the soil t�pes at the flood��-a}� line be loo�ed at again, and some of the fla��s are in standi�l� ��-ater. Attorne}� Alter rebutted that the public hearin;� �tiill be closed tonight and there ��on't be an opportunity to re- ��isit and/or change an�� of the findings. Jessica Bates, BL Companies, ans���er-ed qtiestio�ls, and BL Companies stil�mitted their response to the V�'etlands Consultant for the To��n —WMC Consultin�� En��ineers, re��ardin� the project (as follo���s): l. Provide the«�etland delineation data on the cornpensatory� flood stora�e area. Respnrrse: {►eticntd deliiterttion duta has heen�repm•ed and prurided h�• Tinite d'c Bo�td. ?. Revise the pl�ns to provide for access into the compensatory flood stora«e area. Response: T/re !i'etlrrrrd Inlp�rct Jlup slteet li°!-1 lras beet� rerised tn include additiona/inrpact areu to x�etlnnrl.s crnd rrplund i•erieir:.ones thut r��orrlrl he reyuired to proride u temporur�� x�eticnrd crossing bridge structrrre curd aeress fi•unr the mui�l rcork�irer�. T/eese«rlditiuirul impncts rrre depirted a.s pote�rtial iriipac•ts, «s the ui•er� icill unl�•t�eed to bc distrn•hed if the compensato�}'storrr;e«rerr is reqtri�•erl to be cleu�•ed mid corestructed. Tlre tef��pnrur�•bricl;e crossi�r,,runl r�ccess�ulrl�«pproxi»lnteh'600 S.F. of drrect n�etlruid rmpnct ctird i,934 S.F. ojrrplrurd rerierc inrpact to the tota[potenti�rl ticetland in�pacts. �. Revise the application to include either on site or offsite���etland miti�,ation for the proposed direct��•etland ❑ll(J1CtS. Rcsponse: !i'etlrmd n�iti;;rrtion a�•e«s l�rme bee�l prorided iiz tliefornt of rt�etlrmd crentioit i��itlei�t tlte propo.l�ed ahorc gi•orrnd storim�•nter ifr�r�iu�enlent basin «nd icate�•quulih•sirale. These«reus rcill sinrulate d�e conditio�rs of flre exis/ii�n ►t�etluirds on site bt•heiirg pla�ited�ritlr �rutii�e iret/unr!pluirts a�rd i��il[he�ept �ti�et tln�ou,,h t/re eonre�•anee of s7ornnrater. Tlre p��nject it�ill directll'inipuct npproxr�natell'3,740 sqtun•e_feet nf iretl�mds. To of'fset the direct rt�etland i»lpacts rre ure proposi�rn nriti�«tioi� at•eus tuhilin� 14,364 syu�u•e feet. Thi.s results iii «miti�;r�tro�a to in���act ratin o.f uppro.�•iivatel�•3.8:1. Please refer to the rerised�i'etlunrl /�upncts mup sheet 11 il!-1 rnrd N�e rei�ised Lrr�rrlscnpe Ylm!sleeets LL-0 tltror�,h LI,-4. -t. Remove the proposed fenced do�z parh fron� ���ithin the floodwa}�. Respo�rse: .-lck�tuinlerlred, tlre dog��urh f'e�rcr�rr ulo�i,tividi die picnic t�rble«sid fire pit struetrn�es hni�e bee�r re�uored.fi•onr the f7uodi��c�t'«ren. Plense�•efei�to N�e�•ei�ised Site Plu�r sTreet SP-3. �. Prepare the appropriate infonnation to reconcile the differences beri��een the several��etland delineations that ha��e been prepared for the site o��er the last ]0��ears. Respunse: .-Icknorr/ed�ed,/�lense ref'er to d�e Tec/rnical�lle�ftorr�ndunr preparerl hl• Tinlle& Bortd litled "1�'eticinrl Lij�lit [erific«tiun, 404 Berli�� Tirrnpike, Berlirz, Co�r�recticrrt", daterllllrn•rh 09, 2020for i�rformatinn ren«rdifrn wetlrotd deline��tion rcrrirdion. Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission Mintites— March 11, 20?0 Pa;�e 3 of� Chairman Jackson proceeded to ask the Team several c�uestions regardin� the application (as fol lo��s): • Section 1 of the August 23, 2008 Ordinance Establishing Floodplain Management Regulations for Special Flood Hazard Areas in the Town of Berlin define the Regulatory Floodway as "the channel of a river or other watercourse and the adjacent land areas that must be reserved in order to discharge the base flood without cumulatively increasing the water surface elevation more than one foot, or a designated height". Would it be prudent to appro�e location of buildin�_s- and/or other strucnires that partialL}� obstruct limits of the Flood���a��? • Section IV.16 of the Floodplain Management Regulations for the Town of Berlin describe the Regulatory Floodway as "an extremely hazardous area due to the velocity of flood waters which carry debris, potential projectiles, and erosion potential" Woulcl it be en��ironmentall�� prudent to appro��e the location of��asoline distribution pumps ��ithin the Flood���a��`' • Would it be prudent for this commission to set a precedent for approving activities and development within Floodways? Re��ardin�� tlle proposed ��asoline station / con��euiei�ce store. Commissioner Cassetta asked for the proposed buildin�� are� �cithin the Flood��a��. Ms. Bates me�stired appro�. �0 square feet of proposed buildin�� area and 100 squai-e feet of proposed pump island area. Ms. Bates indicated that the proposecl pump island �tiould be located at ele��ation -40 feet. Attorne�� Altet• addressed the qtiestions fi-o11� Chaii-�I�a►1 Jac�son and reblitted tllat the Commission coulcl certainl�� make mo��in�� the ��as station buildin�� and island a��a�� frottl the flood��a�° a condition of ap�ro��al. The Team feels that the ele��ation ��ill be 11i��h enou��h to not ha��e a ne��ati��e �ffect on the flood���a��. Attome�� Alter add�d that tlle Com►I�ission should not be afr�id to ��i��e ��ai•iances because it loo�s at each application on an indi��idual. c�se b� case. basis. This decision should not necessaril�� set a precedence for the Commission. Michael Fannin� ��-as asked for conunents and he made a fe��� remat•l�s, but needed time to re��ie�� Mr. Jacl:son's report It seeins the modeli�l�� ��as performed on t11e i►i�mediate propert�� and not do��nstream closei•to the Nlattabassett Ri�er. Cll�lli'tll�tl J�iC�SOII O�elleC� t�1� tZOOI' CO C1tlZ�I1S ���10 ���OL1�Cj Il�i� t0 C011l[llelll O11 ttle �t'O�eCt. I��Ir. Joe Datillo spol:e in fa��or of the prc�ject on behalf of the potential ��as st�tion o���ners. M►-. Joe Bajorski. Berlin Housin��Authorit�, spol:e i�1 f���or of the�Applicant. He e�pressed his opinion that the pi•oposed attordable housiiig is needed in Berli�l. Con�nlissioiler Nieman made a motion to close tlle Piiblic I-Iearing for Application 19-11�'F. SeCO1�C��C� b�� C0111I711SS1011�[' Cc�SSeC1�. T}le IIlOtL011 ��-�S 1111�11ll110L1S1�' �l[�[�I'O�'eC�. MI'. f�OCb�l I'�COTI1111eI1C�eC� tllat t}]� CO111I11lSS1011tl'S t�l�� tlllle t0 C�I���St t�lZ ll�t�01'lllltlOt] additionall�� presented toni��ht. There are 6� da}�s from the closin<� of the hearing to mal:e a decision. The �ieyt scheduled i�leetin�� is Ttiesday, April 7. ?020. Inland Wetlands and Water Courses Commission Minutes— March 1l, 2020 P�ge 4 of 4 ADJOURNMENT: Commissioner Nieman made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:0� p.m. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Zarotne}�. The motion ��-as unanimously� approved. Lecia Paonessa Recording Secretar}� ��i� r��-y ��� :' � �:, t ; � r3i.��'� {ti.�: i� 5:-ki�" ��� �,,� r r ;1.G rkdu t_"-y°a�.�� ���+ �'.t.. _