1981-03-24 The last meeting of the Economic Development CommisMtihagERLIN held on Tuesday, March 24th at the Town Hall. The meetijw itosm 3 AM '81 called to order at 7:35 p.m. Members present 1..ere Presiliffn9 Bi!4 Diskin, Gerry Smotrycz, Peter King, Vincent D'Addabbo and MA Cliff OFFICE Hamiltonj Stanley Cable. The minutes were read and accepted. Treasurer Gerry Smotrycz gave the following report: Balance as of March 11, 1981: Secretary 4124.50 Research 4500.00 Dues & Conf. 41.65 Postage 4104.45 4770.60 Following correspondence and business was discussed: 1. Chairman Bill read from a copy of the letter which Mayor Ragazzi had sent to Stanton Brown asking for his resignation: He also read a copy of letter which the Mayor had sent to Pat Caccavale of Sherwood Tool regarding railroad loading dock. Bill had attended a meeting with the Mayor and representatives , from Conrail and Morgan Seelye, Town Engineer regarding repair ;or replacement of loading dock at railroad station. 2. Bill read from the Town of Berlin Municipal Guidebook. There followed a discussion of the section marked "Developing Your Land". It was noted that developing land in the Town of Berlin necessitated getting approval from all the following: 1. Building Inspector 2. Health Director 3. Zoning Commission 4. Zoning Board of Appeals 5. Inland wetland & Water Courses Commission 6. Berlin Historic Dist. 7. Water Control Commission The commission feels that certain of the above noted regulatory agencies could be eliminated. The consensus of our Commission is that applicants should not be over-burdened with duplications in their efforts to locate within the Town of Berlin. At the present time we are pursuing ways of streamlining existing regulations or ordinances in an effort to place Berlin on an equal competitive basis with other communities. All Commission members will do some homework and research on recommendations. Stanley Gable stated that he felt we should recommend that a moratoriam be put on not releasing any moreindustrial land to residential in the Town of Berlin. After more discussion the meeting adjourned at 9 :05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 4 Ann Zesk, Secretary