2019-01-28 0�0�'`v�`°v�� 'TOWN OF BERLIN 2 - � ° y COMMISSION FOR THE AGING �' � Minutes of Monday, January 28, 2019 ��*���,� * Berlin Senior Center * 7:00 P.M. Members in Attendance: Barbara Gombotz, Cha.irwoman Fra.nk J. Slogeris Richard Krause Lois Ustanowski Sharon Donelli Staff in Attendance: Tina Doyle, Senior Center Director Juliet Benjamin, Secretary 1. Call to Order: Chairman Gombotz called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M. 2. Roll Call: Present: Barbara Gombotz Chairman, Lois Ustanowski, Frank Slogeris, Richard Krause, Sharon Donelli. 3. Corrections/Approval of Minutes - November 19, 2018: Due to a glitch in printing the Commissioners only received the front sides of the minutes, which should have been printed in duplex. Commissioners agreed to vote on the November 19, 2018 '�Vlinutes at the March meeting. 4. Audience of Citizens: None 5. Senior Center Directors Report - Tina Dople: Senior Center Director poyle reviewed her report with the Commission and discussed several items. The Commission got to try out the new chairs at the Senior Center and they are very comfortable. Director poyle's report is as follows: January 28th, 2019 To: Commission for Aging Members From: Tina Doyle Re: Senior Center Director's Report � Commission for the Aging—January 28,2019 Page 2 Senior Center Agency F�nd: The balance is $7,093.37 as of today, January 28th, 2019. Mvrna Pauloz Berlin Senior Center Fund: The three accounts set up under the Myrna Pauloz Berlin Senior Center Fund are Program 8v Activities, Computers and �.irniture. The balances on the following accounts are as follows: Program 8v Activities $12,203.84, Computers $4,678.56 and F�irniture $7,367.92 Meetin�s and Trainin�s: Dec ?th -Annual Winter CASCP Conference (CT Association of Senior Center Personnel�. Curreat Activities: We have started taking Energy Assistance applications. Every Thursday, staff from NOGM comes to the Senior Center to process and certify applications. On Thursday, February 7� AARP Ta�c Aide will begin at the Senior Center. The program will run until April 11�. Collaborations: The Senior Center has partner financially with the Berlin Peck Memorial Library to offer the availability of the HQBrain software again. NiYSenior Center- As of today, 670 seniors have their key tags. An increase of 10 seniors since our last meeting in November. We are having to remind folks to scan their key tags occasionally and the importance of scanning. Special Programs for November 2018: 11/19 5 CFA Meeting 11/20 14 AARP Meeting 11/21 37 �,trkey Bingo 11/27 6 Free Manicures 11/29 11 Energy Assistance Appts Total Attendance for Specials November 2018 ?3 Total Senior Center Attendance for November 2018 3,24'7 Special Programs for December 2018: Commission for the Aging—January 28,2019 Page 3 12/19 Movie 3 12/5 Stay on your Feet in Snow/Ice 5 12/5 Book Club 6 12/7 CASCP Conference 40 12/10 AARP Bd Mtg 5 12/11 CW Christmas Luncheon 34 12/11 Christmas Music Program 55 12/12 Griswold Concert 109 12/13 Cards 10 12/17 Cards 4 12/18 AARP Meeting 45 12/18 Manicures 7 12/18 Cards 10 12/19 Cards 6 12/20 Energy Assistance 9 12/20 Cards 10 12/27 Cards 13 12/27 Energy Assistance 7 12/31 New Year's Eve Party 85 Total Attendance for Specials December 2018 463 Total Senior Center Attendance for December 2018 1,551 Special Programs for January 2019: 1/2 Cards 6 1/3 Energy Assistance Appts 5 1/3 Cards 8 1/7 AARP Bd Mtg 3 1/7 Cards 6 1/8 Movie 5 1/8 Cards 11 1/9 Cards 5 1/10 Energy Assistance Appt 5 1/10 Cards 10 1/15 Cards 5 1/16 Cards 7 1/16 Canasta 4 1/17 Energy Assistance Appts 5 1/17 Cards 4 1/18 Caxds S 1/22 Cards 9 1/24 Cards 9 1/24 Energy Assistance Appts 4 Commission for the Aging—January 28,2019 Page 4 Total Attendance for Specials January 2019 116 Total Senior Center Attendance for January 2019 1,218 6. Commission for the A�in� & Park $s Recreation Statement of Need moved forward to Public Buildin� Commission: Cha.irman Gombotz noted that she 8v Jen Ochoa, Director of Community 8v Recreation Services, were asked to speak at the January 11, 2019 Town Council Meeting regarding the Statement of Need for the proposed Berlin Senior and Community Center. The Tovcm Council voted unanimously to forward the Statement of Need to the Public Building Commission with the request that they perform a comprehensive assessment of facility needs, as well as, programs, services, activities, operations and patrons. The Public Building Commission, at their meeting of Thursday, January 10� passed a motion to request that the Town Council authorize a budget of$50,000.00 to go to bid for a schematic design. This money would come from the grant that the State of Connecticut has allotted for planning 8v research for the new center. ?. Town Mana�er Healv's Information Sessions (�a,Senior Center: Senior Center Director poyle noted that Town Manager Jack Healy has been coming to the Senior Center every month for a "Casual Conversation" at either coffee hour or lunch time. This has given the Seniors an opportunity to ask questions and get up to date on what the Town Council has been doing. Both Chairman Gombotz and Senior Center Director poyle said that they have heard good things from the seniors about the visits. Plans are for tYie Town Council also to hold two meetings this year at the Senior Center. These meetings will be held in the daytime to give seniors a better opportunity to attend. Holding the meetings at the Senior Center allows seniors to attend the meetings at a more accessible location. Those meetings will be held on 1�esday, April 2nd and 'hzesday, October lSt. The Board of Finance also is planning to have a daytime meeting at the Senior Center on 1�iesday, March 26�. 8. Percival Avenue Senior Housing Update: Chairman Gombotz explained that she has called Joseph Bajorski, Chairman of the Berlin Housing Authority, before each meeting, for a year and a half to seek an update on the proposed senior housing at the former Knights of Columbus location. She has been unable to get current information on the project since before November of 2018. Chairman Gombotz called Town Manager Healy today and asked that the Town Council invite Mr. Bajorski to their next meeting to give a report on the progress of the project. She is waiting to hear from Town Manager Healy whether Mr. Bajorski will be invited. Commission for the Aging—January 28,2019 Page 5 Chairman Gombotz stated that she had contacted the Southington Assistant Economic Development Director to inquire about the new forty- one-unit, age restricted complex that is in the works. She found that it is being built using private funding and will be "cluster housing". 9. New Calendar — 2019 Approved: The Commissions new schedule of ineetings/calendar has been filed with the Town Clerk. 10. Old Business: Commissioners Ustanowski and Krause have been reappointed for an additional four-year term. Commissioner Krause stated that if Chairman Gombotz or any other commissioners finds an applicant that they deem to be a solid asset to the Commission, he would be willing to step down and have someone new step in. He plans to stay on the Commission until such time as that happens. 11. New Business: Commissioner Krause noted that all the members of the Commission for the Aging had perfect attendance last year. 14. Motion to Adjourn: Commissioner Krause made a motion to adjourn the meeting @8:15 PM. Commissioner Slogeris seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary RECEiVE� F0� PECOR� BFRLIN �"0�°��F� rr.��tC 1019 FEg -4 P�q 3: �2 f�� G����- BERL►P�.CT.