1963/01/28Boaxd o£ Selec~.mon Meeting #onday, d-anua~-y 28, 1963 Apl~cove manures o~ last meeting. 2. PetLt~oa £rom Webster Heights, - ?own Counsel's answer. 3. Agenda £o~ Torn Neet£ng -Februar~ 4, 1963. 4. Claim £rom NFs. Rlta Waslelak, £ormerly o£ 2248 Wtlbvx Cross Highway, Be:Xln. 5. Any other business. Minutes of the Meeting January 28, 1963 TOWN OF BERLIN OFFIC~ OF THE SBLBCTME~ The meeting opened at 7:30 p.m. with Selectmen Powers and Kerin present. Mr. Lanzoni was ill and unable to attend. Item I Minutes of the meeting of January 21, 1963 were accepted as written. [. ' Item II Mr. Powers read letter from Town Counsel Dawson in which opinion · is given on barriers which have been installed on Hamilton Drive. Attorney ! Dawson states we are legally within our rights to put up barricades and to keep them there. The barricades were installed in September, 1961, as a safety measure. Mr. Kerin suggested asking the Safety Committee and the Police Department to survey the area and report their findings to the Selectmen. Item III Agenda for Town Meeting to be held on February 4, 1963 will include the following items. : 1. Appointments to Redevelopment Commission 2. Acceptance of land off Reservoir Road from Continental Can Co. 3. Taxation of Mobile Homes Item IV Board unanimously agreed to pay claim of Mrs. Rita Wasielak;' formerly of 2248 Wilbur Cross Highway Berlin, for $75.00 to replace glasses broken when she fell on sidewalk. Item V Mr. Powers advised South [ensington Fire Department has requested Town to pay for their' electric light bill. No funds are available for this purpose. Selectmen will f~ard bill to the Board of Finance and will send letter to the South Kensington Fire Department advising them of the action they have taken. Mr. Powers read letter from Webster Heights Realth Company in which they indicate they are not indebted to the Town of Berlin. Letter-'Wi'Il be turned over t® Attorney Dawson with the request that he write and request immediate payment. Mr. Powers read letter from Board of Education requesting joint meeting with the Board of Selectmen and Board of Finance to discuss the pupil transportation problem. CC: The meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m. A. B. Powers J. P. Lanzoni H. T. [erin ,