1965/05/18Minutes of the Meeting May 18, 1965 TOWN OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTMEN The meeting opened at 7.*30 p.m. at the Berlin High School with the three Selectmen present. Mrs. Mahan was present from the Press. Minutes of the meeting of May 3, 1965 were amended to read= Mr. Powers advised that clean-up week this year had taken the Highway Department two full weeks to complete~ therefore, we are behind two weeks on our road repairs. In the future we will have clean-up week in March so that it will not conflict with our road repair program. Mr. Powers advised having toured the dump and the incinerator and the dump is in very poor condition. Pictures will be taken of the clinker area which will show that grass is growing on the dirt that should be used to cover the clinker area. After the picutres are taken a joint meeting will be called with the Mayor of the City of New Britain, the Majority ~d minority Leaders of the Common Council of the City of New Britain, John Szymanski, Supt. of the Incinerator, the Chairman of our Zoning Commission, and our Health Director, and the problem will again be discussed in detail. Mr. Powers advised that the Public Building Commission has accepted the statement of need presented to them by the Park & Recreation Commission for the Percival Avenue Swimming Pool. The Public Building Commission are this evening requesting of the Board of Finance $1,500. for preliminary plans. The meeting adjourned at 8~00 p.m. to allow Selectmen to attend Town Meeting. cc.* A. B. Powers J. P. Lanzoni J. Blackburn P. Doran