1962/05/011. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission May 1, 1962 at 8 P.M. Members present: Robert Bennerup, Nunzlo Rosso, and Aldo Castiglioni. Also, James F. Kissane, Jr., Town Engineer and Margaret Gooby. 2. Stream bordering Oak Dayl and Maple Monor Subdivisions. Mr. Kissers dis- cussed with the Commission the problems involved i~ this stream is not treated in the same manner by both subdivision developers. On maps which hsd been presented this stream is shown ss being piped by one developer end not piped by the other. J. Kisssne suggested that for better engineering this stream should be piped using s 60" pipe from Maple Manor thru Oak Dsyl to Farmlngton Ave. It was suggested that Mr. Kissane get together with both subdivision developers to sPrive at a mutual agreement. 3. Mr. Kisssne announced that Mri~ Spielvogel of the Zoning Commission would like to meet with this Commission on hursday, May 24 stthe Town Hall. Commission members were agreeable end Mr. Eisssne will so notify Mr. Spfelvogel. 4. Grshsm-Gischel Property - Mr. Kissers stated that he hsd been talking with Mr. Noxon Howard end that they are waiting for s decision by the city of New Britain on s rosd which is being plsnned to serve the new reservoir in that area. If this planned road is put in it might be able to serve the Graham- Gischel property. 5. On motion of A. Cesttglioni, seconded by N. Rosso, the Minutes of the April 17 meeting were approved es written. 6. Franklin Park Estates - Item 2 April 17 Minutes - nothing new. 7. Town-owned land adjacent to Rte 72 By-Pass - Item 3, April 17 Minutes - because of the weather the Commission members were not able to look at this land tonight ~s planned. Mr. Kissane will set up another date. 8. State Road Changes in Berlin - Item 8 April 17 Minutes - Mr. Kissers stated that be b~d checked the Stste Ststutes and that the Planning Commission is not obligated to make sreport to the Selectmen on the proposed changes. Mr. Powers ststed to Mr. Klsssne thst he will keep the Plsnning Commission informed of the changes. 9. Correspondence a) Letter from Board of Finance regarding transfer of funds to Planning Commission Expense Account. b) Communication from CFPZA regarding Commission on Mobile Homes crested at 1961 Session of the General Assembly. c) Communication from CFPZA regarding 14th Annual Business Meeting, Wednesday, March 28, 1962. d) Communication from CFPZA regarding Curia Dixit Digest - copies are avail- able st $1.25. Mr. A. Castlglioni made a motion, seconded by N. Rosso that approval be given to purchase ~' six (6) copies. So Voted. Mr. Kisssne will order the copies. e) Letter from Zoning Cemmissio~ together with copy ~¢ request from Dan Creed and map for change of Zone from Residential Zone to Business on e parcel of land located on Jsrvis Lane, east of the Wilbur Cross Highway. Our recommendation was requested. On motion of N. Rosso, seconded by A. Castigllont, it wes Voted to write to the Zoning Commission ststlng that ss this request is in accordance with the Town Plan we would recommend the change as requested. 10. Winchell Drive - Vredenberg request - this was again discussed as it was planned when Mr. Wredenberg was in to see the Commission earlier in the year that we would plan to t eke a look at th is drainage problem. 11. Meeting adjourned st 9:45 P.M. Respectfully submitted,