1962/11/19 AGENDA Board of Selectmen's Meeting Monday, November 19, 1962 1. Approve minutes of last meeting. 2. Reappoint Fred Downs and Jack Walsh to the Industrial Development Com~aission for a five-year term. 3. Award bid for snow blower for Park Del~artment. 4. Approve tax refund to John Genovese, 13 Grove Hill, Berlin, in the amount of $75.00 - refund of excess payments, veterans exemption disability. 5. Award Snowplow bid - highway department. 6. Any other business. ]~uutes of the Meeting November 19, 1962 TOi~'~ OF BERLIN OFFICE OF THE SELECTMEN Item I Minutes o£ ~he meeting o£ Nove~uber 1~, 1962 were accepted as ~ritten. Item II Board unanimously reappointed Fred Downs and Jack %Valsh to the Industrial Development Cormmission for a five year term. Item Iit Mr. Powers.advised Messrs Dennis, LaRosa and Haber had reco~ended purchase of a 20" sweep Snowflyer Sn~vblower for use of the Park Department. The Center Paint & Hardware quoted price of $265.00 with trade in o£ old blower. Mr. Lanzoni moved, the Board concurred, accepting recommendation and approving purchase of this sn~vb!ower From Center Paint & Hardware. Item IV Board approved payment of tax refund to John Genovese, 13 Grove Hill, Kensington, in the amount of $?§.O0. Item V Mr. Powers advised that Director of Public Works J~mes F. Xissane, Jr., and Highway Superintendent Grant Skinner have recommended purchase of an Anderson Snov. plow. They feel that their equipment is rigged for it ~nd in attempting to standardize equipment this plow would be serve the Highway Dept. Deephouse Equipment is the dealer in the area and they have quoted a price of ,1,S28.00. ~r. Kerin moved, the Board concurred, accepting quote o£ Deephouse Equipment Company on recommendation of Director of Public V~orks and Highway Superintendent. Item VI Mr. Kerin questioned whether Bernard Street had been accepted since there are no lights or signs there. He v.~s advised that this street will be accepted in the very near future. Mr. P~vers informed the Board that the Hig~vay Department had done such a tremendous job on building and repairing roads that he would recommend allowing them to have the day a~ter Thanksgiving, Friday, November S~, as a holiday in appreciation. Board unanimously agreed and High~y Department %~11 be advised. The meeting adjourned ~t 8:20 cc A. B. Powers J. P. Lanzoni H. T. Kerin