2018-04-10 � , . TOWN OF BERLIN REGULAR BOARD OF FINANCE MEETING April 10, 2018 John "Doc" McIntosh Room 7:00 P.M. A. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Lomaglio called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE C. ROLL CALL ATTENDANCE: Commissioners Present: Sal Bordonaro, Kevin Guite, Mark Holmes; Sam Lomaglio; Gerald Paradis; John Richards Commissioners Absent: none Staff Present: Kevin Delaney—Finance Director Jack Healy—Acting Town Manager D. PUBLIC COMMENTS E. APPROVAL OF PRIOR MINUTES: March 5 (Budget Meeting) March 8 (Budget Meeting) March 12 (Budget Meeting) March 12 (Joint Meeting) March 13 (Regular Meeting) March 14 (Budget Meeting) March 15 (Budget Meeting) March 20 (Budget Meeting) March 27 (Annual Budget Hearing) March 28 (Budget Hearing) Mr. Holmes moved to approve the 3/5/18, 3/8/18, 3/12/18, 3/12/18, 3/13/18, 3/14/18, 3/15/18, 3/20/18, 3/27/18 and 3/28/18 meeting minutes, which was seconded by Mr. Richards. The motion passed unanimously. F. OLD BUSINESS 1. Move to approve the transfer of$30,000 from the Buildings & Renovations account in the Gris�vold School Portable Classroom fund to the Jail Cells account in the Police Construction fund—Police 1 F • • Mr. Bordonaro moved to approve the transfer of$30,000 from the Buildings & Renovations account in the Griswold School Portable Classroom fund to the Jail Cells account in the Police Construction fund, which was seconded by Mr. Holmes. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Move to approve the transfer of$25,619 from the Computer Equipment account in the CNR fund to the Library Elevator fund—Library Mr. Bordonaro moved to approve the transfer of$25,619 from the Computer Equipment account in the CNR fund to the Library Elevator fund, �vhich was seconded by Mr. Paradis. The motion passed unanimously. G. NEW BUSINESS 1. Move to appropriate $172,515 from fund balance to the Radio System Upgrade account in the Schools Department in the General Fund— Facilities Mr. Delaney eaplained that in order to complete this work over the summer, the Town must provide funds to order materials this fiscal year. The funds �vill transfer back into the General Fund next fiscal year. Mr. Bordonaro moved to appropriate $172,515 from fund balance to the Radio System Upgrade account in the Schools Department in the General Fund, which �vas seconded by Mr. Guite. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Revie�v Financial Status report - Finance • Revenue is 93%to budget, last year at this time �vas 92% to budget. Tax collection is at 98.9% year-to-date, w-hereas Berlin finished at 98.9% last year. • Expenditures are slightly ahead of budget: o Debt service slightly higher; o Pension funding is higher this year vs. last year; o Contractual raises in wages & fringes (Police contract being settled this year vs. last); o Storm related overtime is lower than last year, but over budget by $5,800. o There are three areas of concern which are not overly controllable: ■ Electricity; ■ Legal (substantially higher than past years/budgeted for)—union contract issues, grievances, arbitrations, different investigations; ■ Unemployment compensation. • Insurance funds are favorable. General insurance is strong ($1.9M balance against floor of$1 M) - funding $400K less than originally proposed. • Pension fund—one retiree will be paid out. Mr. Delaney is working with HR and the actuarial staff to determine amount. It may be accomplished �vithout a transfer. • Police radios—about 6 �veeks until completion. With encumbrances, the project is over budget, but expect to finish on budget. • Elevator—waiting for inspections. Expecting State reimbursements. 2 BOF members discussed preparing an "action list" and identifying opportunities for savings throughout the year. Mr. Healy suggested that a member of BOF, TC and BOE join the Capital Committee. Chairman Lomaglio moved to nominate Mr. Holmes, which was seconded by Mr. Paradis. The motion was passed unanimously. Chairman Lomaglio proposed to add another item to the ne�v business agenda. Mr. Paradis moved to add "Decorum"to the agenda, which was seconded by Mr. Bordonaro. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Decorum - Chairman Lomaglio would like to institute a Decorum Policy, which would insure that the ethics of the BOF not be jeopardized. Chairman Lomaglio feels that disagreements should be resolved within the BOF, and any communication to outside parties should go through the Chair. It was discussed that all members should treat one another�vith professionalism and respect. Members also discussed the importance of refusing an"invitation to the podium" in non-BOF meetings, particularly where a BOF quorum is not present. The BOF briefly discussed the events of the TC budget meetings. Chairman Lomaglio stated that after being presented with a proposal by the Mayor to bond capital items, he investigated the impact, and felt the numbers did not make sense. He felt that the "Alternative 2" presented to TC funded many necessary items while lo�vering the tas increase. (The motion to approve Alternative 2 did not pass in the 4/9/18 Joint Special Meeting.) H. ADJOURNMENT Chairman Lomaglio moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m., which �vas seconded by Mr. Paradis. The motion passed unanimously. Submitted by, Dana Borges ERt�.�N TO�W C��RK- 1818 APR I 8 PM� �� � � BERLIN.CL 3