1967/03/06 MINUTES OF THE MEETING MARCH 6, 1967 TOWN OF BEI~LIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTMEN Meeting called to order at 7:30 p.m. by First Selectman Arthur B. Powers, with Selectmen Joseph P. Lanzoni and Earl A. Johansen present. Also present were Mrs. Madeline Sylvia, Secretary to the First Selectman, Mr. Horace VanDorn, Mr. Walter. Zu~tk and Mr. A~nthony Sbona of the Mattabassett Sewer District, Mrs. Blanche lVlahan and Mr. B. ichard Covini of the Press. Before accepting the minutes of the meeting of February 27, 1967, lVir. YanDorn gave a summary of the situation with the Mattabassett District involving Middletown and what the implications are for the district and for the Town. In his summary, Mr. VanDorn stated that North & Judd lVifg. Corp. of New Britain, does not have any- thing to do with Mattabassett. The charter states that the Towns of Berlin, Cromwell, and New Britain will join in the Mattabassett to serve the pipeline and this could not be done if it were not for the water shed. The capacity of the plant has been selected on the basis of the water shed area and the number of years ahead, and the plant has been designed for 1985 population, and this will take care of New Britain, Berlin, Cromwell, 1/3 of Middletown and 1/3 of I{ocky Hill and a small area of Newington. North & Judd~s decision to go to Middletown will not have anything to do with Mattabassett because some ~ther industry will come to Berlin. Berlin has 14"/0 of the capacity to handle this ~e~. Berlin will start using about 4~0 or less. Berlin is paying a lot of rent on future expansion. New Britain is not expected to grow much so the reserve space for them is small. New Britain cannot reserve the space to someone else because that is Berlin's space. Mr. Powers asked what would be their recommendation at this time with respect to Westfield. l~r. VanDcm replied either one of the two following: (a) Don't let them in at all; and, (b) Postpone it. Mr. Powers asked - Are we acting in good faith with New Britain by allowing Westfield to corr~in which would give incentive to North & Judd to move to Westfield? Mr. VanDorn replied that North & Judd will stay in New Britain if the State Highway does not go through. Mr. Powers added that the Selectmen do not want North & Judd to move out of the area . Mr. Powers asked - What do you recommend or propose to the Mattabassett District? Mr. VanDorn recommended, and Mr. Zu~k was in full agreement to postpone the signing of the contract with Middletown. However, he would like to see Middletown in before July 1, 1967. The Selectinen gave general consent that this be the proper procedure to follow. Mr. Powers stated that the postponement is a logical one, and Mr. Lanzoni and Mr. Johansen agreed. UPON motion made by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by Mr. Johansen it was unanimously carried to accept the Minutes of the Meeting of February Z7, 1967. Mr. Powers advised that letter is being sent to the Board of Finance requesting the $1900 for the signal heads and other controls for the Kensington Fire Dept. (See Minutes of February ~-7, 1967 Meeting). - Z tWINUTES OF THE MEETING I~LAI~CH 6, 1967 Mr. Powers read a letter from the Board of Finance dated February 23, 1967, denying the request of the Police Cornnaission for $6750 to pay for the Police Department investigation, at this time. 1Vir. Powers added that he interviewed a member of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and tried to ascertain how this association could be helpful with Berlin's problem, and he was advised that be- cause of their committrnents in the future the association requires a contract almost immediately. Mr. Powers stated that the Selectmen should urge the Board of Finance to allow this money in their budget and perhaps in the fall, the association could begin the investigation. The Selectmen gave their approval for letter to be written to .the Board of Finance urging them to reconsider and include this in the budget for the next fiscal year, since they do not have any additional money to expend at this time. Mr. Powers read a letter from the Board of Finance dated February 24, 1967 in re: increase in salaries for work done in the recent reassessrnent period, and to transfer the sum of $550 for salaries, etc. It was recommended by the Board of Finance to call a Town Meeting to approve the same, and upon Motion made by Mr. Lanzoni, seconded by k4r. $ohansen it was unanirnously carried to call a Town Meeting on Monday, k4arch 13, 1967 at ~ p. rn. at the Berlin High School to act upon the same. $-~,,o Mr. Powers read a letter dated March 3, 1967 from the State Highway Department, x~n regard to roads eligible for Town aid participation, which required the Selectrnen~s approval and signature. Mr. Powers suggested that Birch Lane be checked out first before signing the same, and the Selectmen agreed to postpone the signing. Mr. Powers advised that in talking to Edwin Murray, a local real estate agent, he was advised that negotiations with New Britain have been unsuccessful for the purchase of land necessary for the construction of a railroad spur for Emhart and the Town should now condemn the land. Upon motion made by Mr. Powers, seconded by Mr. Johansen it was unanimously carried to instruct Town Counsel, Harry Jackaway, to institute action to condemn land of the City of New Britain, in connection with the railroad spur to be built for the industrial park ~)n the northern part of Berlin. Under any other business, Mr. Johansen stated that he was advised by a Berlin resident, (name withheld) that some protectio~hould be built on the bridge over P~oute 5 for autoists using the same, There is a concrete block or "catwalk" which is located in a dangerous position, and has been the scene of a few accidents. Mr. Powers suggested a letter be written to the State Highway Dept. to look into this and perhaps a guard rail could be installed to deflect cars from striking the same. Mr. Johansen received a complaint from an EasY, Berlin resident (name withheld) regarding the tax reassessment. The resident thought that during the year of the reassessments, the same should be printed in the newspaper. Mr. Powers stated that the list would be quite long and that it could not be done. Mr. Johansen stated that he received a complaint from another resident whose name was withheld that large packs of dogs have been roaming around the Grandview Ave. area. Mr. Powers will advise the Dog ~Varden of this matter. MINUTESOF THE MEETING -3- MARCH 6, 1967 Mr. $ohansen asked if any action had been taken on the telephone survey regarding the pressure of calls on the day dispatcher. Mr. Powers advised that the survey was made and it would be quite expensive, because the Town would have to hire additional help and add another switchboard. Mr. Powers will look into the cost of ~he same and advise Mr. $ohansen. Mr. $ohansen advised that he has received many calls complaining about the condition of an old house located on Kensington Road, which is in a shambles and has no inside plumbing. In addition there is j::,~_k around the house. Mr. Johansen suggested that this be checked out since he believes it ought to be condemned. Mr. Powers stated that the Health Department should be notified, and that he would also notify Mr. Emil Carlson, the Building Inspector to check this out. The next Voter Registration seesion is scheduled for Monday, March Z0, 1967 from 6 to 8 p.m. Upon proper motion, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Vir gimia Dagata