1982-03-23 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION The last meeting of the Economic Development Commission was held on Tuesday, March 23, 1982. Members present were Chairman Bill Diskin, Cliff Hamilton, Peter King, and Vincent D'Addabbo. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. Chairman Bill handed out copies of the report on "ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT - 1:HY NOW" to all members at meeting. He stated that copies had been sent to the Executive Board, Board of Finance, Planing and Zoning Commissions and Town Engineer. A discussion followed. It was brought up that some of the reasons we need a Director were : that we have had no growth in our town although all surrounding towns have increased in percent- age growth. It was brought up that two principle reasons were : 1. Should we, the Town of Berlin go after condo and townhouse construction? If so , where? 2. Restricted zoning. 3. We need an individual that can spend 8 hours a day on these matters. Someone who will have a pulse on everything going on. It was brought up that Commission members do not have the time to do this. Chairman Bill brought up a discussion on the Prentice Building. He has been involved in the planning state of discussing the feasibility of converting the Prentice building into senior citizen housing. It is the feeling of the board that it is a good idea and they are in favor of it. There is good bus availabity, near doctors, shopping, etc. There are elevators in building. They could put in 76 units. He stated there has also been discussion on the Percival School building which could also be converted to senior citizen housing. They could get 28, 1_ room efficiencies. With regards to the Keller property. Bill stated he had met with the President and Vice President of EASCO MFG. CO. and Mr. Pat Mook, engineer in charge of the project. He will keep us informed as to developments. The members were informed that the Town Meeting (Budget) would be held on March 27th, Saturday and that all members should try to attend as the Ec. Director position would be brought up. Meeting was adjourned at 8:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Ann Zesk, Sec.