1964/02/03 AGENDA Board of Selectmen Meeting Monday, February 3, 1964 1. Interviews for Director of Public Works. 7s30 - Edward L. Davis 7=45 - Morg~nSeelye 8=00 - Chester Langtry 2. Approve minutes of last meeting. 3. Co~nity Art League Lease. 4. Marine Corps League Lease. 5. PoLice Commission Appointment. 6. Progress on Hubbard School. ?. Any other business. Minutes of the Meeting February 3, 196~ TOWN OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTMEN The meeting opened at 7:30 p.m., with the three Selectmen present. Item I In executive session, Selectmen, former Director of Public Works James F. Kissane, Jr., Barry Squillaeote of the New ~ritain Public Works Department, and Edward 0. Fresen, Town of Engineer of Newington, interviewed applicants for the position of Director of Public Works; Edward L. Davis, Morgan Seelye, and ~hester Langtry. It was the unanimous opinion of the tkree consulting engineers that the applicants be considered in the following order. 1. Morgan Seelye 2. Chester Langt~y 3. Edward L. Davis ~r. Blackburn moved, Mr. Lanzoni seconded, appointment of M~rgan__ Seelye as Director of Public Works with salary of $~,200.00 year±y, ~ plus a $500.00 automobile expense allowance. Mr. Seelye will ~-~ serve a probationary period of six months. Motion carried. Item ii Minutes of the meeting of January 27, 1953 were accepted as w~itteno ' Item III Mr. Blackburn moved, Mr. Lanzoni seconded, signing of new ~ one year lease with the 0ommunity A~t League. Motion carried. Item IV Mr. Powers advised that the Marine 0orp Leauge has again allowed the Selden School ful-nace to run out of oil and that the continued misuse of the building cannot be allowed. Less than foum months age (Minutes of the Meeting - Item IV - October 14, 1963) the League had allowed liability insurance to expire and after consulting with the Selectmen they had promised to fulfill all obligations of their lease in the future. Mr. Powers moved, Mr. Lanzoni seconded, to terminate lease on the Selden School with the Marine Corp League. Should the Selectmen lease the building to another group they will recommend that the Marine Oorp League be allowed to hold its meetings in the building since they have spent a great deal of time and money in re~toring the building, but they will be the first to admit that their organization is unable Physically and financially to assume responsibility of the building at this time. Motion ca, tied. Item V Mr. Powers moved, Mr. Lanzoni seconded, appointment of Sebastian Valentt to the Police Co~Aission to fill vacancy created e the resignation of Joseph Scheyd. Mr. Valenti will serve until next Town election in November, 1964. Motion carried. Minutes of the Meeting -2- February 3, 1964 Item VI Mr. Powers read letter, dated January 29, 1964 from Dr. McIntosh regarding acceptance of the Hubbard School by the Town. The Worthington Garden Club has recommended that shrubbery and bulbs ~owing at the Hubbard School be saved. Mr. Powers will advise Dr. McIntosh that the Town will accept the Hubbard School after the children are out of the school, providing the referendum for the new school is passed. Effort will be made to save shrubs and bulbs for future use. Item VIi M~. Powers read letter, dated ~anuary 31, 1963 from Leo Helenski, Chairman of the ~'~c Building Commission to the Board of Finance, stating preliminary costs of the building and following order of progress to present referendum to the people early in March. Mr. Powers advised attendance records have been received from the Public Building 0ommission and the Safety Committee. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m. A. B. Powers J. p. Lanzoni J. Blackburn