2019-08-01 Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes—August 1,2019 I Call to Order The Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission held a Regular Meeting on August 1, 2019 in the Town Council Chambers, Berlin Town Hall, 240 Kensington Road, Berlin, CT. The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m. In attendance Chairwoman Joan Veley Commissioners Diane Jorsey, Jon Michael O'Brien, Brian Rogan, Timothy Zigmont, Steve Wollman Town Planner Marek Kozikowski Excused Commissioners Curtis Holtman Alternate Commissioner Steve Biella, Jr. II Approval of Minutes a. June 20, 2019 b. July 11, 2019 Commissioner Jorsey moved to table review of the minutes. Commissioner Zigmont seconded the motion,which carried with one abstention(Commissioner Wollman) III Requests for Bond Reductions/Releases a. Request of Marc D'Amore, CD Worth LLC, for a bond release,424 Norton Road Mr. Kozikowski stated Mr. Horbal, Deputy Director of Public Works,has conducted a site visit and advises the bond in the amount of$51,477.00 may be released. Commissioner Wollman moved to release the bond. Commissioner Jorsey seconded the motion which carried unanimously. b. Request of Bob Piazza, Project Manager, Fortunato Construction, for a bond reduction, Kensington Congregational Church, Percival Avenue Mr. Kozikowski stated the bond may be reduced to $13,690. Commissioner Wollman moved to reduce the bond to $13,690. Commissioner Jorsey seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes—August 1, 2019 III Schedule Public Hearings There was discussion about the upcoming meeting schedule. After discussion, it was the consensus of the commission that the August 15, 2019 meeting will be canceled and a Special Meeting scheduled for August 22, 2019. a. Special Permit and Site Plan Applications of Pascuzzi & Son Builders to reapprove an existing site plan at Lot 26A, Block 142, Crystal Falls Way Commissioner Jorsey moved to schedule the public hearing for August 22, 2019. Commissioner Wollman seconded the motion which carried unanimously. b. Subdivision and Site Plan Applications of Quantum of Berlin II LLC for a 11,500 s.f. pre-engineering building to house a manufacturing company Commissioner Jorsey moved to schedule the public hearing for August 22, 2019. Commissioner Rogan seconded the motion which carried unanimously. IV Public Hearings Commissioner Rogan read the Call of the Hearings. a. Special Permit/Site Plan Applications of Joseph Brescia, Property Owner, Silver Island Estates, for age-restricted multi-family development, Silver Island Way, located in the POR zone Mr. Michael Lambert, P.E., Harry E. Cole & Son, Plantsville, CT, stated the application is for a re-approval of a project approved in 2004 which expired in 2009. The infrastructure and utilities were constructed before its expiration. Eighteen units have been constructed and six sites remain. Unit#6 has drainage issues and a swale was installed; however, water still flows into Unit 5. Drainage improvements will be done to remedy the problem. Commissioner Zigmont stated the bond should be called to resolve remaining issues before any permits are issued. Mr. Kozikowski stated an arborist did an assessment in 2015 and it is unclear how much work remains in 2019. Speakers Ms. Jean Hotchkiss, 34 School House Drive, Unit 407, West Hartford, CT, past president of the homeowners association, stated it had been made clear to residents that only Black Birch trees and other trees deemed unsafe could be removed from the conservation area. The drainage problems for Unit 5 remain. 2 Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes—August 1, 2019 Mr. Harold Bacon, 86 Silver Island Way, stated he wanted clarification as to what work would be done and when the work will be done. The plan shows a partial swale and berm behind his unit. He stated a full berm should be installed. Mr. John Angelillo, 142 Silver Island Way,president of the homeowners association, stated he is in favor of the proposal and drainage is the most important issue. He stated there will be considerable cost to fix vegetation which had been neglected. Mr. Lambert stated as soon as permits are received,machines will be on the site to address the drainage problems. With regard to the partial berm shown on the plan, it will be two feet wide and help keep water in the swale. Areas will be finished and stabilized with top soil and seeded. Mr. Kozikowski stated the current bond is $91,200 of which$45,000 bonds the landscaping of the conservation area. Mr. Lambert stated all grades shown on the plan are current to its 2019 date. Commissioner Zigmont stated the hearing should be continued to allow review of the grades. Mr. Kozikowski suggested having staff review the current grades as they relate to the approved grades and bond the improvements, if additional grading needs to be done. He stated there are specific items which are currently bonded, including road paving, sidewalks, trees, and the sedimentation barrier. If other site improvements are necessary, a new bond may be issued. Ms. Jean Hotchkiss, 34 school House Drive, Unit 407, West Hartford, CT, stated her opinion that walkout basements should not have been allowed. Mr. Kozikowski stated the site plan application shows a choice of three styles of homes which can be built. Commissioner Wollman moved to close the public hearing. Commissioner Rogan seconded the motion which carried unanimously. IV Public Hearings Commissioner Wollman moved to combine IVb.c.d. for review and discussion. b. Zone Change Application of Dennis Ceneviva, Esq. to change the zone of 104 Episcopal Road(Parcel 4-4-82-21), 196 Berlin Turnpike (Parcel 4-4-82-17), 0 Berlin Turnpike (Parcel 4-4-82-17-1), and 250 Berlin Turnpike(Parcel 4-4-81-18) from the PS-B zone to the Berlin Turnpike Development Zone Site c. Text Amendment Application of Dennis Ceneviva, Esq. to modify Section VIII.H of the Berlin Zoning Regulations d. Site Plan and Special Permit applications of 196 Wilbur Cross Highway, Berlin, LLC and 224 Berlin Turnpike, LLC and John L. Orsini for a mixed-use development with 3 Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes—August 1, 2019 commercial and multi-family residential buildings on property located at 0, 196 and 250 Berlin Turnpike and 104 Episcopal Road in the PS-B zone and the proposed Berlin Turnpike Development Zone Attorney Dennis Ceneviva, Broad Street, Meriden, CT,representing Mr. John Orsini who is the sole member of all three LLC's stated in the applications. In addition to Mr. Orsini, Mr. Matt Robillard, project engineer, and Mr. Andy Graves,project architect, both from BL Companies, were also present. Attorney Ceneviva stated Mr. Orsini was approved for the abutting Acura dealership and commercial building in 2016. The four applications before the commission are for what has turned out to be the"extension of the master plan" for Mr. Orsini's property. The addition of the commercial building will be similar in design to the existing commercial building. The residential development will have 72,two bedroom upscale, luxury apartments with access off Episcopal Road. In order to accomplish the plan,the text amendment to the Berlin Turnpike zone is submitted and its approval will allow two bedroom units. He stated Mr. Orsini has a proven record regarding this type of development. The commercial building will be sited parallel to the Berlin Turnpike to allow good visibility for the businesses located in the building. Mr. Andy Graves, architect, stated the residential units are of a"larger scale" and are proposed to have two bedrooms, a dining room,two full baths, walk-in closets, balconies and porches. Parking requirements are exceeded and in no case will there be back to back parking. Parking garages are also proposed. The retail building will use similar materials as the existing building. Mr. John Orsini, applicant and developer, stated he has developed a site in North Haven with 146 units and over time,the one bedroom units were converted into two bedroom units which proved very successful. The new retail business will bring in businesses and taxes to Berlin. Mr. Jim Simons, 62 Vivian Drive, stated he has lived in Berlin his whole life and of those years has lived on Vivian Drive. He stated concern for the overtaxed police and ambulance services. He stated his approval of the larger size apartments and asked for details regarding buffering for their residential neighborhood. He stated concern for the potential for pollution from the runoff and its effect on their wells on Vivian Drive and the noise from the type of business that would located in the retail building with the drive-thru window. Mr. Sam Desai, 176 Berlin Turnpike, stated he has lived in Berlin for 40 years and saw the development of Home Depot and his development of the Best Western Hotel in 2003. He stated support the proposal. Mr. Dave Valickis, 73 Episcopal Road, stated concern about the property lines for his property. Mr. Jim Sanders, 1540 Episcopal Road, stated concern for the density of the development and traffic. Mr. Steve Wantek, 68 Vivian Drive, stated concerns for the potential for increase in crime and traffic. He stated concerns for the speed of vehicles on Episcopal Road. 4 Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes—August 1, 2019 Mr. Jim Sanders, 73 Episcopal Road, discussed the problems with the Episcopal and Deming Road intersection. Attorney Ceneviva stated the originally proposed curb cut would not meet the site line requirement in accordance with the Police Department review;therefore, the Police Chief's recommendation that only a only right hand turn traffic onto Episcopal Road will be incorporated into the plan. The new buildings will connect to existing water and sewer lines; storm water management directs all runoff to a detention basin located in the southeast corner of the site, away from the residential area; 382 trees will be planted and will buffer Vivian Drive; and the drive-through has a car length of only five cars, which is typical for a bank's drive-thru. He stated it is a goal of the developer to protect Vivian Drive. The commercial building will first be constructed. Mr. Kozikowski reviewed his staff report, including items about parking, electrical power, lighting on buildings, storage space, garage spaces,traffic, outdoor mechanic equipment, driveway slopes, submitted plans, a lot merger to combine all parcels, Berlin Water Control Commission comments, and signage. Mr. Kozikowski reviewed public comments with the applicant: Wells on Vivian Drive Mr. Robillard stated all runoff will be collected and treated in a catch basin which will be cleaned and maintained in accordance with DEEP requirements. Installation of a berm and fencing to buffer Vivian Drive Attorney Ceneviva stated the proposed trees will provide a natural buffer. Berms can be unattractive and a fence may have maintenance issues. Property Lines Mr. Robillard stated a survey had been completed by the engineering firm of Hallisey, Pearson& Cassidy and the lines only concern Mr. Orsini's property. Trash Removal A dumpster pad is located between the commercial buildings and 3 other locations on the site. Mr. Dave Valickas, 73 Episcopal Road, stated the sign posted for a right turn only onto Episcopal Road will be ignored by drivers. Mr. Jim Simons, 62 Vivian Drive, suggested the Planning and Zoning Commission work with the Police Department regarding traffic on Episcopal Road as it is a statistic that Deming Road and Route 5 and Episcopal Road area has the highest number of accidents than any other intersection in Berlin. 5 Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes—August 1, 2019 Commissioner Zigmont moved to continue the public hearings to the September 5, 2019 meeting. Commissioner Jorsey seconded the motion which carried unanimously. IV Old Business a. Special Permit and Site Plan Applications of Joseph Brescia, Property Owner, Silver Island Estates, for age-restricted multi-family development, Silver Island Way, located in the POR zone Commissioner Wollman moved to approve the applications, subject to the following conditions: a. The units will be architecturally consistent with the existing units. b. The originally approved grading will be installed with modification to the swale. c. Ensure proper grading into the catch basin. Commissioner Rogan seconded the motion which carried unanimously. b. Zone Change Application of Dennis Ceneviva, Esq. to change the zone of 104 Episcopal Road (Parcel 4-4-82-21), 196 Berlin Turnpike (Parcel 4-4-82-17), 0 Berlin Turnpike (Parcel 4-4-82-17-1), and 250 Berlin Turnpike(Parcel 4-4-81-18) from the PS-B zone to the Berlin Turnpike Development Zone Site c. Text Amendment Application of Dennis Ceneviva, Esq. to modify Section VIII.H of the Berlin Zoning Regulations d. Site Plan and Special Permit applications of 196 Wilbur Cross Highway, Berlin, LLC and 224 Berlin Turnpike, LLC and John L. Orsini for a mixed-use development with commercial and multi-family residential buildings on property located at 0, 196 and 250 Berlin Turnpike and 104 Episcopal Road in the PS-B zone and the proposed Berlin Turnpike Development Zone No action taken. VI Commissioner Comments VII Discussion of Scheduling Special Meeting VIII Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Frances M. Semnoski Recording Secretary 6 Berlin Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting Minutes—August 1, 2019 RECEIVED F RRECORD BERLIN TOsf;f3 Of FRK 2J i 9 AUG -7 PH 2: 43 8ERJ!,CT