1961/03/211. Regular Meeting Berlin Town Planning Commission, March 21, 1961 et 8 P.M. Members present: Nunzio Rosso, Robert Bennerup, snd George Garrlty. Also, James F. Kissane, Town Engineer, and Margaret Gooby. 2. Mr. Gsrrftywss appointed Acting Secretary. 3. Wslter Zuk sppesred to discuss the three lots on Wigwam Eoad - see Msrch 7 Min. Item 12. He presented s map of the Town showing the ares involved snd various rights-of-way into the land. (old woodlot roads) He stated thst the total screage of the land sold is approx. 100 sores. The two parties would llke to divide the land so that they each have from 7 to 8 sores for building lots, the remaining sores would be Jointly owned. J. Noxon Howard is the Attorney who drew up the deeds for the property, and ~-.Zuk will ask him to contact Nunzfo Rosso to discuss this subdivision snd its applica- tion for a proposal to include this type of s subdivision in our Reguletions. The Commission felt that one of the moat important problems was that of a road or a right-of-way for access into the lsnd. People owning the lend off Wigwam Rd. now have the rfgh-of-way to use the woodlot roads shown on the map. The opinion wes thst perhaps the best access to the ares would be from Shuttle Meadow Ave. The map wes left with the Commission. 4. Earl Street - Mr. Domler appeared to question the status of approval of the road and release of the $1000. Bond. The Town Engineer gave a verbal report stating that the amount of water coming onto Earl St. is about 10-15% of what it was previously. The reason might be because Mr. Johnson has had his cellar waterproofed and he is not longer pumping wster out of the cellar into the dry well. Mr. Kiassne further remarked that he beliew~s that when the grass on the bank begins to grow it will help to keep the water from seeping t~mru the bsnk. Mr. Rosso remarked thstwe cannot release the $1000. Bond until spprovsl has been given to Earl St. It w~s the opinion of the Commission that adefinite answer regarding release of the Bond would be given no later than our Apr~il 25 Meeting. 5. On motion of R. Bennerup, seconded by G. Gerrlty, the Minutes of the March 7 Meeting were approved es written. 6. Squssh Pipe - Webster Square Road - J. Kissane reported that this has been installed by the State. 17. Sanitary Code - Marc~ 7 Minutes - Item 8 - nothing new. 8. Simeone Property - March 7 Minutes - Item 15 - J. Kfssane stated that he hss heard nothing on this since our last meeting except that Mr. J. Ad,ms is working on appraising the property. 9. Simcik Property - M~rch 7 Minutes - Item ll - Mr. Kissane reported that he had contacted Jim Dawson on this an8 that it is his opinion that the Simciks couldl subdivide the rear ares as long as the Town is given proper protection regarding building or ro~ds. TEe building of the roads should be done by the owners of the land in question snd~nould not now or ever be the responsibility of the Town. Mr. Dawson stated that (1) ~ notation to the effect should be put on the map, and (2) that all of the deeds from the Simcik estate to the 8 persons involve8 should also carry a deed restriction regarding buil~ing of roads. Jim Ktssane said that he had discussed this with Walter Simcik and it wes agreed that Jim would get in touch with their engineer and attorney to hsve the map and deeds properly drawn up: but that this would not be done until after Walter SImctk has hsd e chance to discuss it with the others involved and get their agreement. 10. Msple Msnor- Msrch 7 Minutes - Item 13 - J~mes Kisssne reported that Messrs. J~mes D~wson, Ken and Adolph Schultz, end Neil Clark, and himself had met snd gone over the whole problem. It w~s Jim D~wson's opinion that the Town has no responsi- bility in the matter, but he will check a few more cases before giving a final opinion. ~ll. Budget - 1961-62 A letter was recetved from the Finance Board asking that Budgets for l0 months 1961-62 be submitted before Msrch 24, 1961. The reason for the l0 month Budget for 1961-62 is to make the change to the Uniform Fiscal Year. It wes the opinion of the Commission that we would submit sn Operating Expense Budget for $750.00. The question of including monies in our budget to take care of any possible benefit fees wss discussed. It w~s felt that we would not want these monies to appear in the Plsnning Commission Budget, but that they should ~ppear somewhere in the overall Budget. 12. Conn. Fed. of Plennlng & Zoning Agencies - Meeting Merch 28 Hotel Bond. Messrs. Rosso, Bennerup, Gerr~ty, end Kissene ere planning to attend. The Cha{rm~n will contact Mrs. Cr~ddock end Mr. Winterbottom before sending in the reservetions. 13. Subdivision Regulations - it is now plenned to invite the Chamber of Commerce and the Builders & Land Developers Assoc. to a meeting ~t t he Legion Hall on April ll to discuss our new proposed Subdiv].eion Regulations. Mr. Rosso will see to inviting the two groups. 14. Meeting adjourned at 10 P.M. ~}{~ spec t fully .~$~bmi t t ed, Ge o~ge Gerrfty, ~4c t ing Secretary