1963/09/30C Minutes of the Meeting September 30, 1963 TCMN OF BBRLIN OFFICE OF THE SELr~CTM~N The meeting opened at 7:30 p.m. with the three Selectmen present. Minutes of the meeting of September 23, 1963 were accepted as written. ~tr. Powers read letter, dated September 23, 1963 from the Metallurgical Corporation of New England in which they stated they definitely plan to locate in Berlin. Mr. Powers advised that since the Berlin Fair starts oi Friday, Oct. $, it was felt by Town Hall employees they would prefer to work until i:00 on this day and have Columbus Day off as a full holiday. Ralph Carter objects to this action. ~tr. £erin moved, Mr. Lanzoni seconded, that we give all Town employees Friday October $, 1963 from 1:00 p.m. off, with pay, to a~w them time to participate in the activities in commeration of the Berlin Fair. Motion carried. Mr. Powers moved, Mro Lanzoni seconded, that all Town H&ll employees will get Friday, October 11, 1963 off; this in lieu of the entire day off for the Berlin Fair. M~ion carried. C At the advice of Town Counsel, ME. Kerin moved, ME. Lanzoni seconded, payment of claim of $175.00 to Freeman Theiss. Motion carried. ME. Powers read letter from William Skene of the East Berlin Fire Department in which he s~ates that the Fire Chiefs have decided not to make any change in the siren in the High Road area, but have contacted the phone Company to have the number.of blasts shortened. . . ME. Powers will look into the matter and see if another solutzon can be found to satisfy the people in the area° M~. Powers read letter from Ralph Carter, Assessor, in which he that he has written to the Board of Finance asking for funds to pay Scalise bills. (Minutes of the meeting, September 23, 1963) states ME. Powers ~ead letter from Lillian Sjovall requesting use of Cosnunity House for a dancing class. Since the Board has under consideration request~ of Shirley~Demerest, MEs. Sjovall will be notified that the Board desires to leave the Community House open for community purposes. M~. Powers thanked ME. Kerin for his four years of dedicated service to the Town as a Selectman and that he had the sincere thanks of ME. Lanzoni~ and I not only for his deliberations of the Board, but also for his friend- ship. Mfo ~erin thanked ME. Powers and Mr° Lanzoni for their four years o£ ._~. rk together for the benqfit of the Town .a~.d for this opportunity to press his appreciation for their friendship. The ~eeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. Powers Lanzoni Blackbu~n Mr. Powers advised that bids, as advertised, had been opened at the Selectmen's Office on W&dnesday, October 2, 1963, at 10:00 a.m. CurbinF~Conmc~ for Cindy Lane, Bishops Curve, Corn. Webster Ridge & Mil~rum Road; Woodruff Lane, Tower Avenue, Bllwood Road, Pete; Parley Row, Ha£tland Terrace and Robiudale Drive. Bid was awarded to C. M. Hamilton, for $2,794.40. This was the on1¥ bid received on this project but was accepted and awarded since it was essential that work be started immediately. Percival Avenue Foot Bridge Apprgavhes B. Aiudi & Son. Kensington, Conn. Ellmeorth Brothers £ensington, Conn. 3,162. O0 After review by Town Engineers, bid was awarded to iiudi & Son, low bidder. T9~1 Gate Road & Wildem Road B. iiudi & ion Don DeAngelo Horbal Bros. Kensington, Conn. Plainville, Conn. Kensington, Conn. $6,257.60 7,938.00 7,104. O0 After review by Town Engineers, bid was marded to iiudi & Son, low bidder.