2017-10-02 c Town o f B e rlin Department of Economic Development BERLIN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES of Monday, October 2, 2017 240 KENSINGTON ROAD, BERLIN - Room 8, Town Hall, 7:00 P.M. MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE: David Cyr, Chairman Ed Egazarian, Vice- Chairman Michael Baczewski, Treasurer Robert Sisti Peter Campanelli JoAnn Angelico-Stetson ABSENT: Chris Coppola Bob Sisti STAFF: Chris Edge, Economic Development Director Chairman Dave Cyr called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. l. Public Comments Sharon Faucher from Good Cause Gifts explained the Fa�ade Application that the Commission would discuss this evening. She showed the Commission pictures of the raised beds, pavers and sitting area that they would like to have constructed between their building and the rail line. A number of questions were asked and answered by Sharon. It was also mentioned that they could look at the parking lot side of the building and maybe spruce it up somewhat. Chris Edge said he would work with them on that. 2. Approval of Minutes o June 2017 Special Meeting Minutes- Motion to accept made by Commissioner Campanelli, seconded by Commissioner Baczewski and passed unanimously. o August 2017 Minutes-A change was requested so that the minutes will reflect the following under the Fa�ade discussion for 80 Massirio Drive- Chairman Cyr noted that the Commission has approUed some shrubbery in addition to building fa�ade requests in the past. He continued, noting that this application includes a general clean-up of the property. He questioned if the application qualifies for the fa�ade program. He explained that the rules need to be followed, stating that the program approvals should be consistent with those rules. Director Edge confirmed that the Commission has not looked at landscaping as the primary focus in the past, but that it is eligible. A motion was made to accept the minutes as amended by Commissioner Baczewski, seconded by Commissioner Campanelli and passed unanimously. o Incentive Programs o Good Cause Gifts- 384 Main Street Director Edge reviewed the application submitted by Futures/Good Cause Gifts. It was noted that they requested monies for a table and chairs which are not eligible for the program. The commission members discussed the project including its overall positive influence on the area. Commissioner Baczewski moved to approve the fa�ade request for $5,350.00, with the recommendation to look at the parking lot side of the Town of Berlin Department of Economic Development building in the future. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Campanelli, and it passed unanimously. 3. Public Relations/Promotion/Let's Do Business o T-shirts- Over 500 Lets Do Biz T-shirts were given out at the Berlin Fair at 4 different booths. Thank you notes written to all four. o Small Business Day-A S Labieniec will be holding a Shop Small Day at their Farmington Avenue location. Booths for local businesses. o Website - Chris working to get more real estate listings online. o Ribbon Cuttings i. Pedal Power- October 11� ii. A S Labieniec - October 14� iii. Headmasters- October 21St 4. Grants o Streetscape II -A full survey will be done. Commission members asked that they see the plans before they move on to other Commissions. Chris Edge said all progress would be brought before this Commission. o Trails Grant- out soon 5. Downtown Revitalization o RFQ out and 4 firms have expressed interest. Chris will take interested parties around town to show them current projects then to the site. Meeting after over coffee if needed. 6. Plan of Conservation and Development/P & Z o We have put the Golden Triangle parcel up for consideration for the Amazon headquarters. Sadly it was not moved ahead to Amazon for consideration by the State of Connecticut. 7. Other Matters o It was requested that the November meeting be moved from its current date of November 6ih to the next week. November 7� is election day and a quorum will be very unlikely on the 6�. Chris said he would have the meeting moved. o PS-B - Commission asked if it made sense for them to make recommendations for this zone. It was decided they should for the next meeting. 8. Adjournment Commissioner Campanelli moved to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Commissioner Egazarian. The motion passed unanimously at 8:37 p.m. RECEIVED FOR R�CORD, BERUN TOWN CIfRK f� ,�Lt.�� Kathryn J.Wall �ate� �b Time: 8'< .� Av►'1 ,��r�y�nc. � �/eCC��✓C d (Olt� l a �i1 J