1968/09/09MINUTES BOARD OF SELECTMEN September 9, 1968 First Selectman Powers opened the meeting at 7:55 p.m. was present. Mr. Lanzoni was absent. Mr. Johansen Also present were: of the press. Mrs. Blanche Mahan and Mr. Richard Covini, both Mr. Johansen moved to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Powers seconded. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Powers announced that Mr. Motyka had submitted a tax rebate form for Edward Lipski, 354 Wilbur Cross Highway, Berlin. Due to a Serviceman's Disability Rating, Mr. Lipski is eligible for a tax rebate. Mr. Johansen moved that the Board of Selectmen approve a tax rebate, under Section 12-81, in the amount of $53.20. Mr. Powers seconded. MOTION CARRIED. Mr. Johansen stated that an island had sprung up overnight at Silver Lake, this lake is popular with water skiers and now this island makes the sport dangerous. Mr. Powers said he would write a letter to the State asking what, if anything, could be done about the matter. Mr. Johansen asked if a check had been made into the background of Mr. N. A. McKeon who is currently doing work for the town. Mr. Powers said that Mr. McKeon's work is fine. Mr. Johansen said it had come to his attention that Mr. McKeon owed a large sum of money to a local gas station. Mr. Powers said Mr. McKeon had put up a performance bond and his work, to date, meets town standards. At this point, the press was excused and the meeting continued in Executive Session. Mr. Powers said that the New Britain (Berlin-Kensington) Y.M.C.A. wants to buy land in Berlin. They wish to take over the options that the town holds on the Georgini property. Mr. Johansen said he thought that this was a rather poor site since the building will not be seen. Mr. Powers said if we give up our options they must give us a right-of-way in case we want to build a road through there. Also, they must develop the area on the south side, up on the hill. In ten years or so we will have that whole area developed but we would want it for recreational or municipal and not commercial purposes. Mr. Powers moved that the town transfer its options on the Georgini property, to the right of Percival Field, to the New Britain (Berlin- Kensington) Y.M.C.A. in the event that the Y.M.C.A. wishes to purchase said land and construct a Y.M.C.A. facility with the stipulation that the $1000 in option monies be reimbursed to the town by the Y.M.C.A. and that a right-of-way, sufficient to construct a road in accordance with town standards, on a location agreeable to the town be given to the town by the Y.M.C.A. Motion Seconded by Mr. Johansen. MOTION CARRIED. BOARD OF SELECTMEN MINUTES (Continued) page two September 9, 1968 Mr. Powers announced that at a recent meeting with Mr. Ed Murray, Mr. Aldo Castiglioni, Mr. Harry Jackaway and two attorneys, it was revealed that a private group, wishing to remain anonymous at this point, has shown an interest in 550 acres, more or less, west of Southington to be used for open space purposes. Mr. Powers said he was enthusiastic about this. Mr. Johansen asked if this was a matter to be acted upon tonight and Mr. Powers replied no. Mr. Johansen said it should be looked into further. There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, p ic~ a Secretary