1966/07/05Mi~ates of the Meetimg TOW~ OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTMEN The meeting opened at 7=30 p.a. with the three Selectmen ~resent. Mrs.' Rena Castiglioni, Mrs. Blanche Mahan, an~ :Richard Cevini were also present. U~utes of the meeting of June 20~ 19S6 were aeeepted as written. Minutes of the meet re nme ed t~ read= ........ the "1~ point" of the cheaper oil is greater .i.e., it is thicker and pours mueh slower in eold weather. Page 2, Minutes of the meeti~ of June 27,' 1966 was amemled to renal Mr. Johausen questione~ as to whether Wtnehell Drive is 8eheeluled for e~erbing. Mr. I~wers aAvise~ that while we are aware of this request, we have instruete~ our Highway Department t~ look it over an~ report bask their findings. ~e are presently curbing areas where water is going into h~aes, ~riveeays, ere. Since we purehased our curbing machine we have done a great deal of work and are planning more for the fall. Mr. Lanzoni meyer, Mr. Johansen sesonde~, .signing of agree~/with State f~r T~ra Aid for $30,000.00. Motion carried. Mr. Powers read letter of resignation fr~ Bu~_lAing ~as~eeter Bernar~ Cabelus, effeetive as of July 18, 1966. Mr.. Pewer~ stated he baa asked Mr. Cabelus to reeonsiAer his decision but Mr. Cabelus felt that while he was not dissatisfied with his ~resent position, his new position with the State'was the opportunity of a lifetime an~ he felt he could not let it go by. Mr. Powers moved that the Boar~ of Selectmen ae..e._ept Mr. Cabelus's rUigaatioa with deep regret an~ thank him for having been an eutstamling ~uilAing Inspeetor; a man of great integrity who w~rkeA one hunAre~ pereent for the Town of Berlin; who will be misse~ by all of those who have worked with him ever the years. Mrs. Lanzoni seeor~e~ this motion. Motion earrie~. Mr. Johansen eF~se~ the motion, stating that he didn't think Mr. CaBelus was ar~ goo~ and that he opposed Mr. Cabelus in the past and while he was hefty to aeeept his resignation he was not going to aeeept it with regret. Mr. Powers explaine~ that previous examination for the position of Building ?~poetor was a&ainistere~ by the State Personnel Department ama B~arA members ~ously agree~ to again request State Personnel Department te a&ainister test a~. The State Personnel Department will set up a timetable f~r the test. Meanwhile Mr. P~wers will try te see if Mr. Cabelus ean possibly postpone leav~ on ~ 18. Mr. Powers rea~ ~etition fr~ a group ~f inAivi&Aals who wish te held a Tram Meeting for the pur~ese of reaein~ing a resolution ~Ael~e~ at S~eeial Town Meeting held ca ANri~_.i 20, 1966 _whieh authorize~ T~rn to een~~ ewne~ by the New Britain ~unti~g and Fishing Club, Ine. Board members unanim~usly agree~ te %urn petition ~ver te Town C~u~sel Herr~ Ja~kawa~ for a ruling on the legality ~f the ~etitien ama what effeeta