2018-01-22 . . 'I'OWN 4F BERLIN COMMISSION FOR THE AGING Minutes of Mondav, Januarv 22, 2018 * Berlin Senior Center * 7:00 P.M. Members in Attendance: Barbara Gombotz, Chairwoman Frank J. Slogeris Richard Krause Donald Geschimsky Absent: Staff in Attendance: Tina Doyle, Senior Center Director Juliet Benjamin, Secretary Guest: Lois Ustanowski 1. Call to Order• Chairman Gombotz called the meeting to order at '7:10 P.M. 2. Roll Call: Present: Barbara Gombotz Chairman, Frank Slogeris, Richard Krause, Donald Geschimsky. 3. Approval of Minutes - November 20, 2017: Commissioner Slogeris made a motion to accept the Minutes of Monday, November 20, 2017, as written. Commissioner Krause seconded the motion and the minutes were accepted. 4. Audience of Citizens: Chairman Gombotz announced that Lois Ustanowski has put in her application to become a member of the commission. Chairman Gombotz noted that since Lois lives in the Senior Center housing and is at the Senior Center every day she would be a great advocate for the residents. 5. Senior Center Director's Report - Tina Do�le: Director poyle's Report is as follows: Report from Senior Center Director Commission for the Aging—January 22,2018 Page 2 Meeting Date: Januarp 22nd, 2018 Special Programs for Nov 2017: 11/1 Book Club 7 11/2 EA Appts 9 11/3 Music and Pie Program 36 11/6 Defensive Driving Class 14 11/7 Holiday Boutique 100 11/9 EA Appts 13 11/10 Veteran's Breakfast Program 11 11/13 AARP Board Meeting 7 11/15 Story Share Program 85 11/15 Pain and Posture Program 16 11/16 EA Appts 3 11/20 CFA Meeting 6 11/21 AARP Meeting 36 11/28 Movie 1 g 11/30 EA Appts 8 Attendance for Special Programs - Nov 2017 369 Total Senior Center Attendance for Nov 2017 1,814 Special Pro�rams for Dec 201?: 12/1 CASCP Conference 62 12/5 Movie 5 12/6 Breast Health Bingo 14 12/7 EA Appts 8 12/12 Movie 5 12/13 Holiday Party 56 12/13 Book Club 5 12/19 AARP Meeting 30 12/20 MSP Meeting 22 12/28 EA Appts 6 12/29 New Year's Celebration 88 Attendance for Special Programs - Dec 2017 301 Total Senior Center Attendance for Dec 201? 1,525 Special Pro�rams for Jan 2018: 1/2 Movie 8 1/9 Reiki Presentation 10 1/11 EA Appts $ 1/16 Reiki 5 1/18 EA Appts 4 Commission for the Aging—January 22,2018 Page 3 Attendance for Special Programs -Jan 2018 35 Total Senior Center Attendance for Jan 2018 829 January 22nd, 2018 To: Commission for Aging Members From: Tina Doyle Re: Senior Center Director's Report Senior Center A�ency Fund: The balance is appro�mately $6,214.85 as of today, January 22nd, 2018. Mvrna Pauloz Berlin Senior Center Fund: The three accounts set up under the Myrna Pauloz Berlin Senior Center �nd are Program &Activities, Computers and F�.irniture. The balances on the following accounts are as follows: Program & Activities $6,903.00, Computers $2,679.00 and Furniture $9,660. Meetin�s and Trainings: Dec lst - CASCP Fall Conference Jan 23Td - Legislative Task Force Current Activities: Collaborations: The Senior Center and the Berlin Peck Memorial Library are teaming up again to provide the oniine service called Brain HQ. Ener�v Assistance -We have started taking EA application for residents 60 years and older. A staff inember from New Opportunities of Greater Meriden comes Thursdays to process applications. To date we have taken approximately 75 applications. Renters Rebate -All applicants received their checks by December. MYSenior Center- As of today, 576 seniors have their key tags. An increase of 9 seniors since our last meeting in November. Folks have been very good about scanning every time they come into the Center. 6. Percival Senior Housing Proiect Update: Chairman Gombotz said she spoke with Joe Bajorski, the Chairman of the Housing Authority and he stated that the ground lease on the four acres is expected from the attorney this week or next week. Commission for the Aging—January 22,2018 Page 4 Then the Housing Authority can move forward with pursuing funding for the project. Mr. Bajorski wants to submit for funding by November 18, 2018 and hopes to hear by March 2019. He does not expect groundbreaking until fall 2019 or March 2020. 7. Library Elevator Update: Senior Center Director poyle forwaxded a message from Jen Ochoa, Director of Community & Recreation Services regarding the elevator installation. Preparation for the elevator by LaRosa Construction is almost complete and Kone will be coming in to start the installation of the elevator. The Town Council had to increase the funding to LaRosa Construction from $304,000 to $344,000 because of the unforeseen rock that had to be removed for the elevator shaft. 8. Communitv Center/Senior Center Project Update: Chairman Gombotz noted that she had asked Joe Bajorski if anyone from the town had contacted him regarding the discussion about the combination Community Center/Senior Center Project and the town looking for land for a new building. Mr. Bajorski said he had not been approached by any town officials. The Commission went on to discuss this item further and to discuss the article in the newspaper regarding the RFP and interviews of applicants for development of the Train Station area. 9. Sprin� Social Date: Senior Center Director poyle said that she would have to check the date of the Upbeat Picnic so there would not be a conflict. She believed the social date would be either May 17� or May 31St, but she would let Chairman Gombotz know. 10 Applications for Mariorie Moore Housin� must be postmarked- NO LATER THAN Februarp 12, 2018 - if inquiries call 860-828-4500: Chairman Gombotz stated that she wanted anyone interested in the Marjorie Moore Housing behind the Town Hall to be aware of the closing date for applications to be on the wait list for housing. 11. Lookin� for additional members for the Commission: Chairman Gombotz was pleased that Lois Ustanowski has submitted her application to become a member of the Commission. Lois would be completing the term left by John Varley. 12. Old Business: 13. New Business: , _ . Commission for the A�in�—January 22,2018 Page 5 Senior Center Director poyle stated that the town had hired a company to do an ADA assessment of all town buildings. She will be having a meeting with Jen Ochoa and Assistant Senior Center Director Jane Sevigny on Wednesday, January 24� to review the assessment and prioritize the items pertaining to the Senior Center. She believes that the ADA assessment was mostly concerned with items within the building and not the parking lot. She noted that it may take some time to complete the assessment items because there is not a lot of funding available. 14. Motion to Adiourn: Commissioner Slogeris made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 pm. Commissioner Krause seconded the motion 8s it was unanimously approved. Respectfully submitted, Juliet K. Benjamin, Secretary �ERL.f�T�N C�l.ERK 201�JAN 31 At41Ea 58 � e���.i�.c�: