1965/04/05 AGENDA Board of Selectmen Meeting Monday, April 5, 1965 1. Approve minutes of last meeting. 2. Reappoint Charter Commission. 3. Appoint 2 members to Board of Public Works. 4. Birch Lane Petition. 5. Mary Conlin option. 6. Any other business. Minutes of the Meeting April 5, 1965 TO~N OF OFFICE OF TBE The meeting o~ened at 7~30 p.m. with Selectmen Powers and Lanzoni present. Mr. Blackburn was unable to attend this meeting due to his father's sudden illness. Mrs. Mahan was present from the Press. Mrs. Delaney and Mr. Durity were present to observe. Minutes of the Meeting pf March 22, 1965 were accepted as written. ITEK II Mr. Powers moved, Mr. Lanzoni seconded, reappoint~ent of the Charter C___c~_ssion~ the nine members of this Coa~ssion will be charged with the writing of a Home Rule Ordinance establishing a Board of Water and Sewer Co~mission. The nine members will be ~unzio Rosso, Patricia Corrigan, John J. Ryan, Dorothy Heffernan, Peter Baccaro, David H. Gulvin, Richard Ped/monti, Dr. Willard Wallace, and William Randolph. Motion carried. Mr. Powers explained that while he has urged this Cc~mission in the past tow rite this ordinance it has ~tbeen done but that he has now been assured by Nunzio Rosso, Chairman of this Co~m~ssion, that work will begin ediately in prep&ring this ordinance. ITEM III Mr. Powers moved, Mr. Lanzoni seconded, appointment of Edward ~Carthy to the Board of Public Works, term of o~ice to run until July, 1969~ and Richard S. Zesk, term of office to run until July, 1968. Motion carried. ITEM IV Mr. Powers advised having received petition from Attorney Rlngrose for repair and i~provement of Birch Lane. ~oting that more tha~n half the people who signed the petition do not live in the Birch Lane area, but that a Petition is the initial action to be taken before it can be taken to Court, Mr. Powers advised that it will be turned over to Town Counsel Jackaway who will make final decision on any action to be taken. ITEM V Carl Johnson, Chairman of the Site Comm/ttee presented option for the Mar~ E. Conlin property for approximately 16 acres of land off Edgewood Road. Mr. Johnson stated that the Board of Eduction has given their approval in principal, providing that the physical characteristics of the land are su~able and the approaches and exits to the land are suitable. In recommending the site, Mr. Johnson continued, ~He Site Co~ittee used ~he Evaluation Scale as provided by the State Board of Education and out of a possible 100 points, this land has92 points. A few of the point ~Minutes of the Meeting 2 April 5, 1965 requirements are amount of useable 1&nd and access to the land. Considerable discussion followed as to proper procedure to follow before the Board of Selectmen sign option as recc~nmended by the Site Committee, in their letter dated April 5, 1965. Mr. Powers moved, Mr. Lanzoni seconded, that the Board of Selectmen approve the signing of the option based on two prerequisites~ 1. That the Pl&n_n_ing Commission approves the site as being in conformity with the Town Plan. 2. That the Town Counsel feels that the proper steps have been taken by all the interested parties including the Site Co~mittee, Planning Commission, Board of Education, and the Board of Selectmen. Motion carried. Mr. Johnson presented bill from the Ye Olde Colonial Agency, agents for negotiating for this option, in the amount of ~150.00. Mr. Johnson advised that this amount is very low and less than 1% of the land price of between 26 and 28 thousand dollars. The meeting adjourned at 9100 p.m. CC ~ A. B. Powers J. P. Lanzoni J. Blackburn P. Doran