1967/12/18lVIINUTES OF THE MEETING DECEMBER 18, 1967 TOWN OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTI~LEN Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by First Selectman Arthur B. Powers with Joseph 1~. Lanzoni and Earl A. Johansen present. Also present were Mrs. Madeline Sylvia, secretary to the First Selectman, Mrs. Blanche Mahan and Mr. Richard Covini of the press and Mr. David Gulvin. Mr. Johansen requested that a question he asked Morgan See¥1e at the Selectmen's Meeting of December 11, 1967 be included in the Minutes as follows, to wit: Did the contract call for bankrun gravel or processed gravel? Mr. Seeb-le said that his knowledge of the contract was that it called ~or bankrun gravel, and if it said processed gravel it was a typographical error, to which Mr. Johansen stated that if it were it was a very expensive typographical error. Mr. Lanzoni moved to accept the Minutes of the Meeting of December 11, 1967 as corrected above, seconded by Mr. Johansen. Motion carried. Mr. Powers reported that Morgan Seeyle is discussing with the Public Works Department of Cromwell and Middletown, the repair of the bridge that collapsed on Division Street, and also the removal of the debris left in the brook channel and it has been agreed that the three towns will solicite bids as suggested at the last meeting. Mr. Powers reported on the road work and that he asked Morgan Seeyle to see to it that the sides of the roads are rough graded for proper drainage. He further reported that the paving is done except for the west end of Deming Road where the Gas Company is working. There are some weak spots which will be dug out in the spring and more gravel put in. Some of the driveways were worked on already. Mr. Johansen asked if the contractor was liable for the digging out in the spring, to which Mr. Powers advised that he is liable. Mr. $ohansen then stated that since the road work is being rushed, he was wondering if the road were bonded, and if so could the bond be extended more than the usual one year. Mr. Powers stated that the roads are bonded and that the bond is good for one year after the completion of the road work, which would give the town ample time to check the roads for any trouble. Mr. Powers presented the following notes all with the Connecticut Bank and Trust Company: Note ~4 - $75, 000.00, Sewer Bond Anticipation Note· Note ~5 - $1Z5,000.00, Water Bond anticipation note· Note ~6 - $100,000.00, Improvement Bond anticipation note for .the railroad spur. · CO 1 Note #8 - $50, 000.00, Improvement Bond anticipation note for road construction. Mr. Powers added that these notes have been signed, for which a m//tion was made by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen. Motion carried. R6/NUTES OF THE lVIEETING -2- December 18, 1967 The following note was also presented: Note #1 - $55,000.00. This represents part of a total of $105,000.00 for final plans and specifications for a new Junior High School. This note is to pay the architect for work done to date with the approval of the Public Building Commission and is borrowed out of a total which has be en authorized. The Treasurer has set up the note so that the first interest payment will not be due until the next fiscal year because there is nothing appropriated in this yearts budget for interest payments. Motion made by Mr. Lanzoni to sign the same, seconded by Mr. Johansen. Motion carried. Mr. Powers reported on the budget stating that 70~0 of it is prepared and the Selectmen will go into Executive Session to review the same when it is completed. Mr. Powere reported that he received a list of streets from Warren Kingsbury in reference to the sidewalk ordinance. Attorney Jackaway is still working on a rough sidewalk ordinance. Mr. Powers met with Attorney Jackaway and went over two ordinances on Pollution A~atement. He will bring them before the Selectmen for discussion at the proper time. Mr. Covini brqught before the Selectmen his thoughts about Deming l{oad, Episcopal ltoad and l{owley St, and that he is quite familiar with Episcopal ltoad and ltowley St. more than Deming Road, and feels that it could be a beautiful street with a little imagination. If each side of the road could be seeded for grass you would have a beautiful boulevard effect, and with the installation of pipe and pumping stations you could keep the grass green and cover the sewer spot. Mr. Covini. brought this before the Selectmen because it could become a community project since the area does need beautification. Mr. $ohansen stated that Officer Bodach inquired about the completion of the road work on Percival Ave. since his sister has complaints of water entering the driveway on her property. Mr. Powers stated that the State Highway Department is in charge and they should be notified, however, he was advised and promised by them already that this section will be completed in the spring. Upon motion duly made and passed, the meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m. Virginia Dagata