1966/07/11 Ma'. Lanson1 seconded the motion. Mr. do~m~en oFpo~ .u..-- ~---~- 3,615. 6,~82. T,OlO. (.'~ ~n oarried. Stn~e greue bide were not f~ ac0epted on ~ 27, 1~, action wa~ taken at ~ ti~e. ~re#e ~ ~ear Lubricant Heavy Dmty ~al%i-l~e ~eel Tezaeo 12.~. 1.7.~ 2(~ 22.7 Mr, Jeban~en pointed out that whi~e ho t°o has pt f~tth in Mr, Haber he voted to acoept the law o.4~ b~d canoe it met wpeotftea%iono. He could see no M~. Powe~ rta~ed ~-% the Texaco faloaman had been requHted not to b~d the Urea oA~ 84_._~.~-e Mr. Haber considered ~ ~er~or but ho b~d on ~% a~yw~. Mr, Johausen extended an ~nv~%&t~on to the Board of SoZectmen, ~n behl~ of the Ltono CLub, to attend :r'~bon cutt~ug ce~emon~ on Satu2~y, opent~ d~y of ~ Clnb on tho pool which ~ ~o~ug to provide a f~uo £ao3~%y. UnfoFtunato~ on 8atu~da~ he ~ be ~ bas three chAJ~m to Capo Cod fo~ the~ annual vaca%~on and r~ret~uZ~y he ~ bo unable to attend the z-A~bon cutting ce~emo~, Mr, .La~son~ w~] make ove~ offo~ to be thmro. T~mo wa~ set ~tativo]~ fo~ noon on Saturday but should day o~ tam be changed Mr. ~ohanoen ~ notfl~y both Mr. Lanson~ and Mr, Powers. A, B. Powe~ J, P. Lansont E. A. Johmmon P. D, Doran The Bdml't is ~ a lumoheona~ we have Iff. Pow~ mb-Ired he w~ koep SeX~ 4wreaked ae ~.dm I~aoe beZe~e Wedn#d,~.