1977-10-25 THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION The last meeting of the Economic Development Commission was held on October 25, 1977 at the Town Hall. Meeting was called to order at 7 :30 pm. . Members present were : Chairman Bill Diskin, Henry Fournier, Clifford Hamilton, Vincent D'Addabbo, Peter King and Stanley Gable. 1:•) 411. 1- Chairman • 43r Chairman Bill announced that he will attend a seminar at tit, University of New Haven on November 18th regarding "Areas of Mutual Concern to the Chamber sf Commerce of Central Connecticut".• Bill has been meeting with the Executive Director and Pres. ♦f the Chamber of Commerce of New Britain as a promoter of the Economic Development. He stated that our retail business is in trouble. We have too many beauty parlors, barber shops, pizza shops, garages, etc. We have only one mems shop and one ladies shop. The Economic Development Commission has to coop . crate with the Chamber of Commerce and something has to be done to encourage ether types of businesses and perhaps f shop, ping mall, etc. We have the smallest growth in shops is sora« parison to other towns around us. Bill also read an article "Areas of Mutual Concern is t Chamber of Commerce of Central Connaeticut". The meeting adjourned at 8430 pit. Rsepe$tfully submitted* Ann Zssk Sseretefl • ,. I