1961-05-11 •� TOTN OF BERLIN BERLIN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION May 11, 1961 Harold F. Bomba Town Clerk Town Hall Berlin, Connecticut Dear Mr. Bomba: The members of the Berlin Industrial Development Commission met recently to establish a set of by-laws under which the Committee may function more effec i-ively. Trusting that this information may be of interest to you, we are enclosing a copy of the above- mentioned by-laws. /'—\ Yours truly, J seph L. Doyle, i / airman • i po TO:JN OF BERLIN INDUSTRIAL D VELOPNB!T COI MISSION I STATEP'ENT OF PURPOSE It shall be the duty of the Industrial Development Commission to: (a) Seek to foster a business climate favorable to the retention and expansion of business and industry presently located within the Town of Berlin (b) Attempt to solicit and encourage the establishment of new, desirable businesses and industries within the Town of Berlin (c ) Adhere to terms specified by State Enabling Legislation (Appendix A) and by the Town of Berlin Ordinance (Appendix B) II ORC ANIZ AT IOIT (a) The Industrial Development Commission shall consist of nine members who must be electors of the Town of Berlin appointed by majority vote of the Board of Selectmen, etc. , in accordance with the town ordinance or as a_ ended. (b) The Industrial Development Commission' s chairman may be named by the Board of Selectmen; a Vice-Chairman shall be named by majority vote of the members themselves . In the event that the Chairman is not named by the Board of Selectmen, the committee , itself, will appoint its own chair- man. (c ) The Chairman shall issue the calls for meetings at least once a month, excepting July and August, or at more frequent intervals durinany part of the year if the situation warrants . A quorum shall consist of a majority of appointed members and no official action shall be taken in the absence of a quorum. (d) All monies expended or appropriated by the Commission shall be approved by a majority of the quorum. (e ) The Industrial Development Commission shall name one of its members as Financial Secretary for a two year term. It shall be the responsibility of the Financial Secretary to maintain an account of monies appropriated to the Industrial Development Commission, to record disbursements from such fund and to direct the preparation of an Annual Budget (f ) The chairman shall aproint members to the following committees and shall require periodic progress reports from them: 1. Fact-finding 2. Real Estate & Site Selection 3. Public Relations L . Prospect Contact 5. Plant Financing (g ) The by-laws may be changed by official action of this Comission at any regular meeting. IIIMETHODS OF OPERATION A° Committee Functions : 1, Fact-Finding Prepare and maintain an up-to-date listing of all available sites and plants. Provide liaison with the Town Engineering and Town Assessors Offices. Prepare Site-Data sheets. - 2 - �' III METHODS OF OPERATION C ONT I D (III-?_) 2. Real Estate Determine locations of most suitable sites and plants. Provide liaison with the Town Planning Commission and Town Zcnin Commission . Maintain an un-to-date listin ; of all licensed real estate brokers in this area and other larTe metropolitan areas to which prospects or property owners may be referred when they request such information. 3. Public Rela':ions Solicit and encourage Public understanding and surport of work of tha Industrial Development Comission. Prepare and issue news releases . Prepare and issue promotional material. Contact industries and businesses presently located in town in a continuin pro ram designed to aid their ler;itimate ^,rowth. Provide liaison with State of Connecticut Development Commission, the Area Development Department of the Connecticut Li!,ht and Power Company, the Industrial Departlent of the NYNTI H2R, Berlin Chamber of Commerce, etc . I;_. Prospect Contact Provide focal point of communit7 contact to which prospects may be referred. Resrond to and direct the follow-up of all leitimate inquiries and prosy ects. 5. Plant Financ inF Provide liaison with local banks. E.::plore the possibility of local financin-; to aid in the securinn' or establishment of desirable industry. Provide liaison with Conn. Develop- ment Credit Corp. B: INQUIRY PROC=UFL The followinry proceedure shall be followed in response to any sincere and leitimate inq iry: 1. It should be referred to the Prospect Contact Committee . 2. They will make every effort to personally acknowledge receipt of the inquiry by letter. 3. Or direct such acknowledy;ement by a qualified employee of the Commission. 4. And will then attempt to arranc*e for a satisfactory response to the inquiry, either pe_'sonally or by referral to another member of the Commission or by such qualified employee . 5. The status of all active inquiries shall be reviewed at each regular meeting. 6. If none of the above-mentioned actions can be accomplished, ';renthe i��.q iry, with the approval of the Commission, may be referred to the Area Development Department of the CL�"::P it wIli ch case it shall be the resnonsi.bili ty of t'�-is comuitteee to report on the progress .