2017-12-04 Town o f B e rlin Department of Economic Development BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING Monday, December 4, 2017 240 KENSINGTON ROAD,BERLIN - Room 8,Town Hall, 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: David Cyr,Chairman Ed Egazarian,Vice- Chairman Robert Sisti Peter Campanelli Chris Coppola ABSENT: Michael Baczewski,Treasurer STAFF: Chris Edge, Economic Development Director Kristen Grabo�vski, Recording Secretary Chairman David Cyr called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 1. Public Comments There were none. 2. Approval of Minutes—November 2017 November 27`h—Coininissioner Campanelli moved to approve the minutes of November 27, 2017, seconded by Coininissioner Egazarian. The motion passed unanimously. November 13`h—Con�unissioner Campanelli moved to approve the minutes of November 13, 2017, seconded by Coinmissioner Coppola. The motion passed unanunously. 3. Incentive Programs: Tax Abatement/FaCade Improvement • SJC Investments - Sa1Ca1 Real Estate Director Edge noted that the applicant was not present. It was noted that he is most likely still�vaiting for the contractors to return calls. Mr. Edge continued, noting that the properry is one of the bookend properties of the area, and it is an important property to support. Town of Berlin Department of Economic Development Commissioner Campanelli requested a working list of all businesses granted funding. He noted that this would be helpful, especially�when approving grant funding. 4. Public Relations/ Promotion/ Let's Do Business • Arricles —Berlin Citizen Director Edge noted that he will be submitting an article once per month. • Shop Small "Committee" and 2018 Director Edge noted that a "Shop Small" event is in the works for the spring of 2018. • Schedule a Gathering in early December—Santa? Director Edge noted that he would like to hold a holiday event in December in the future. He opened the discussion to the Coinmission for suggestions on the future event It was noted that the EDC could facilitate a friendly comperition between businesses throughout December,with a culminating event near the holiday including Santa. It was noted that the event could begin with the decorating along Farmington Avenue and Main Street. • Holiday Gathering in January Director Edge noted that a gathering will be held to kick off the new year. • Corporate Sponsorship @ Timberlin Director Edge noted that he is exploring potential sponsorships along the 18 holes at Timberlin Golf Course. 5. Grants —STEAP/Brownfield/TOD • Streetscape 2— Full survey completed - meeting on 12/6 Director Edge noted that the parking aYea still needs to be done, and there are tweaks that need to be completed on Main Street It��as noted that a meeting was held with business owners at Kensington Pizza. • Pistol Creek—bid out in January/construcrion in May It was noted that handicapped accessible spots will be addressed. 6. Junior Achievement/Berlin High School Town of Berlin Department of Economic Development • BOE Meeting— 11/24 Director Edge noted that he recendy spoke at the BOE meeting. At the meeting, he talked about companies growing and non-traditional employment opportunities. He also addressed Junior Achievement. • Upcoming JA Events The Cominission discussed potential opportunities for local businesses to get involved with students. Director Edge noted that the panel discussion scheduled for March would be a fantastic opportunity. 7. Downtown Revitalization • RFQ—889/903/913 —5 firms expressing interest so far Director Edge noted that four responses have come in. Interviews will be held in early January. • Main Street ProgYam—2018-9 Dixector Edge noted that he has recei�red an invite from the Main Street Program to join. He noted that he needs more staff to make this a priority, as a Main Street Program is a tremendous undertaking. 8. Planning and Zoning • Pine Creek—Berlin Turnpike—approved It was noted that the PZC approved the project. • Vacant Planner Position It was noted that interviews will be held on Thursday and Friday. Director Edge noted that he will be on the interview committee. • Sports Complex Director Edge noted that he will be meeting with a real estate agent, engineer, and architect to discuss the site. • 1851 Berlin Turnpike—Centerfolds —will be closing on 12/31 It was noted that two new restaurants will be moving in. 9. Berlin Turnpike • New Park Drive Commissioner Egazarian noted that New Park Drive does not have a street sign. Additionally, the street is quite littered. It�vas also noted that the Spruce Brook Industrial Park sign is lacking business names. 10. Other Matters Town o f B e rlin Department of Economic Development Director Edge discussed the 2018 meeting schedule, and he noted that the meeting time would be changing to a 6:00 start time. Director Edge noted that a meeting will be taking place regarding the travel agency pYoperty on Mill Street, and specifically the DOT right of way. Commissioner Sisti inquired about a networking event for the future. Director Edge confirmed, noting that it would be held in February. 11. Adjournment Commissioner Egazarian moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Coininissioner Campanelli. The morion passed unanunously at 8:18 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kristen M. Grabowski RECEIVED FOR RECORD, ��RLiN TOWN CLERK 9�� Kathryn J.Wali �aie: i� a�,�_Time:J� :3.� �'/�'1