1967/07/31MINUTES OF THE MEETING July 31, 1967 TOWN OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTMEN Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by First Selectman Arthur B. Powers with Selectman Joseph P. Lanzoni and Earl A. Johansen present. Also present were Mrs. Madeline Sylvia, Secretary to the Select- men, Mrs. Blanche Mahan and Richard Covini of the press. Mr. Leland Rich of 83 Percival Avenue, Kensington was waiting to be heard, and Mr. Powers suggested that he present his complaint to the Board before the minutes were accepted or any other business staree~. Mr. Rich stated that there was a mess in front of the pool and Highland Avenue and it should be cleaned up right away. the Highway Dept. Mr. Powers explained that_/~X had been instructed to "do it right away". Mr. Rich said that he had called Earl Monday morning; Earl looked at it, but the weeds are still there. "I used to let things ride, but now I feel that I have time to complain and I am going to keep calling," he said. and~Donald Prue Mr. Johansen said he had talked with Morgan Seel~and he said they were so busy they could not do it. He feels the Park Department should do it. First Selectman Powers said he would have the Highway Department do it. Mr. Johansen said that the papers were thrown all over from the pool. Earl also inquired why Mellocrest had been allowed to go in their and not Good Humor. Good Humor goes in, but comes right out. Mr. Powers reiterated that he had tried to get an ordinance to "keep ice cream men out of here." Mellocrest is local and we therefore allowed them to go in. However, they must clean up all the papers afeerwards. "They will be out if they do not pick up papers afterwards." The kids run along Percival Avenue and it is very dangerous. Prue was told to clean up weeds before I went on vacation; it will be done. Mr. Rich also said that he had complaints about his shrubbery being "all over the line". I did not plant this shrubbery, but I will keep it trifled. Mr. Rich feels that there should be a stop sign on the right hand side of the road reading "Do Not Enter". First Selectman Powers informed Mr. Rich that his complaint shall be taken care of. Mrs. Edward Delaney and Mrs. John White, representing the New Britain- Bristol Regional Mental Health Council, Inc. asked to present their pro- gram to the Selectmen. The presented Mr. Powers with a letter from the C ~Chairman, Mrs. Dorothy D. Barnes and a Final Report on the Project. Mr. Fowers read the letter which explained the districting of the Council and how it divided its money on the basis of population. The New Britain- Bristol Council consists of Berlin, Bristo, Burlington, New Britain, Plainville, Plymoutn and Southington with a state allotment per year of $14,000.00 maximum with a $1,400. contribution required from the seven communities in the Region. The Berlin contribution to the $10.00 for $1.00 grant would therefore be $100.00 for the year. The Regional Mental Health Councils were formed to study the mental health resources and needs of the regions throughout the state and, further, to determine the~feasibility of Mental Health Centers in those Regions. First Selectman Powers felt, along with the other Selectmen, that it was a good program and deemed consideration. He said a letter would be written to the Board of Finance recommending the contribution. The minutes of the July 24th meeting were read and accepted. The Selectmen signed the Dog Damage Claim that is sent yearly to the State. The following bids were awarded, based on the low bid: Gasoline Regular Hi Test Red Wing Oil Tidewater .1310 without tax .1660 .1425 without tax .185 Mr. Lanzoni made a motion t o award the contract to Red Wing Oil, seconded by Earl A Johansen. Motion carried. Grease & Oil Motor Oil: Nutmeg Auto Supply 1.25' Tidewater 1.65 MM-MS Mowers: Nutmeg Auto Supply Tidewater 1.08 1.02' Gear Lube: Nutmeg Auto Supply Tidewater .185 lb. .15625* Chaseis: Nutmeg Auto Supply .205 Tidwater .165' Wheel Bearing: Nutmeg Auto Supply Tidewater .265* No Bid Edward Haber, Chief Mechanic recommended that the award go to Tide- water, however, Earl Johansen felt that it should be given to the indivi- dual low bidder and made a motion to this effect. Jos@ph Lanzoni seconded the motion. Motion Carried. First Selectman Powers made a motion that the award for new tires -3- go to the individual low bidder. carried. Seconded by Joseph Lanzoni. Motion Mr. Powers read a letter from the Board of Finance in reference to a new telephone system for the town hall. The Selectmen feel that it is getting imperative the the present system be changed. A letter was read from the Mattabassett District stating that our portion of $109,981.17 was due. First Selectman Powers made a motion that we pay $86,000.00 as a down payment and wait to see what the balance will be after the State and Federal grants are credited. Seconded by Lanzoni. Motion carried. First Selectman Powers read a letter from State Highway Commissioner Ives in regard to a meeting with Mr. Williston. Mr. Powers read a letter from Audrey Wojack of the Congregational Church asking f~r the use of the Old Percival School Building for a supplementary Church School room. Mr. Powers made the motion that the Board of Selectmen agree, as in the past, that they be allowed to use the School for a $10.00 per month fee for an eight (8) month period. Motion seconded by Earl Johansen. Motion carried. It was established by the Board that Voter Registration on August 26th and September 9th would be all day sessions. Earl Johansen suggested that we hold an all day session on August 26th and 1/2 day session on September 9th. Mr. Lanzoni made a motion that we have two (2) all day sessions. Seconded by Powers. Motion carried. Earl Johansen heard that the contractors have hired a lawyer about the Tomasso situation and would take them to court. However, he did not know who the contractors were. Powers heard that when they found out what the complications were they understood our decision. Negotiations similar to that of Tomasso are not uncommon at all. These are things that would have to be considered. The New York engineers negotiated this based on the following conditions. 1. The fill that is needed for the Railroad Spur is on the Emhart site now and Tomasso owns the fill. 2. Trucking it in costs are a lot more than a scraper. When you bring in trucks it will cost twice as much depending on how far the fill is from the job. 3. Because it is a Railroad Spur it requires special compaction. Tmmasso has machinery that he got from Germany. Local contractors do not own scrapers and vibrators. 4. Tomasso will not sell fill to anyone else. 5. The Emhart job is a union job. If non-union people go on the job, union people will walk off. This will stop our progress. Our New York engineers are convinced they should negotiate. They set up a bid form. The engineers estimated prices on all items. When they arrived at their estimates, Tomasso got a form to complete. I talked with Tomasso and they said "We do not the Town, the Selectmen, the Contractors or the people to feel that they have done anything wrong and they want everything explained and understood before signing a contract." We accepted the recommendations of our engineering firm. It was also further recommended by our town engineer. I feel we are going along with the best for the town. If you want to recommend another - fine. If we have union problems - if the job is slowed down in any way, I will not be responsible for it. Tomasso was told "we will not sign a contract until everything is settled." Morgan Seelye: What Art has said is the situation in a nut shell. Art did not emphasize that Tomasso has the experience, capability to do the job. Local contractors have not had direct experience. It should be understood that the contractor that does the job will be subject to strict supervision from the N.H.R.R. and the State Public Utilities Commissions; must be built according th strict specifications. The reasons for this availability.of gravel to site has a lot to do with it. Local contractors do not have equipment to work with. Tomasso has. Since the price negotiated fell within the engineers estimate, I would be in agreement with the price. Powers: Tomasso. These negotiations were between New York engineers and Seelye: What and how was specified by our engineers, so there was no misunderstanding. This price is using only the proper material. Mahan: Did the local contractors express any interest in this before? Powers: I understand there was a rumble originally because they did not understand what was 9oing on. They felt they could do the job. Some of the contractors now realize that it is something larger than they anti- cipated. Some of them now agree that it was wise to negotiate contract. I can understand however, that they would want a shot at it. The other members of the Board of Selectmen got the recommendation the same day that ~XX~K~i~RX~XX~~X~X I got it. I will do whatever is acceptable. Whe~ we don't go along with our engineers recommendation I don't want to be respon- sible for any set-back. We pay them a lot of money and if we don't take their advice, there should be a very good reason why. Johansen: I did not hesitate to go along.with this. We hired these people on good faith. I did not realize the reaction from the contractors. Now I realize that I may have made the mistake. Powers: There are certain times when you act on the town's best interest through negotiation. Johansen: Tomasso is a union contractor. We have a number of non- union contractors in town. Earl suggests that contract could be split up i.e. non-union off Emhart and union on the site. ~ Seelye: We have an embankment at property line. could not save if you do this. I feel that you Covini: Does the engineering frim have the authority to negotiate a contract? If they were going to discuss this with Tomasso why didn't they discuss it with other people? Seelye: Our engineers have the authority to negotiate, but no authority to sign contract. Our negotiation with Tomasso was for the availability of the gravel, which they own on the site, along with the field equipkent which is also on the site. Covini: Contractors are upset because engineers talked to Tomasso only - without even consulting them. Powers: There will be no contract until all questions are answered. We followed recommendation that all three selectmen heard after several months of study. Tomasso also has agreed that he does not want to embarrass the town contractors or Selectmen. However, I understand that negotiating contracts is co~on when the circumstances call for it. I want to make this clear that my only interest is to see that the town is properly served. Covini: This matter can come up in election. It should be presented to local contractors - it wasn't. Now what are we going to do? Seelye: Nobody has come to me to find out what the situation is. Powers: I would be very happy if the contractors wish, to explain the whole contract if they have any complaints. The Selectmen should be willing to give them every consideration. I would recommend all the contractors meet with us to go over it. There has been a lot of misunderstanding. We will give our local contractors every consideration. We will sit down with our engineer, the New York engineers and the local contractors. If they have grievances, we should hear about them. Johansen: I was going to suggest that we postpone action until I could contact some of the contractors. Powers: I don't believe you should contact them - this is a matter for the whole Board of Selectmen. I will invite all the contractors into our next Monday evenings meeting if they wish to be heard or receive an expla- nation. Jbhansen: That's a better idea - I will go along with that. Earl Johansen had a complaint on motorcycles racing on Worthington Point. It would be looked into. First Selectman Powers announced that bids were opened that morning for the Storage Building for highway equipment. They were as follows: Earl Whitman $17,637.00 D & D Bidrs. $14,795.00 The bid could not be awarded because they went over budget. We could reduce the size of the building, but it would not be practical. I recommend that the Selectman go to the Board of Finance and request additional appro- priation. Third Selectmen Johansen suggested we take off the brick veneer to cut costs. Morgan Seelye said he would like to keep it in line with the ~est of the buildings. Second Selectman Lanzoni made a motion to go to the Board of Finance for an appropriation. Seconded by Johansen. Motion carried. There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. upon duly executed motion. Madeline Sylvia cc: Arthur B. Powers Joseph P. Lanzoni Earl A. Johansen Board of Finance